Read this Dauntless guide to learn all about the Behemoths (Monsters) in the game - including strategy guides, walkthroughs, weakness charts, loot drop and parts, Pursuit and Patrol appearances & more.

All Boss List Per Element
Neutral Behemoths List & Overview

The Gnasher will be the first Behemoth you will hunt. It relies on its massive tail and incisors to take out unsuspecting Slayers, so prioritize taking these out. At higher threat levels, they become more dangerous and aggressive.
Check Out How To Beat Gnasher / Ragetail Gnasher Here!Variants & Threat Level | Lesser (1), Regular (3), Ragetail (9), Heroic Ragetail (13) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Use a heavy attack when it slides flat on its belly |
Weakness | No elemental weakness |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Gnasher Hide Head: Ragetooth Leg: Gnasher Shinplate Tail: Sharpened Slapper |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

A winged Behemoth that shoots out aether vortexes, and uses its mass to drop and crush Slayers. At higher threat levels, its moves become more erratic.
Check Out How To Beat Shrike / Moonreaver Shrike Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (4), Moonreaver (9), Heroic Moonreaver (14) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Use a heavy attack during its gliding attack or when it focuses its energy |
Weakness | No elemental weakness |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Torn Shrikefeather Head: Razor Beak Wing: Shrike Bladefeather Tail: Shrikedown |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

A Behemoth that feeds on aether and turns it to razor-sharp spines. It can then shoot these quills and rain them down on Slayers.
Check Out How To Beat Quillshot / Deadeye Quillshot Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (5), Deadeye (12), Heroic Deadeye (14) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Its quill barrage can be interrupted when enraged with enough damage |
Weakness | No elemental weakness |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Quillshot Hide Head: Quillshot Tusk Leg: Quillshot Hide Tail: Jagged Tailspike Quills: Quillshard |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.
Blaze Behemoths List & Overview

A fast and lethal 4-legged Behemoth that wields the power of fire to burn Slayers. Beware of its rush attacks, as these can be interrupted.
Check Out How To Beat Embermane / Bloodfire Embermane Here!Variants & Threat Level | Lesser (1), Regular (5), Bloodfire (10), Heroic Bloodfire (15) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Can be interrupted by hitting its head with a heavy attack while rushing |
Weakness | Frost |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Embermane Hide Horn: Emberhorn Tail: Burning Tailspike Head: Savage Hooktooth Leg: Smoked Dewclaw |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

A walking furnace with a tough armored hide, the Charrog blasts jets of flame in all directions. Watch out for its lava balls that can track Slayers!
Check Out How To Beat Charrogg / Firebrand Charrogg Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (4), Firebrand (8), Heroic Firebrand (13) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | No confirmed interruptible attacks |
Weakness | Frost |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Charrogg Scale Fire Sacs: Burned Gillhide Leg: Scorched Rockhide Head: Smoldering Horn Tail: Smoldering Tailspike |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

A cousin of the Pangar, this Behemoth feeds on blaze aether, and has armor plating all over its back. Watch out for its wide sweeping tail. Hit his scales when glowing to drop Molten orbs, and use it to increase your attack & move speed!
Check Out How To Beat Hellion / Scorchstone Hellion Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (7), Scorchstone (12), Heroic Scorchstone (15) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | No confirmed interruptible attacks |
Weakness | Frost |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Hellhide Head: Charred Browplate Leg: Burned Hindscale Tail: Charred Tailplate |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.
Frost Behemoths List & Overview
Boreus / Dreadfrost Boreus

A massive frost Behemoth with unique psionic abiities to control minions and to surround itself with frost armor. Destroy his minions to get a buff that pierces through this armor.
Check Out How To Beat Boreus / Dreadfrost Boreus Here!Variants & Threat Level | Lesser (3), Regular (6), Dreadfrost (9), Heroic Dreadfrost (15) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | No confirmed interruptible attacks |
Weakness | Blaze |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Boreus Hide Head: Horn Fragment Leg: Hoof Chip Tail: Ice Hindscale |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

The Skraev bears a striking similarity to the Shrike. It uses its wings to glide and charge towards Slayers, which can be interrupted with a well timed heavy attack.
Check Out How To Beat Skraev / Winterhorn Skraev Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (4) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Use a heavy attack during its gliding attack |
Weakness | Blaze |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Frostmantle, Skraev Feather Wing: Frostwing Shardfeather Head: Shattered Frostbeak Leg: Chillclaw Tail: Skraev Tailfeather |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

A heavily armored frost Behemoth that rolls towards attacking Slayers. Watch for this move as this can be interrupted with a heavy front attack.
Check Out How To Beat Pangar / Frostback Pangar Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (7), Frostback (11), Heroic Frotsback (15) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Heavy attack from the front when rolling |
Weakness | Blaze |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Pangar Scale Head: Icy Browplate Leg: Frozen Hindplate Tail: Frosted Tailplate |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.
Shock Behemoths List & Overview

A reptilian Behemoth that deals shock attacks. Chopping off its tail is utmost priority to disable its powerful attacks.
Check Out How To Beat Drask Here!Variants & Threat Level | Lesser (2), Regular (4) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | No confirmed interruptible attack |
Weakness | Terra |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Drask Hide, Thundering Scale, Thundersoul Shard Head: Fractal Eyetooth Leg: Jagged Sparkscale Tail: Electroscale |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

