Check out the recommended items to bring in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX in this guide. This includes must-have items, buff items, apples, and more.
Table of Contents
Recommended Consumable Items

Apples are a definite must-have for any dungeon since it refills your stamina and will allow you to recruit Pokemon to your team. Big Apples should only be used to refill stamina.
Check Out All Item List Here!Escape Orb

Have at least 1 Escape Orb with you when you head down any dungeon. If you find your team close to being wiped out, use an Escape Orb to get out. This will prevent you from losing your money and your items.
Revive Items

Generally, you should have at least 2-3 Revive Seeds and 1 All Revive Orb. Try to save the All Revive Orb when 2 of your 3 Pokemon has fainted or during a Boss Fight at the end of a Dungeon.
Iron Spikes
Ranged projectiles like Iron Spikes will be very useful for conserving your PP and helping you deal with Pokemon who you don't have an effective move against. Have 1-2 stacks of them with you.
Max Ethers & Elixirs

The amount of Max Ethers & Elixirs you need to bring is dependent on the length of the dungeon you're going in. At least 2-3 Ethers and 2 Elixirs should be good for less than 30 floor dungeons.
Status Recovery Berries

Have the appropriate recovery berry with you when you enter dungeons. If it's a Fire-based area, bring burn healing berries for example.
Crowd Control Items

Stayaway Wands, Petrify Wand, One-Shot Orbs and other similar items are a must especially for end-game dungeons. This will help you clear out Monster Rooms without the risk of taking damage.
Check Out Bonus Dungeon Walkthroughs HereInvitation

Bring an invitation if you're going to a long dungeon (30+). This will give you access to a special room with items and Pokemon you can recruit. It's random though, so this is not mandatory.
Recommended Held Items
Friend Bow

Friend Bow increases the chance of befriending and recruiting Pokemon to your team. This is especially helpful for harder Dungeons since you'll have more allies with you.
Check Out How to Get the Friend Bow HereEfficient Bandanna

PP is essential for all Pokemon. There's a chance that your Pokemon will not use PP when using a move when they are holding an Efficient Bandanna.
Special Band & Power Band

Deal more damage by having a Special Band or a Power Band. These held items will increase the Special Attack and Attack of any Pokemon it is given to.