Check out this Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX guide to learn more about the Pokemon Square! Find out info about the square's facility, uses, locations, and more.
NOTE: This article is based on the playable demo. The information on this page will be updated as soon as the game is released and more info is confirmed.
Pokemon Square Facilities
▼ Kecleon Shop | ▼ Felicity Bank |
▼ Wigglytuff Camp | ▼ Kangaskhan Strge. |
▼ Gulpin Link Shop | ▼ Makuhita Dojo |
▼ Pelipper Post Office | ▼ Luminous Cave |
▼ What is the Pokemon Square? |
Pokemon Square Locations & Facilities
Kecleon Shop

The Kecleon Shop is found in the Westernmost part of town. Here, you will be able to spend the Poke money that you earn to buy useful consumable items! Remember to visit the Kecleon Shop to stock up on items before a job!
List of Items in the Shop
Item | Price |
Max Ether | 100 |
Health Orb | 100 |
Oran Berry | 25 |
Pecha Berry | 12 |
Reset Orb | 300 |
Blast Seed | 30 |
The Kecleon Shop will receive a new shipment of items everyday. If they run out of stock, wait for a day and then visit the shop again to see if they're selling the item you're looking for!
Can Be Found In Dungeons
Aside from the Pokemon Square, Kecleon Shops may also be found inside dungeons! Keep an eye out for the shop when adventuring in order to purchase items when you're in a bind!
Felicity Bank

The Felicity Bank allows you to deposit your Poke money, keeping it safe! When needed, you can withdraw your Poke money from them as well. This helps you keep your hard-earned money safe while exploring mystery dungeons!
Check Out the Felicity Bank Here!Avoid Losing Money In the Dungeon
Fainting in the dungeon will cause you to lose all of the Poke money that you have on you! However, depositing your money at the bank will keep your money safe! Remember to deposit your money often to earn tons of money in the game!
Wigglytuff Camp Corner

Wigglytuff's Camp Corner is the place to go for all of your Camping needs! These camps are used to house the Pokemon that you recruit when exploring! Wigglytuff's Camp Corner offers a wide selection of camps such as the Power Plant Camp, Rub-a-Dub River camp, and more!
Check Out Rescue Camps Here!Kangaskhan Storage

Keep your precious items safe with Kangaskhan! The Kangaskhan Storage will allow you to store your items in the shop to keep them safe while exploring mystery dungeons. This way, you will not lose the items you store if you ever faint in the dungeon!
Store Excess Items
Aside from important and precious items, it would be best to store excess items such as extra berries, or extra ethers! This way, you will keep the amount of lost items to a minimal if you ever fall in battle!
Gulpin Link Shop

Link your attacks! For a price, the Gulpin Link Shop will link your attacks, allowing you to unleash multiple moves in a single turn! This allows you to set up powerful combos, and possible deal huge amounts of damage against enemies!
>> Check Out More About Move Links Here
>> Check Out the Move Tutor Guide Here
Your Belly Empties Faster
Keep in mind that your belly will empty faster when using Linked moves! Choose when to use these moves wisely, or bring lots of food with you to keep your belly full!
You Can Delink Moves

Made a mistake of linking two moves? No problem! Gulpin will be able to delink any moves that you link with each other! You can experiment by linking different moves to see which moves get the best results!
Makuhita Dojo

Train with Makuhita in the Dojo! This location allows you to train in order to get stronger! You can either practice using Dojo Drills or Tricks of the Trade! Both of these regimes will give you useful rewards when completed!
Learn More On Makuhita Dojo HereTrain Using Dojo Drills to Level Up

Dojo Drills will require you to spend a Dojo Ticket to train. Here, you are tasked to beat as many Pokemon as you can within the time limit! The more Pokemon you beat, the more EXP you earn to level up!
Practice the Tricks of the Trade

Practicing the Tricks of the Trade will have you mastering the different aspects of exploring dungeons! From using moves and pushing Pokemon to using items and moving diagonally, completing these drills will reward you with special items!
Pelipper Post Office

Rescue others in the Pelipper Post Office! Going inside the building will allow you to use the internet and passwords to find rescue requests of other players!
Check Out How to Rescue Here!Get Jobs From Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board outside the Post Office will have job requests for you to take! These job requests will refresh everyday, and you can accept up to 8 jobs at the same time!
Luminous Cave

The Luminous Cave is where you go to evolve your Pokemon. This can only be unlocked after completing the main story of the game!
Check Out How To Unlock Luminous Cave!What is the Pokemon Square?
Central Area With Several Facilities

The Pokemon Square is an area inhabited by Pokemon. It serves as the main hub which players can explore and manage their inventory and Pokemon! The Pokemon Square is made up of different stores and facilities which the player can visit and interact with.