Check out this Pokemon GO guide on EX Raid Battles! Find more information on how to get an EX Raid Pass, raid bosses, tips and tricks to defeating an EX raid, and more!

Featured Raid Battle Guides
Latest EX Raid Info
Fight The New Deoxys Defense Forme!

The defensive form of Deoxys is coming to EX Raids! Starting March 25, 2019, Trainers can challenge and capture the mythical DNA Pokemon!
Check Out Deoxys (Defense Forme) EX RaidHow To Get EX Raid Pass
Defeat Raid Bosses In Specific Gyms

To get an EX raid pass, you need to find a specific gym that is marked as an "EX Raid Gym". Battling and defeating the raid bosses in these gyms up your chances to get an EX raid pass.
EX Raid Gyms Have Markers In Gym Info

You can spot an EX raid gym by checking the gym info. You'll notice a small icon at the top right corner stating if that gym is an EX raid gym.
EX Raid Passes Are Randomly Received

Defeating EX raid gyms will not guarantee that you will receive an EX raid pass. You get them randomly, by chance, and some methods can be done to increase your chances.
Get Gold Gym Badges
Fighting & visiting gyms, leaving Pokemon to defend gyms, & feeding treats to Pokemon defending your team's gyms will raise your badge level. Keep doing these things to get gold badges which will give you a higher chance of getting an EX raid pass.
Keep Raiding In EX Raid Gyms
One way to up your chances is to keep participating in raid battles in the EX gym you want to get an EX raid pass to. The more often you raid, the higher the chance you'll get an EX raid pass.
Rinse & Repeat The Process
Just keep visiting and battling in gyms, rinsing & repeating this process to up your chances of getting an EX raid pass. It's still by random chance so keep at it until you get one!
What Is An EX Raid?
Special Raids Players Need Invites To

An EX Raid is a special raid that feature special Pokemon! Players need to be invited to this battle via the EX raid pass.
Best Or Ultra Friends Can Be Invited

Players who receive an EX raid pass can invite one of their friends to participate in the raid with them. Players need to be "Best" or "Ultra" friends in order to receive the EX raid invite.
Raid With Specific Date & Time
EX raids have a specific date and time indicated in the EX raid passes. Players need to be at the specified gym at a certain day and time to participate in the battle. The EX raid pass won't work otherwise.
Past EX Raid Bosses

EX Raid Duration | Sep 20 - Dec 11, 2018 |
The first EX raid boss in Pokemon GO, Mewtwo is the legendary Psychic Pokemon that was created from the DNA of mythical Pokemon, Mew. It's weak against Bug, Ghost, & Dark Type moves.
Check Out Mewtwo's Stats & Moves Here!Deoxys (Normal Form)

EX Raid Duration | Dec 11 - 20, 2018 |
Another Psychic Type, Deoxy's Normal Form has replaced Mewtwo as the boss in EX raids. It is also weak against Bug, Ghost, and Dark Type moves so bring Pokmeon that have these types of attacks.
Check Out Deoxys's CP & IVs Here!