Learn all you need to know about all training manuals found in Last of Us 2 (TLOU2)! Including manual location, effects, guide & more on The Last Of Us Part 2.
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Ellie Walkthrough
Manual Effect | Chapter Location |
Training Manual: Prep Unlocks Crafting Upgrade Branch | Found In Downtown (Courthouse) or Downtown (Firetruck) On a bookshelf of the courthouse office (1st floor). Enter by breaking the window. -or- Found inside an overturned truck at the Downtown river. Use the Firetruck on the bridge to climb down. |
Training Manual: Last Round Unlocks Stealth Upgrade Branch | Found In Channel 13 On the table of an office, next to the room where you find Leah |
Training Manual: Outdoor Sportsman Unlocks Precision Upgrade Branch | Found In Hillcrest (Toy Store) Found next to a dead Clicker slumped over the counter after leaving the spore-infested basement |
Training Manual: Organic Chemistry: Concepts & Practice Unlocks Explosives Upgrade Branch | Found In The Seraphites (Next To The Workbench Room) Found on the bed of an newly exposed room, after you were ambushed while using the workbench |
The Section Below Here Contains Spoilers. Viewer Discretion Is Advised
Abby Walkthrough
Manual Effect | Chapter Location |
Training Manual: David Versus Goliath Unlocks Covert Ops Upgrade Branch | Found In On Foot (Warehouse) Inside the yacht you need to stand on to solve a rope throwing puzzle, in the warehouse. |
Training Manual: Urban Warrior Unlocks Close Quarters Upgrade Branch | Found In Hostile Territory (Jasmine Bakery) Inside a locked safe in Jasmine Bakery. Smash the window to access. Code is 68-96-89 |
Training Manual: Bring Your Own Bullets Unlocks Firearms Upgrade Branch | Found In The Forest (Autoshop) Close to the area with workbench. Enter the room to the right as you follow Lev into the kitchen. The filed manual is on a table at the end of the room |
Training Manual: Identify Counter And Destroy Unlocks Ordinance Upgrade Branch | Found In The Coast (Top of Ship) Open the safe at the top deck of the ship, in the steering section. Code is 90-77-01. |
What Are Training Manuals?
Unlocks Skill Branch

Training Manuals are collectible items that are hidden in the world that grants you unlocks new Skill Branches. These skills may provide bonus such as permanent buffs to your consumable items' effects.
Click Here For More On Skill UpgradesSupplements Required To Learn Skills
In order to actually learn skills, you will need multiple Supplements along with the Training Manual. These items are usually found in urban housings and other buildings.
Click Here For More On SupplementsAllows You To Learn New Skill, Recipe, & Upgrades

By collecting the Training Manual, you can learn new useful skills to enhance your traits or new ways to create and make your items more potent. These unlockable upgrades will all be accessible through the Skill Branch.
Will Pop Up Elsewhere If You Missed It

While the locations you can find Training Manuals are always fixed, there are multiple potential places it will be placed if you happen to miss it in your journey. The game will try to respawn the lost book somewhere along your path if you missed a Training Manual.
Training Manual Sequence Is Always the Same
The order of which Training Manual you pick up is always the same, regardless of where you get it. Ellie for example, will always find the Training Manual in the order of Crafting, Stealth, Precision & Explosives.