Check out how to remove the virus from the chip in the Pickup job in Cyberpunk 2077. Find out how to extract malware, remove virus from chip, and more!
Check Out The Main Job Storyline HereHow To Remove The Virus From The Chip
Available In Act 1 Job "The Pickup"

During the main story job "The Pickup", you may be asked to remove some malware from a chip given to you by the character Meredith. This is an entirely optional event, so you don't have to worry about completing it. If you do so, you'll be able to pay Royce with this instead!
Check Out 'The Pickup' HereHow To Remove The Virus From The Chip

In order to extract the malware from the chip and make it usable, first head to your menu and go to the SHARDS tab - you'll have to highlight the Journal first.
Scroll To The Right Shard

Next, scroll through all your collected shards and look for the one labeled "Militech Datashard". Select this one to proceed to the hacking minigame!
Breach Protocol Sequence

In order to successfully remove the virus from this chip, you'll have to do a short breach protocol minigame. This works just like regular breach protocol. Follow the numbering in the image above to ensure you get both strings in the sequence! Just the top one alone will remove the virus, however.
Check Out More On Breach Protocol Here