A guide on how to complete Side Quest "Carted Away" in Hogwarts Legacy (Harry Potter). Includes how to unlock, requirements, location, walkthrough & rewards.
Table of Contents
Carted Away - Chart Guide
- Go To Hogsfield Through The South Gate
- Talk To Arn The Goblin
- Battle Goblins In The Camp
- Return to Arn

You can reach out to nearby villages and valleys from the Hogwarts Castle. Head south from the South Gate to Hogsfield.

He appears to be in trouble because his cart has been taken. Upon receiving the request, a guide to the Goblin Camp will be displayed.
To clear out the Goblin Camp, you need to defeat at least 10 goblins. Try to beat them while luring them outside because once inside the encampment, you'll easily become a target and get overwhelemed.
Use Throwing and Ancient Magic
There are many objects in the camp can be thrown. It's more effective than Basic Cast, so take advantage of it. Try to do combos and actively use Ancient Magic.

Once you have defeated the goblins in the encampment, report to Arn. He will be able to open his store for you no matter which option you choose. You'll find him near the Fast Travel of Lower Hogsfield.
Arn's Location

Can Buy A Broom

There is one Broom you can buy at Arn's store. Visit and buy it as you will need it to complete your Collections.
Collection & Collectibles GuideCarted Away - Rewards
Appearances: Opulent Spider's Web Hat

After the Goblin annihilation, you will be given the "Opulent Spider's Web Hat".
Carted Away - How To Unlock
Visit The Lower Hogsfield

By progressing in the quest "Secrets of the Restricted Section", you will be able to head to Hogsfield from Hogwarts South Exit.
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