Read this Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (RotN) cooking guide on how to cook, cooking effects, locations of recipes & cooking ingredients!

Table of Contents
Effects Of Cooking In Bloodstained
Boosts Stats The First Time Cooked Food Is Eaten

The first time you consume cooked food, it'll permanently boost some of your stats. This is useful to making Miriam more powerful in the game.
Already Eaten Food Will Be Marked

When you've already eaten a cooked food, you'll see a golden spoon and fork symbol to the left of the food's label.
Cooked Food Can Be Used As Recovery Items

Food that you've prepared with Johannes can be used as recovery items in the middle of battle. This is very useful when you've run out of potions and need to restore your HP bar.
How To Cook With Johannes
Talk to Johannes In Arantville & Pick "Prepare"

Head to Arantville and drop to the bottom to talk to Johannes. In his main menu, pick "Prepare" to craft & cook food.
Choose Available Recipe & Quantity

After opening the next menu, choose one of the available recipes that you can craft. You can also choose the quantity of the cooked food in this menu.
Receive Food From Johannes
After confirming, Johannes will do his alchemy and the cooked food will automatically be transported to your inventory.
Where To Get Recipes & Ingredients
Open Chests Around The Map

You can find recipe books and cooking ingredients in chests around the Bloodstained map. Make sure to open each one that you encounter to complete all recipe books & collect all ingredients.
Defeat Enemies That Drop Ingredients

Certain enemies in the game will drop cooking ingredients. When you defeat them, they'll drop a brown bag and you'll receive an ingredient when you pick the bag up. Take note that these are random and you may need to defeat enemies several times to drop them.
Give Seeds To Farmer In Arantville

You can only get rice, potato, and corn from the farmer in Arantville. You need to give him rice, potato, or corn seeds so that he'll plant them and give you some of his harvest. It takes time for the plants to grow so come back after exploring the map a bit.
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