Check out this Pokemon GO guide on how to get lucky Pokemon by trading in-game. Information includes what are lucky Pokemon, trading probability, individual value, and more!

Table of Contents
Latest Lucky Pokemon Info
New Guaranteed Ways To Get Lucky Pokemon

As of now, there are a few guaranteed ways to get a Lucky Pokemon when trading. These methods still work even if one trainer does not satisfy the following conditions.
- Have less than 10 Lucky Pokemon in your Pokemon box
- Trade Pokemon that were caught between July to August 2016
Lucky Pokemon Stats Are Stronger

Niantic has also updated the stats & IV that Lucky Pokemon will come with when received. They will now have a minimum of 80% IV, making them more powerful than before.
Dialogue To Determine Good IV Range
Leader | Dialogue |
Candela (Valor) | Overall, your (Pokemon) simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything! |
Blanche (Mystic) | Overall, your (Pokemon) is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon! |
Spark (Instinct | Overall, your (Pokemon) looks like it can really battle with the best of them! |
How To Get Lucky Pokemon
Get Lucky Pokemon Only By Trading

The only method of getting a Lucky Pokemon is to trade with a friend. Even then, it's a rare chance and you have to be extremely lucky for the trade to occur. Lucky Pokemon cannot be found or caught in the wild.
Check Out How To Trade Here!Getting Lucky Mythical Pokemon Is Not Possible

Trading the mythical Pokemon such as Mew, Celebi, or Meltan will not result in a Lucky Pokemon, no matter how many times you attempt it.
Both Trainers Receive Lucky Pokemon When Trading

Both trainers participating in the trade will get a Lucky Pokemon if the trade is lucky! So don't worry about not getting a Lucky Pokemon when the other player you're trading with was able to receive it.
Probability Of Getting Lucky Pokemon
Probability Of Getting Lucky Pokemon May Be 1/10

This is the probability that has been tested as of time of writing.
There is no clear data on the probability of getting Lucky Pokemon by trading, but , it has been tested that you'll roughly get a Lucky Pokemon in 1 out of 10 trades. Since there is no assurance of this, it's best to keep trading the one Pokemon you want to be Lucky.
Chances Of Getting Lucky Pokemon Don't Go Down
Even if you keep trading with the same person, your chances of getting a Lucky Pokemon won't go down. You can keep trading with one friend until you get a Lucky Pokemon!
Friendship Level Has No Known Influence
No matter your friendship level with the trainer you're trading with, it has no known effect on giving you Lucky Pokemon.
Check Out What To Do With Friends!Older Pokemon Have Higher Chance Of Being Lucky

The first few Pokemon you have caught and are still in your Pokemon box may have higher chances of being Lucky Pokemon when traded. If you have Pokemon from 2016, it may be good to trade to get Lucky Pokemon.
Lucky Pokemon Individual Values (IV)
*Lucky Pokemon lowest IV can be 10 or less. Check below for details.
Attack | Defense | HP | |
Highest | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Lowest (*) | 10 | 10 | 10 |
IVs Can Still Change After Trading
The changes in Individual Value also affect Lucky Pokemon when trading. If the Pokemon had high IV before the trade, its Individual Value can go down even if it becomes a Lucky Pokemon.
Lucky Pokemon Can Get 100% IV After Trade
There is a chance for a Lucky Pokemon's IV to go up to 100% after the trade. If you're aiming for a 100% IV Lucky Pokemon, be sure to trade Pokemon with high IVs in the first place.
Has High Minimum Individual Value (IV)
A Lucky Pokemon's IV is relatively higher than those caught in the wild, the same as Pokemon hatched from eggs or caught from raid battles.
Did You Get Lucky Pokemon With Low IV After Announcement?
Some trainers may have received a Lucky Pokemon with low IV (80% or less) after its release in-game. This is possible to happen as IVs of Lucky Pokemon do change after trading.
What Are Lucky Pokemon?
Pokemon Needing Less Stardust To Power Up

Lucky Pokemon require less stardust when you need to power them up. This is the essential characteristic and advantage of a Lucky Pokemon.
Check Out Best Ways To Earn Stardust!Half Of Usual Amount Of Stardust

Lucky Pokemon normally need only half the amount of Stardust to power up. This lessens the cost of raising & powering up your desired Pokemon.
Trainer Level Stardust TableTrainer Level Range | Normal Stardust | Lucky Pokemon Stardust |
15 - 40 | 248,000 | 124,000 |
20 - 40 | 227,500 | 113,750 |
25 - 40 | 197,500 | 98,750 |
Possible To Get Stronger Pokemon When Trading
It's possible that the Pokemon you receive from a trade may be stronger than the one you sent. This way, it may be easier to get & train more powerful Pokemon by keeping on trading.
Has Special Sparkling Background & Effect

Lucky Pokemon have a special yellow sparkling background when you check their status from your Pokemon box in the game.
Has Golden Bubbles When In Inventory

Even in your inventory, you'll see that the Lucky Pokemon will be surrounded by shiny yellow bubbles, compared to your normal Pokemon.
Registered In The Pokemon's Pokedex Entry

You can check the number of Lucky Pokemon you have in the Pokemon's specific Pokedex entry. The number can be found under its Pokedex number and name.
Different Forms Still Get Lucky Pokedex Screens
For example, getting a Pokemon Unown, which has many forms, getting one Lucky Unown will automatically make all Unown forms have the Lucky background in its Pokedex entry.
Remains Lucky Even After Evolving

Lucky Pokemon remain Lucky even after you evolve them from their base form. This works the same way as Shiny Pokemon.