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Sword Guide - Tutorial, Tips & Tricks

Dauntless | Sword Guide - Tutorial, Tips & Tricks

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Learn all you need to know in mastering the Sword in this tutorial; including combos, play tips, weapon mechanics, recommended Sword & more!

Sword Guide - Tutorial, Tips & Tricks

Weapon Guide & Combo

Table of Contents

Sword - Weapon Overview & Mechanics

Close-Ranged Weapon For Slashing Damage

Close-Ranged Weapon For Slashing Damage

The Sword is a weapon in Dauntless that truly shines in close-range. With moderate attack speed and power, it does good slash damage and is useful in every hunt.

Perfect For Cutting Tails & Slashing Behemoth Parts

The Sword does good slash damage - perfect for cutting Behemoth tails and horns. When equipped with a Sword, aim for these Behemoth parts to break & sever them.

Attacks Don't Consume Much Stamina

The Sword's attacks don't consume much Stamina when implemented. This makes it easier for Slayers to conserve their Stamina bars for dodging Behemoth attacks, given they're not caught in the middle of an attack animation.

Build Special Meter For Special Moves

Build Special Meter For Overdrive

The Sword in Dauntless has a special meter that you fill up using your Light & Heavy attacks. When full and activated, the Special Meter triggers your Sword's Special Moves, depending on what you have equipped.

Overdrive + Aether Dash

With Overdrive, you'll increase your attack speed and elemental damage. You'll also be able to use Aether Dash when you press the trigger button again. This launches you forward in the direction you face, allowing you to dodge fast or close into the Behemoth.

Ardent Cyclone For Continuous Damage

Using the Ardent Cyclone will spin your character around, dealing damage to all that it hits while spinning. When you press the trigger again, you'll slash your Sword in a direction to damage any caught in its way.

Heavy Attacks Can Boop Behemoths

The Sword's Heavy attack can boop or interrupt a Behemoth's incoming attack. However, the attack is slow and needs timing to perfectly disrupt the Behemoth move.

Top 3 Recommended Swords

1. Inferno's Razor


Perfect for Slayers who want to focus on dealing huge amounts of damage, the Inferno's Razor comes with a built in Overpower Perk and 2 power Cell slots.

Check Out Inferno's Razor Weapon Stats!

2. Kharabak's Spur


To further enhance the Sword's efficiency in Behemoth part-breaking, the Khabarak's Spur has a +3 Bladestorm Perk, adding increased Part damage with every hit.

Check Out Kharabak's Spur Weapon Stats!

3. Call of Dawn

The Call of Dawn is perfect for Slayers experimenting with builds. It comes with a +3 Cunning Perk, for double damage chances, and technique & utility Cell slots.

Sword - Combos & Movesets

Quad Cross

Quad Cross
shikaku iconshikaku iconshikaku iconshikaku icon

Combo For Fast Special Meter Build Up

This combo is purely composed of the Sword's Light attacks. It does moderate damage but can build up the Special Meter pretty fast, allowing you to use it more in the hunt.

Triple Elements

Triple Elements
shikaku iconshikaku iconshikaku icon (Wait) sankaku iconsankaku icon

High DPS Sword Combo

This combo mixes the Sword's Light & Heavy attacks in one flow and can dish out the highest amount of damage. However, since it needs a delay between attacks, it's best used when the Behemoth is stationary or staggered.

Rising Elements

Rising Elements
sankaku iconsankaku iconsankaku icon

Combo For Heavy Damage

Made up of mostly Heavy attacks, this combo focuses on dealing heavy damage to its target. Best used when the Behemoth is downed or not moving, using this combo is great for breaking or severing Behemoth parts.

Repeating Elements

Repeating Elements
sankaku iconsankaku icon (Wait) shikaku icon

Best DPS When Overdrive Is Active

When you have Overdrive equipped and active, this combo does the highest DPS. You can repeat your Light attacks several times and this has a wide-range of attack, allowing you to swiftly hit multiple parts of the Behemoth.

Activate Special Meter

Overdrive & Aether Dash
r1 icon

Triggers Special Meter For Special Moves

This combo triggers your Sword's Special Moves, depending on what you have equipped. When you press the trigger button again, you'll do another specific move that is only available when you have a certain Special Move equipped.

Jumping Slide Attack

Jumping Slide Attack
batsu icon+r2 iconshikaku icon

Combo To Slide Around & Reposition

This jump slide attack allows you to reposition yourself around the Behemoth you're hunting, making it easier for you to target parts you want to break.

Sword - Play Tips & Techniques

Some Combos Need Waiting In Between

Some Combos Need Waiting In Between

Some of the Sword's combos need you to wait a bit when shifting from Light to Heavy attacks, and vice versa. Keep this in mind and don't spam your buttons when aiming to complete different combos.

Use Overdrive's Aether Dash To Reposition Yourself

When you've activated your Special Meter into Valiant Overdrive, you can press the trigger button again to Aether Dash. This moves you forward quickly, allowing you to move out of a Behemoth's attack or close you in to deal destructive hits.

Jump Slide Attack Is Also Useful For Repositioning

The Sword's Jumping Slide attack is also another good move to use when you want to reposition yourself around the Behemoth. This is perfect when in close-range so you'll not only avoid incoming attacks, you can hit specific Behemoth parts as well.

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