Check out this Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night guide to find out what to do when you're stuck at a boss! Find out tips and tricks for Miriam to surpass and beat hard bosses!

What To Do When Stuck At A Boss
Level Miriam Up

Leveling Miriam up will reward you with increased stats such as higher ATK & DEF stats. These stats may come in useful when increasing your DPS or how long you can take the damage.
Check Out How To Farm XP Fast!Leveling Up Also Increases Max HP & MP
Leveling up will also increase your max amount of HP and MP. This will allow you to take much more damage, and use your Shards more often when in battle!
Explore The Map & Find More Items

Exploring the map will reward you with items that you can use to increase your max health, and ammo capacity. You can also check blue chests to see if you get crafting materials to upgrade your shards and equipment!
Check Out The Full Map Guide Here!Keep An Eye Out For Breakable Walls
Make it a habit to check the walls of a room. If you hit a wall, and it starts to crack, keep on hitting it to break it and find powerful and rare items waiting for you! These may help you have an easier time defeating bosses!
Check Out All Breakable Wall Locations!Outfit Yourself With Strong Equipment

Equip your character with the strongest weapons, armors and shards you currently have. It should also be noted to familiarize yourself with the different techniques per weapon to bring out their full potential in battle!
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Poison Is Very Effective Against Certain Bosses
Using a poison weapon is very effective against certain bosses since it applies a Poisoned status effect that slowly deals damage over time. Keep in mind that poison will not affect all, but only certain bosses.
Prepare Healing Items With Johannes

Before facing a Boss, head back to Arvantville and craft healing items with Johannes. If you have the materials, you can craft consumables such as potions, and food to keep your HP up during the fight.
Buy Items From Dominique

If there are some items that you need but were not able to craft with Johannes, pay Dominique's shop a visit and use your gold to buy those items. All items that you've successfully crafted with Johannes can be bought at the shop.
Enhance Shards To More Powerful Versions

Always check to see if you can upgrade your Shards with Johannes. Having higher rank Shards will increase the strength of the effects of the Shards when used.
Thing To Remember When Fighting Bosses
Save The Game Before The Fight

Make sure to save your game before facing the boss. Dying in the fight will spawn you back to your most recent save point. This will cause you to lose all of your unsaved progress. Make it a habit before going to the fight.
Eat Your Food Before The Fight

The best time to eat your food to gain the first-time bonus is right before the fight. This will give you the permanent increase to your stats for the whole duration of the fight, making you a more formidable enemy!
Have Plenty Of Food With You
Unlike healing items such as the Potion and High Potion, you will be able to bring a much larger stack of food with you. Try to bring as much food as you can to the fight to have another way of healing yourself!
Learn Bosses Attack Patterns

Before attacking enemies, take some time to learn their movesets, and find a way to counter or evade them. This way you can predict their incoming attacks and adjust your positioning and strategy accordingly.
Avoid Over-Extending Your Attacks

Make sure to only come in for an attack when the enemy is vulnerable. Never overstay your welcome or you might just get hit with a strong attack that can destroy a chunk of your HP.
Experiment Which Shards Are Most Effective

If you're having a hard time getting close to the boss, you can try using a long-range Shard and vice-versa. Experiment which Shards work best when facing the boss to have an easier time defeating them!
Equip Shards That Counter Enemy Elements
Keep in mind that there are some Shards that counter enemies of the opposite element. Fire element enemies are weak against water type Shards, water types are weak against electric Shards, and so on.
Check Out Best Shards List Here!Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Featured Articles
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