What Happens When You Die guide in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Learn about what happens if you faint, black out, can you die, lose items, penalties, how to avoid dying, fainting and more!
What Happens When You Faint
You Lose Some Of Your Items

When the protagonist blacks out, the screen will go dark and he/she will drop some of his items. Before resuming your game, you can check what items you dropped.
Be Careful With Your Health When Carrying Rare Items

▲ When your screen turns red, it means your character is close to fainting.
You can check the character's health by his/her color and field of vision. If you're screen is red, do not approach wild Pokemon recklessly.
You'll Be Forced To Return To Camp

When you black out, you will be forced to return to camp. If you are exploring somewhere far from base camps, be careful not to faint since it can be a hassle to go back.
How To Avoid Blacking Out
Obtain A Charm To Prevent Fainting

If you have a charm, you can prevent items from being lost when the main character blacks out instead of losing the charm. It is a good idea to have a charm when collecting rare items in case something bad happens.
Get Help From Other Players With Lost & Found

If another player picks up an item that you dropped, the item will be returned to you. An Internet connection and online subscription is required to use this feature to retrieve the item.
Acquire Merit Points

When you pick up an item dropped by another user, you will receive MP (Merit Points). Merit Points can be exchanged for items at the Jubilife Village Exchange Shop.
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