Check out this Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (RotN) guide and walkthrough following the Craftwork Boss Fight until the Andrealphus Boss Fight . This includes gameplay tips, hints, techniques, tricks and more!

Story Progression & Walkthrough
<< Previous Part | Next Part >> |
Entrance: vs. Zangetsu ~ vs. Craftwork | Livre Ex Machina: Andrealphus ~ vs. Valac |
Table of Contents
vs. Craftwork ~ 1st Save Point
vs. Craftwork ~ 1st Save Point Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After defeating Craftwork, go to the right room to collect the Unicorn Ring |
2 | Leave the room & backtrack to the Coachman |
3 | Use the Craftwork Shard to drop the blockade into the ravine |
4 | Talk to the Coachman to get a ride to the other side |
5 | Head down and to the right to find the Garden of Travel fast travel point |
6 | Go back up and to the northern-left ledge to find a Kung Fu Vest, halfway down grab the Max HP boost |
7 | Head right and open a chest with 500G |
8 | Keep heading right and take the upper doorway into a large garden |
9 | Jump across to the right to get a Max HP boost & Faerie Healing Item book |
10 | Jump down, go right, then up ledges to find a blue chest - open it |
11 | Keep going right until you come across a bridge |
12 | Drop down and head right to fight a blue chest & Capacity Up boost |
13 | Go left and back up again, cross the bridge and go right |
14 | Inside the room, go to the bottom left room to find the 1st Save Point |
2. Go Back To Coachman To Get To Other Side

After defeating the Craftwork demon, backtrack to the Coachman. He can be found by the giant broken bridge in a large area.
Use Craftwork Shard To Get Rid Of Blockade

Using your newly-acquired Craftwork Shard, target the blockage sitting on the bridge. Drop it below to clear your path before talking to the Coachman to carry you to the other side.
1st Save Point ~ 2nd Save Point
1st Save Point ~ 2nd Save Point Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Leave the Save Point and take the northern-right doorway |
2 | Keep heading right to reach the Towers of Twin Dragons |
3 | Go right and take the south path to defeat the Wolfman & find a Mithridate |
4 | Keep going right through several doorways to find a Capacity Up under the slanted path |
5 | Go back to where you fought the Wolfman & take the upper path, clearing it of enemies |
6 | Keep going through the upward slant until you get to trap platforms |
7 | Drop to the very bottom to find a Hair Apparent VI book inside the chest on the left |
8 | Jump up the platforms to get to the middle ledge - go right to find a blue chest & Max SP boost |
9 | Go back to the top & continue right, jumping across until you find a doorway |
10 | Jump on the gear and onto the right ledge to open a chest with Sunglasses |
11 | Drop down and head into the doorway |
12 | Go right through the room & jump up to find a blue chest |
13 | Head right until you find a big gear blocking your path |
14 | Use magic to turn the gear & use it to jump up to the room above |
15 | Go right to find a Hyperventilator and Partisan in the green chests |
16 | Head back to the left for a cutscene with Gebel & Alfred |
17 | Keep going right and into a room where you can drop down - grab the Ether from the chest |
18 | Drop down and into the bottom-right room to reach the 2nd Save Point |
3. Platforms Drop Down When Standing Too Long

In this area, you'll be introduced to trap platforms. These will drop down after you stand on them too long so only use them as leverage for jumping.
14. Use Magic To Turn Gear

When a big gear blocks your path, you can turn it by using magic. Be sure to stand close to it and angle it so that you have a platform to jump on.
2nd Save Point ~ Save Point
2nd Save Point ~ Save Point Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | Exit the Save Point area and head left to reach Livre Ex Machina |
2 | Drop down to the bottom of the room & use magic on the bookshelf to the left to clear the path |
3 | Keep going left & drop down to the bottom of the room |
4 | Push the bookshelf & jump up then slide to the right to get the Cookies book from the green chest |
5 | Go back up into the large room with the bookshelves |
6 | Use your magic to pull shelves forward & create a path up |
7 | Head right to find a blue chest then move across to the left to the next room |
8 | Jump across & keep heading left through doorways until you find a green chest with a Crow Mask |
9 | Go back to the right room and jump up and head into the room on the right |
10 | Keep heading east and jump up 2 metal platforms to reach the room above |
11 | Go to the right room & use the Craftwork Shard to drop the bookshelf onto the switch - this creates a path downward |
12 | Head back to the left & jump on the 2nd bookshelf - use magic to move it leftwards until you reach the other end of the room |
13 | Go into the left room, defeat the enemy & open the chest to get a Waystone |
14 | Head into the next room & climb up the metal platform that drops down |
15 | Go into the room on the left to find Orlok Dracule - talk to him to borrow a book |
16 | Leave OD and go up the two metal platforms into another room |
17 | Head left to find the Livre Ex Machina fast travel point |
18 | Exit the room, drop down, head left, then drop down again into the right room to find the 3rd Save Point |
19 | Leave the Save Point & head to the left room to fight against Andrealphus |
6. Use Magic To Create Upward Path

In this room, you'll find bookshelves that are glowing with magic. Aim your magic onto them to pull them forward & create a path towards the upper part of the room.
Demons Will Release When Certain Bookshelves Are Pulled

Bookshelves with demons will release them when you pull them forward. Try to make a path without releasing the demons as you'll have to fight them once they are released.
15. Find Orlok Dracule & Rent Books From Him

In this area, you'll find Orlok Dracule or OD. He has a library that you can borrow books from. These books provide buffs & boosts that can help you in your journey.
vs. Andrealphus Boss Fight Tips
Does Forward & Arc Kick Attacks

Andrealphus uses its legs to do forward or arc kick attacks to damage you. Dodge backward to avoid getting hurt by these moves.
Jumps & Shoots Down Diagonally

The boss will jump up and shoot itself downwards diagonally to attack you. When it jumps up, it's best to move forward, keeping yourself safe in the space below it while it attacks.
Shoots Sharp Missiles From Its Back

When Andrealphus jumps and its back starts to glow, it'll start shooting rainbow missiles from its back. Keep moving, dodging away or jumping to avoid getting hit by these missiles.
Use Mid-Range Weapons To Deal Damage

Weapons such as Swords & Rapiers that deal damage in mid-range will be good to use against Andrealphus. They attack fast and deal moderate damage, allowing you to chip away at the boss's health slowly but surely.
Get Double Jump After Defeating Andrealphus

When you defeat Andrealphus, you'll receive the passive skill Double Jump. This will let you do another jump after your first, allowing you to reach higher heights in the game.
Story Progression & Walkthrough
<< Previous Part | Next Part >> |
Entrance: vs. Zangetsu ~ vs. Craftwork | Livre Ex Machina: Andrealphus ~ vs. Valac |
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Play Tips & Useful Information
How To Farm XP | How To Farm Money |
How To Upgrade Shards | Cooking Guide |
Preparing for a Boss | Points Of No Return |
After Beating Game | Multiple Endings |
How To Farm Gold Material | How To Double Jump |
End Game Content Guides
How To Get Gebel's Glasses | How To Get Solomon's Ring |
How To Get Recycle Hat | How To Unlock New Game Plus |
Using 8-Bit Coins | Secret Boss Room & Key |
Boss Medals | - |