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Spartan Weaponry - Mod Details & Crafting Recipes

Spartan Weaponry - Mod Details & Crafting Recipes | Minecraft Mod Guide

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Check out this guide on the best weapon mod Spartan Weaponry in Minecraft 2021! Know details, how to install, crafting recipes, enchantments, & Minecraft version 1.17 compatibility!!!

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Best Weapon Mods 2021
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Spartan Weaponry - Mod Overview

AuthorsObliviousSpartan, xwerffx
Date PublishedSeptember 16, 2017
Mod CategoryWeapon Mod
Required ModsForge
Curios API (Forge)

Diverse Collection Of Ancient Weapons


A whole new arsenal of weaponry made for Minecraft. Inspired by Balkon's WeaponMod, it adds new versions of weapons from that mod, as well expanding the arsenal with a bunch of original weapons, including a variety of swords, polearms, blunt and ranged weapons. Most of these weapons can be made from the five vanilla tool materials.

Going To War With Spartan Weaponry & Shields

Spartan Weapons


Each type of weapon from this mod has different properties that help with combat in certain situations, such as extended reach, damage bonuses, etc. These can make your hunt easier and safer!

Spartan Shields

Spartan Shields

You can maximize the effectivity of the Spartan Weapons if you pair it with the mod Spartan Shields. This mod came from the same author, and it includes a lot of shields to complement your arsenal of weapons. It also allows you to attack using the shield.

Spartan Shields Mod Details

Mod Showcase Video

Video from The Gamer Hobbit!!!

How To Craft Spartan Weaponry (Recipes)

Basic Materials

To craft any weapon in the mod, you will need to make either a Handle or a Pole.

Handles can be crafted individually with a piece of string or 4 at a time using either leather or wool. The Leather in the above recipe can be substituted for Wool of any color.
Poles can be crafted in a similar way. Of course, the Wool in the Pole recipe can be substituted for Leather.
Explosive Charges
You can also craft Explosive Charges, which are used in Explosive Arrows and Dynamite.

Best Weapons To Play With!

Craft your weapons using Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold, Diamond and Netherite!

Bladed Weapons:

dagger1 Fast attack speed, but low damage. Can be thrown at foes in a pinch.
Properties: Throwable
longsword1 Stronger damage, but slightly slower attack speed.
Properties: Two-Handed I & Sweep I
greatsword1 High damage, extended reach and deals full damage to multiple foes. Unwieldy and slightly slow attack speed.
Properties: Reach I, Sweep III & Two-Handed II
katana1 Faster attack speed, but deals fairly low damage. Does more damage to foes without chest armor.
Properties: Chest Damage Bonus & Two-Handed I
saber1Slightly faster attack speed, but deals slightly low damage. Does more damage to foes without chest armor.
Properties: Chest Damage Bonus, Damage Absorption & Sweep I
rapier1 Significantly faster attack speed, but deals quite low damage. Does significantly more damage to foes without any armor.
Properties: Unarmored Damage Bonus & Damage Absorption

Blunt Weapons:

quarterstaff1 Low damage but very cheap to craft. Now available in other materials!
Properties: Sweep II & Reach I
club1Average damage for wood, though slightly slow. Can be crafted without the need of a crafting table. Can be upgraded to a Studded Club, for better damage.
Properties: Nauseous Blow
Battle Hammer
Note: Hammer on previous versions
battlehammer1High Damage, but very slow to use. Can knock foes back further away.
Properties: Enhanced Knockback & Nauseous Blow
warhammer1 Average damage, but quite slow attack speed. Has 50% armor piercing damage.
Properties: Armor Piercing & Two-Handed I
Note: Caestus on previous versions
cestus1 Very fast attack speed, but also very low attack damage. Can be upgraded to the Studded Cestus for increased damage.
Properties: Quick Strike

Polearm Weapons:

spear1 Slightly slow attack speed and slightly low damage, but the attack can hit foes from further away.
Properties: Reach I
halberd1 High Damage, but quite slow attack speed. Has extended reach and can breach the foe's shield.
Properties: Shield Breach, Reach I & Two-Handed II
pike1 Slightly low attack damage and slightly slow attack speed. Has a longer reach than other polearms, such as the Spear.
Properties: Reach II & Two-Handed I
lance1 Average damage, but quite slow attack speed. Does extra damage when the user is riding a mob or entity like a Horse.
Properties: Reach I, Damage Bonus & Sweep I
1.12.2 Recipe
1.14.4+ Recipe lance3