Nayzaga is particularly lethal thanks to its shocking quills that can shoot Slayers from any direction! Destroy these quills to minimize damage.
Check Out How To Beat Nayzaga Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (5), Shockjaw (11), Heroic Shockjaw (15) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | While Aethercharged, destroying its spines on its back can interrupt the Nayzaga |
Weakness | Terra |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Nayzaga Chitin Head: Shocktooth Leg: Sparkclaw Tail: Sparkspine |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

A fast and lethal Behemoth that can generate lightning, and can trap in players with a shock fence. It's ranged shock orbs can be redirected back with a heavy attack!
Check Out How To Beat Stormclaw Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (6) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Can be interrupted during its forward charge. Can also be interrupted when it places its final lightning fence pylon |
Weakness | Terra |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Stormclaw Hide Antlers: Conductive Antler Head: Glinttooth Leg: Volthoof Tail: Capacitail |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.
Terra Behemoths List & Overview

A reptilian Behemoth that manipulates landscape to use it as its armor. It can also fling and hurl its armor towards slayers. Watch out for its high damaging tornado attack.
Check Out How To Beat Skarn / Rockfall Skarn Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (4), Rockfall (8), Heroic Rockfall (13) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | When it stands, hit its hind legs, but watch out as it can damage players where it falls. It's spinning tornado attack can also be interrupted, but a ranged weapon is recommended |
Weakness | Shock |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Skarn Hide Head: Skarn Hide Armor: Stone Fragments Limbs: Skarn Hide Tail: Skarn Hide |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

An insectoid Behemoth that can send swarms of smaller Kharabak, and its slicing attacks can deal negative status that damages HP when stamina is drained. It can also turn invisible when enraged!
Check Out How To Beat Kharabak / Razorwing Kharabak Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (6), Razorwing (10), Heroic Razorwing (14) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Can be interrupted during its forward charge with one claw scraping the ground |
Weakness | Terra |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Kharabak Chitin Head: Deadly Incisor Limbs: Clawshell Fragment Tail: Deadly Ovipositor |
Loot & Parts are based from the basic form of the Behemoth. Detailed drops can be found in the specific Behemoth article.

This Behemoth uses its mastery of thorns to limit Slayer movement. This Behemoth is fast, but has plenty of interruptible attacks, but requires precision timing and select weapons.
Check Out How To Beat Koshai Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (10) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Do enough damage while twirled up in a vine as it chages for an aerial attack. Can also be interrupted by select weapons when he leaps and heads town to the ground. |
Weakness | Shock |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Aether Thorn, Vital Thorn Antlers: Splintered Antler, Broken Antler, Imposing Antler Limbs: Bramblespur, Thornclaw, Choking Bramblespur Head: Vinetooth, Thornscale, Nature's Mane Tail: Caudal Thorn, Razorthorn, Living Thorn |
Radiant Behemoths List & Overview

A beetle looking Behemoth, the Valomyr wields radiant power to slice up Slayers. This Behemoth also moves around with its teleportation. Some of his attacks drop radiant buffs that can aid your fight!
Check Out How To Beat Valomyr Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (8), Heroic (16) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | Break damage threshold when laser projectiles circle around it in the air & red marks appear on its head |
Weakness | Umbral |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Fractal Hide, Valomyr Hide Horns: Apocalypse Horn, Volatile Horn Head: Protean Fang, Fractal Fang Leg: Radiant Dewclaw, Volatile Dewclaw Tail: Unstable Tailspike, Unstable Spike, Protean Spike |

A Radiant insectoid Behemoth, wielding barrage of deadly light energy and devastating death rays damaging large areas.
Check Out How To Beat Rezakiri Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (17) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | No confirmed interruptible attacks |
Weakness | Umbral |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Rezakiri Chitin,Luminescent Chitin, Cataclysm Shard Head: Cracked Biocrystal, Radiant Biocrystal Legs: Exoskeletal Plate Tail: Lustrous Tailplate Tailgem: Radiant Aethergem |
Umbral Behemoths List & Overview

Fast and agile, it can create dimensional rifts and portals to prey on its victims. It can also create Umbral clones of itself to trick Slayers!
Check Out How To Beat The Riftstalker Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (9), Heroic (16) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | When dragged into its Umbral bubble, it can be interrupted by hitting its head when the real Riftstalker comes out of the portal. The real one hides behind a glowing pink portal |
Weakness | Radiant |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Rifthide, Unstable Rifthide Head: Chipped Riftfant, Unstable Riftfang, Apex Riftfang Tail: Dull Riftspike, Piercing Riftspike, Nightbringer Riftspike Leg: Cracked Voidclaw, Unstable Riftclaw, Rending Voidclaw |

A terrifying winged Behemoth that feeds on Umbral aether. The Shword utilizes its Umbral power to summon deadly ponds of corruption or obscure Slayer's view under veil of shadow. It can also conjure a shadow clone of itself to aid in combat.
Check Out How To Beat The Shrowd Here!Variants & Threat Level | Regular (17) |
How To Interrupt / Boop | While gliding when encased in the shadow dome |
Weakness | Radiant |
Loot & Parts | Slay: Shrowd Feather, Writhing Feather Head: Darkbeak Fragment, Darkbeak Shard, Corrupted Crownfeather Wings: Torn Bladefeather, Dark Bladefeather, Corrupted Bladefeather Legs: Cracked Shadowtalon, Twisted Shadowspur, Corrupted Shadowtalon Tail: Dark Tailfeather, Midnight Tailfeather, Corrupted Darktail |