See the location of all collection chests and bandit camp in Hogwarts Legacy (Harry Potter). Guide includes interaction map, how to roam fast, tips, & more about collection chests.
All Locations Of Collection Chests
Collection Chest Rewards
Get Traits From A Treasure Chest
Traits can be obtained from the elevated treasure chests with legs in the field. The available traits are random so you can reroll with save & load, but you can also complete the exploration traits by patrolling other areas since the contents of the chest does not overlap.
For Upgrading & Obtaining Gear
Gears, potions, and Galleons from enemies can also be acquired. In each case, the rate is not so good but it is a decent option considering it as a farming method other than a treasure chest. In addition, some treasure chests where gear can be obtained are located in some places.
How To Roam Or Collect Chests Fast?
Avoid Combats
Avoiding combats while exploring is the most efficient method for getting around the field. Incoming attacks could inflict heavy damage but if you lower the difficulty, you can travel to various places with almost full HP.
Utilize Petrificus Totalus For Stealth
It is also very effective to sneak in with stealth. If you are able to divert the attention of enemies in the area, you can easily sneak to the guarded chests.
Check By Opening Treasure Chest
When a treasure chest containing collections is opened, the completion check markings can be seen in the that specific area. Since you are likely not revisiting the area for treasure chests, set a waypoint to optimize your time and avoid unnecessary detours.
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