Check out this Beginner's Guide for Cyberpunk 2077. Find out early game tips, things to know, things to do first, important game mechanics, how to power up your character, & more.
Early Game Tips
Must Know Tips For Beginners
Beginner's Guide - Early Game Tips
Create A Character To Your Liking

Your first step when entering the world of Cyberpunk 2077 will be to create a new character! Take your time here. Game difficulty can be changed at any time. In terms of Lifepath choice, feel free to select whichever one you identify with the most - there isn't any player power associated with any of them, and the story is more or less very similar regardless which one you pick.
Take Your Time In Character Creation
Your characters appearance, as well as the attribute points you spend CANNOT be change, so be careful. You should take your time in deciding these two things before proceeding with the game. In particular, try to anticipate what kind of playstyle you'll be using in the game and allocate points in the appropriate attributes!
Get To Know The Game Systems Via Tutorials

After creating your character, you'll have the option of going through some (optional) tutorials on game systems. This is a good opportunity to learn some complex game mechanics like Hacking, so we strongly recommend you do this training to get a better handle on the game!
Check Out Breach Protocol (Hacking) HereFinish The Prologue

After doing your prologue and tutorials, you'll be set on the same trajectory as all other Lifepaths. From here, you'll finally be able to start raisign your character level and Street Cred.
Leveling Cred Is Crucial
Leveling up your Street Cred will give you access to more and more purchasable items from shops in various districts. There are plenty of items you can't get if your Cred isn't high enough, so don't let it go by the wayside!
Continue With The Main Story

When you reach the main job The Ripperdoc, you'll gain access to a whole bunch of game systems and be able to freely explore Night City! Here you can choose to proceed with the main story straight away or get acquainted with other aspects of the game.
Check Out The Main Job WalkthroughTry Side Jobs & Gigs
Side Jobs and Gigs will spawn all around the city at various times. These missions will provide you not only with EXP and money, but also with valuable, powerful weapons and clothing! Doing them is highly recommended.
Tips Beginners Should Know
Learn The Basics
Don't Worry Too Much About Choices

The only time that the story itself will diverge as a result of your individual conversation choices is the game's ending! Until then, there's no need to fret about tiny dialogue choices - they won't have much of an impact on the game and are just there for flavor and your personal enjoyment.
Travel By Car Or Via Fast Travel
Traveling in Cyberpunk 2077 is primarily done by car: you can either summon up a car you've already purchased to your location, or use certain fast travel terminals to warp around the map. This is particularly useful if you're traveling from District to District, so make good use of it!
How To Make Money
What Can You Buy With Money?

Eurodollars (affectionately known as Eddies) have a huge amount of possible uses, though they can be hard to come by. For example, for 100,000 you can get an item which resets your perks. Additionally, you can also buy legendary equipment with money as well from certain shops!
Disassembling Items The Best Way To Earn Money?
If you get the Mechanic Perk in the Tech tree, you can actually buy and disassemble items from vending machines and turn a profit! This method is fast and repeatable, making it a good way of farming money. There are of course, other methods as well, including:
- Selling Junk
- Getting money from Gigs and Side Jobs
- Killing targets with a Bounty on their heads
- Helping out the NCPD
How To Make Your Character Stronger
Allocating Perks And Attributes

The most obvious way of powering up your character is to allocate Perk and Attribute points to gain more stats and new abilities! Attributes cannot be refunded, though Perks can (at a cost), so be very careful how you spend them. In the early game, we recommend speccing into a few crafting perks and many weapon-related perks!
Loot Weapons From Enemies

One of the great joys of Cyberpunk 2077 is scavenging weapons from foes you defeated. There's no disadvantage to picking up weapons, as even if your inventory becomes full you can simply disassemble them for useful parts. You should always be looking to equip a stronger weapon!
Craft The Strongest Weapons

We can't emphasize enough how important it is to loot absolutely everything in Cyberpunk 2077! Disassemble items you don't need and use those mats to upgrade your existing weapons or craft new ones! You'll also never be short on ammo, which is nice too.
Check Out The Crafting Guide HereUpgrade Weapons

Additionally, it's possible to use certain "Iconic" weapons, which are unique and can be upgraded repeatedly to increase their stats! They will eventually become extremely powerful weapons, even if their rarity is initially low. Note, however, that you'll need to have 18 points in Tech to do this!
Check Out More On Iconic Weapons HereDon't Forget Cyberware

In addition to regular weapons and clothing, you can also equip your character with Cyberware and Cyberdecks. This equipment is quite varied, with some of it letting you useful powerful blades, and other items even giving you the ability to double jump! Make sure to regularly visit Ripperdocs to see if they have new stuff for sale!