Check out this Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night guide to learn how to find the secret enemy: Kunekune (Demon # 44). Find out where and how to find this enemy, how to beat it, & more!

Table of Contents
Where To Find The Kunekune (Demon #44)
Find Kunekune In The Train

You will be able to find the Kunekune aboard the train along the Bridge of Evil. Keep in mind that you must have already beaten the Glutton Train Boss to spawn the Kunekune.
Check Out The Full Map Guide Here!1. Board The Train In The Bridge of Evil

Head to the Bridge of Evil, then go to the other end of the room. Once you reach the end of the room, you will be asked if you want to board the train. Opt to board the train.
2. Make Your Way To The Second Train Car

From your starting point, head to the next car of the train. You are in the correct car if you see a small room with some couches that you can sit on.
3. Sit Down On The Couch To Trigger A Cutscene

Once Miriam sits down on the couch, a cutscene will trigger. Do not do anything while the cutscene is playing. It is a long cutscene that will eventually reveal the Kunekune in the end.
4. Kunekune Will Reveal Itself After The Cutscene

Once the Kunekune reveals itself, you will now be able to fight it!
How To Beat Kunekune (Demon #44)
Damage It With Long Range Attacks
The Kunekune's movements are very erratic and are deadly in close range. Keep a safe distance away from it and rain down ranged attacks to damage it.
Fight It On Top Of The Train

The best place to fight it is on the roof of the train's car connectors. Since it will not be able to follow you there, you can use the Heretical Grinder Shard to continuously deal damage to it until you defeat it.
Coming Into Contact With Kunekune Will Curse You

Coming into contact with the Kunekune will apply the cursed status effect on you. This will lower temporarily lower your Max HP and bar you from healing further than that point. It is recommended to try and stay away to avoid getting cursed.
Drops The Shard: Resist Curses

Once you defeat the Kunekune, it will have a 12% chance of dropping the Resist Curses passive Shard.
No.044 Kunekune Location & Item DropsWhat Is The Kunekune (Demon # 44)?
Urban Legend From Japanese Folklore

The Kunekune is a Japanese urban legend that started out as a story from several different Forum sites. It is said to appear in the middle of a summer day in large areas where it is difficult to see. It will attack those that try to get a better look.
Kunekune Means To Wiggle Or Twist

The Kunekune got its name from the word "Kune Kune" which means to wiggle or twist. This explains why the demon moves its limbs in an erratic fashion.
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