Ranged Weapons:

longbow1 An upgraded version of the vanilla Minecraft Bow. Has extra range and damage, but takes a bit longer to draw fully.
Longbow Arrows
Heavy Crossbow
Note: Crossbow on previous versions
heavycrossbow1 A ranged weapon with does significant damage, and has a better range than a Longbow. Needs to be loaded before every shot.
Uses Bolts as ammo. Bolts come in Iron or Diamond variants. Bolts can also be tipped like Arrows can, as well as having Glowstone applied to them to make Spectral Bolts.
1.12.2 Recipe heavycrossbow2
1.14.4+ Recipe heavycrossbow3
Heavy Crossbow Bolts
Bolt Recipes:
Throwing Knife
throwingknife1 Throwing weapon which has average range and damage. Not recommended to use for melee fights. Stackable up to 16 for 1.14.4!
Properties: Throwable & Damage Bonus (thrown)
Note: Throwing Axe on previous versions
tomahawk1 Throwing weapon which has lower range but higher damage. Not recommended to use for melee fights. Stackable up to 8 for 1.14.4!
Properties: Throwable & Damage Bonus (thrown)
javelin1 Throwing weapon which has a long range and decent damage. Not recommended to use for melee fights. Stackable up to 4 for 1.14.4 only!
Properties: Throwable & Damage Bonus (thrown)

Miscellaneuous Item

dynamite Dynamite can be lobbed at a short distance to either blow up your enemies or cause some damage to the terrain. Detonates after 3 seconds. Terrain damage can be disabled by the (mobGriefing) Gamerule or in the config file.
Quivers passively provide Arrows or Bolts to the player from their own inventory (if there is any available) when they equip the appropriate weapon.

IMPORTANT: You need to place Arrows or Bolts into the appropriate Quiver before you can use them. Just right click the Quiver in your main hand to access the Quivers inventory.

Bows (including the Vanilla Bow and most modded Bows) for the Arrow Quiver and Crossbows for the Bolt Quiver.Arrow Quiver
1.12.2 version arrowquiver2
1.14.4+ version arrowquiver3
Bolt Quiver
1.12.2 version boltquiver2
1.14.4+ version boltquiver3

Weapons from beta-1.2.0

boomerang1 Throwing weapon that returns to the thrower, regardless of if it encounters an obstacle. Now bounces off of surfaces for 1.14.4 only!
Properties: Throwable
battleaxe1 A hard hitting and heavy weapon that also doubles as a wood chopping tool.
Properties: Two Handed I & Versatile (Axe)
mace1 A slightly slow but average damaging weapon that does extra damage to undead mobs.
Properties: Damage Bonus (Undead)

Weapons from beta-1.3.0

glaive1 A somewhat slow weapon with average damage, extended reach and the ability to hit non-direct foes with 50% normal damage in a sweep.
Properties: Two-Handed I, Reach I & Sweep II
1.12.2 Recipe glaive2
1.14.4+ Recipe glaive3

Spartan Weaponry - Weapon Properties

ThrowableWeapons with this trait can be thrown at foes, dealing the weapon's damage to the foe it hits.

Applies to the Dagger, Throwing Knife, Throwing Axe and the Javelin
Two-HandedWeapons with this trait are rather cumbersome to carry around and are optimally used with both hands. Attempting to use any item in your offhand will result in a Mining Fatigue effect being inflicted to the player.

Two-Handed I will inflict Mining Fatigue II, while Two-Handed II will inflict Mining Fatigue III.

Applies to the Longsword (I), Katana (I), Greatsword (II), Warhammer (I), Halberd (II) and the Pike (I)
Damage BonusInflicts bonus damage to foes, depending if they have certain armor equipped or not.

Applies to the Katana (2x to foes without Chestplate), Saber (Same as Katana), Rapier (3x to foes without any armor) and the Lance (2x to foes while the user is riding something like a horse)
Damage AbsorptionAbsorbs 25% of weapon damage inflicted to the user as durability damage to the weapon.

Applies to the Saber and Rapier
ReachWeapons with this trait , due to their length, are able to hit foes from further away.

Reach II increases the hit distance even further.

Applies to the Greatsword (I), Spear (I), Halberd (I), Pike (II) and the Lance (I)
Sweep (formerly Wide Attack)[1.14.4]
Weapons with this trait will inflict 1 attack damage (for level I), half attack damage (for level II) or full attack damage (for level III) to all targets that get hit by the sweep attack. Weapons without this trait will not have any sweep attack at all.

