Check out this Pokemon GO on how to understand a Pokemon's Individual Value or IV. Learn which stats & numbers to prioritize, difference between CP & base stats, and more.

Table of Contents
What Is Individual Value (IV)?
IVs Affect A Pokemon's Maximum HP & CP

The Pokemon's Individual Value or IV is an invisible statistic that each Pokemon has. It directly affects the maximum number of HP and CP a Pokemon will have when it is captured.
IVs Are Separate From Pokemon's Base Stats
In Pokemon GO, there are three main statistics you need to check - CP, IV, and base stats. Each of these are different from each other and can quickly be understood as follows.
Difference Between IV, CP, & Base Stats
Base Stats | · Statistics specific to a Pokemon species · If Pokemon are the same species, their base stats are the same |
Individual Value | · Pokemon of same species have different IVs · Even if Pokemon are the same species and have the same CP, their IVs can be different |
CP | · Maximum CP changes depending on Trainer Level · CP is a statistic that determines Pokemon's battle strength · CP changes depending on Pokemon's base stats, IV, or Trainer Level |
Huge Difference Between 0 & Max IV
There is a huge difference in statistics between Pokemon with 0 and maximum IV. For example, a Pokemon at Trainer Level 20 with 100% IV and the same Pokemon at Trainer Level 24 with 0% IV has the same CP.
How To Check Individual Value
Use Team Leader To Check Pokemon IV

You can roughly learn your Pokemon's IV by having it appraised by your Team Leader. You can determine how high your Pokemon's IV is depending on the dialogue you receive from the Team Leader.
Dialogue To Determine Good IV Range
Leader | Dialogue |
Candela (Valor) | Overall, your (Pokemon) simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything! |
Blanche (Mystic) | Overall, your (Pokemon) is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon! |
Spark (Instinct | Overall, your (Pokemon) looks like it can really battle with the best of them! |
Pokemon Hatched From Eggs Can Have Higher IV

Pokemon that have hatched from eggs have a tendency to have higher IVs than those caught in the wild. Keep walking and hatch those eggs to get Pokemon with higher IVs!
Is It Necessary To Select Pokemon With High IV?
For advanced players, it's important to select Pokemon with high IV. Since players who battle in gyms will roughly be the same Trainer level, IV will be a deciding factor in the Pokemon's battling strength.
Pick Pokemon With Good Overall Status
Max CP Limit (Trainer Level) > Base Stats > Moves > IV
For beginners, it's best to focus on raising your Trainer Level to increase a Pokemon's max. CP limit. Focusing on high IV selection will be a lower priority compared to choosing Pokemon with high base stats & good moves.
IV Correlation With Evolution & Size
Pokemon's Size Doesn't Affect Individual Value

No matter the Pokemon's size and height, it will not affect its Individual Value. There is no need to take a Pokemon's size in consideration when choosing which Pokemon to power up & retain.
Pokemon's Size Can Change After Evolving
After evolving a Pokemon, their size can change! So size doesn't matter when focusing on prioritizing a Pokemon's Individual Value or IV.
IV Rarely Changes After Evolution
It's rare for a Pokemon's IV to change after it is evolved. Therefore, it's best to keep high IV Pokemon's in your roster and evolve them to increase their base stats & CP limit.