Eyeball Chests (Disillusionment Chests) guide for Hogwarts Legacy. Learn how to open Eye Chests, map locations where to find it, invisibility spells and rewards you can get inside.
Table Of Contents
Eye Chest - How To Open & What's Inside
Use The Disillusionment Spell
You will need to use the Disillusionment Spell in order to get near and open the Eye Chest or the Disillusionment Chest. Be careful not to approach the chest without using the spell first.
Can Be Learned In The Main Quests "Secrets Of The Restricted Section"
The Disillusionment Spell can be learned when you go to the Library with Sebastian when you do the Main Quest "Secrets of the Restricted Area". If you have not learned it yet, you must continue through the story first.
Use Invisibility Potion To Have The Same Effects As The Disillusionment Spell
If you have not yet mastered Disillusionment, you can still use the Invisibility Potion to open the Eye Treasure Chest. However, take note that it requires a lot of effort to do so as the Potion Recipe cost 500 Galleons to purchase aside from the materials to brew the Potion, so its best to learn Disillusionment to open it.
Invisibility Potion - How To Get & Effect
You Can Get 500 Galleons From The Eye Chests
You can obtain 500 Galleons by simply opening the Eye Chests. Look to open Eye Chests if you want to make money especially when you are farming money in the early game.
Best Ways To Get Money - What To Buy
Open Eye Chests Location
Hogwarts Castle
The Hogwarts Castle currently has 14 of these Open Eye Chests hidden around the school grounds. Make sure to check the video down below to know the exact locations of these Open Eye Treasure Chest. Also, check the box on the right for treasure chests that have already been acquired so that you do not miss anything.
Location Of The Main Treasure House At Hogwarts Castle
- 【Lower Grand Staircase】
From Floo Flames found at the Lower Grand Staircase in the Hogwarts Castle, go up the stairs at left and proceed.
- 【Beasts Classroom】
Go up the stairs located just in front of Floo Flames found at the Beasts Classroom in the Hogwarts Castle, and proceed.
- 【Transfiguration Courtyard】
Go up the starts of the bulding in front of the Floo Flames found at the Transfiguration Courtyard in the Hogwarts Castle, and proceed.
- 【Greenhouses】
Go down the stairs located at left of the Floo Flames found at the Greenhouses, and proceed.
- 【Bell Tower Wing - Courtyard】
Go up the stairs located just at left of the Floo Flames found at the Bell Tower Wing - Courtyard, and proceed.
- 【The Map Chamber】
After Completing the Jackdaw event, go up the spiral staircase located just at the Floo Flames found at The Map Chamber. You can go there anytime after the completion of the Jackdaw event.
- 【Library】
Go down the stairs located at left of the Floo Flames found at the Library, and proceed.
- 【Viaduct Courtyard】
Proceed to right from the Viaduct Courtyard. Get out of the elevator and proceed left to find the location.
- 【Bathroom near Professor Fig's Classroom】
Found inside the bathroom located at the side of the Bathroom near Professor Fig's Classroom.
- 【Divination Classroom】
Proceed left from the Floo Flames located at the Divination Classroom, proceed the wooden path to find the location.
- 【Hogwarts North Exit】
Go inside the castle from the Hogwarts North Exit, go up the stairs located at left, the box is located after passing the door.
- 【Quad Courtyard】
Climb up the stairs on the left of the Floo Flames in the Quad Courtyard.
- 【Clock Tower Courtyard】
From the fast travel point at Clock Tower Courtyard, climb up the nearby stairs, find the innermost room in the 2nd floor.
- 【Viaduct Courtyard】
From the fast travel point at Viaduct Courtyard, head to the underground port.(Alohomora Lv 3 is required)
- 【Lower Grand Staircase】
Go right from the Floo Flame of Lower Grand Staircase to the end of Slytherin Dungeon.(Alohomora Lv 2 is required)
Hogsmeade currently has 14 confirmed Open Eye treasure chests. Tap the treasure chest icon on the map to view the video for reference.
Hogsmeade Open Eye Treasure Chest Locations
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