Applies to the Longsword(I), Saber(I), Greatsword (III), Lance(I), Glaive (II) and Quarterstaff (II)

[1.12.2 only]
Weapons with this property will inflict half attack damage (for level I) or full attack damage (for level II) to all targets that get hit by the sweep attack.

Applies to the Greatsword (II), Glaive (I) and Quarterstaff (I)
Enhanced KnockbackWeapons with this trait will knock foes further away.

Applies to the Hammer
Nauseous BlowInflicts the Nausea II effect on a foes the weapon hits for 5 seconds.

Applies to the Club and the Hammer
Armor Piercing50% of the damage from a the weapon ignores the foe's armor.

Applies to the Warhammer
Shield BreachHas a chance to make a foes shield unusable for a period of time, just like using an axe does.

Also works on Shields from other mods, like my own Spartan Shields.

Applies to the Halberd
Quick StrikeShortens the struck foe's hurt resistance time, enabling the weapon using this property to hit the foe much more frequently than normal.

Applies to the Caestus
Versatile (Axe)The weapon with this trait can be used as an axe.

Applies to the Battleaxe

Use Materials To Craft Weapons


You can use Spartan Weaponry mod to defend yourself or attack enemies. This mod gives you a pool of weapons that have different uses and are now compatible with these modded materials (as of beta 1-1):

  • Copper
  • Tin
  • Bronze
  • Steel
  • Silver
  • Invar
  • Platinum
  • Electrum
  • Nickel
  • Lead

Spartan Weaponry Enchantments

How To Enchant Your Weapon

Adding Enchantments For Your Weapon

enchant table

To add an enchantment to your spartan weapons, you can use the same method for enchanting vanilla items by putting the item on an enchantment table and choosing the enchantment to be added.

How To Enchant Items

You Can Also Use Anvils

anvil enchant

Also, you can enchant your spartan weapons by putting it on an anvil together with an enchanted book you have acquired.

New Enchantments Available

Enchantment (Max Level)Description
Propel (Level 3)Increases the throwing speed of Throwing Weapons, making them fly further. Formerly Impulsion and Lightweight.
Incendiary (Level 1)Throwing Weapons sets foes on fire. Incompatible with Hydrodynamic.
Razors Edge (Level 5)Sharpness for Throwing Weapons; increases damage inflicted. (formerly Sharpened).
Lucky Throw (Level 3)Looting for Throwing Weapons; increases drop rate from killed mobs. (formerly Lucky Strike).
Hydrodynamic (Level 1)Allows Throwing Weapons to fly underwater at a slightly reduced rate. Incompatible with Incendiary. (1.14.4+ only).
pointNote!Requires Java 8!
The 1.15.2, 1.14.4, and 1.12.2 versions of this mod are all currently in Beta, as there will likely need to be more weapon balancing and fixes to be done before a full release.

Updates & Compatibility

Update History & Changelogs

April 28, 2021

Compatibility Fixes:

  • Changed the version required for Curios from "" to "1.16.4-". This should fix any compatibility issues people are having with newer versions of Minecraft Forge.


  • Added Russian translations, thanks to niterino
  • Added Simplified Chinese translations, thanks to 莉莉卡

Version Compatibility


How To Install Spartan Weaponry

Mod Download Links

Mod DownloadCurseForge
Required ModsCurse Forge
(!) Install the version required by the mod

Steps To Install

1Download Forge 1.16.5
>> Forge download page
2Download Spartan Weaponry on CurseForge. Select the latest version
>> Download from CurseForge
3Run the Forge Java file
*there is no need to change the install directory if you used the default directory to install Minecraft
4Transfer the mod .jar files to your Minecraft's mod folder
>> Know how to access it here
5Run "Minecraft Launcher"
6Select the Forge version that you want to play on. In this case, select "Forge 1.16.5"
7Press "Play" to run Minecraft with the mods

Requires Other Mods

You need to install Curious API (Forge) for you to be able to run this mod. Download the required Forge version and just place it together with the Spartan Weaponry mod inside your mod folder and you're good to go!

Other Similar Mods

Mods Similar To Spartan Weaponry


Video from PopularMMOs!!!

Compatible MinecraftMinecraft Java
Latest Version1.14.4
Required Mods- Forge
- Kottle
Contents- Craftable Yoyos
- Yoyos that can destroy anything

As simple as its title, this mod allows players to craft Yoyos and use them in combat. These yoyos shred anything that they touch, making it similar to blasting enemies with laser.

Best Weapon Mods 2021

Mod info, details, and some images are from Curse Forge!!!

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