Check out this end game guide for Cyberpunk 2077. Find out what to do after you beat the game, postgame rewards, completionist tasks, trophies, endings, side jobs, and more!
End Game Content
Sent Back After Clearing The Game
Inventory & Level Will Be Carried Over

After clearing the game and seeing the end, you'll be sent back to the front of a building in Act 2: Nocturne 15 Op 55. You'll be returned here with all the items (and exp) you may have picked up on your way clearing the final mission.
Check Out The Nocturne OP55 Job WalkthroughGet All Trophies
Prove Your Skill
You'll be able to earn Trophies (on PS4) and Achievements (on PC) by completing their specific requirements. There are tons of these out there, so if you're a dedicated completionist, you won't want to miss them!
Check Out All Achievements & Trophies HereSee All Endings
4 Possible Endings

There are a total of 5 total endings you can see in Cyberpunk 2077. They each have special requirements in order to see them, and they all have an associated Trophy. Don't be satisfied with just seeing one ending - as soon as you beat the game once, try seeing the remaining 4 endings right away!
Check Out All Endings HereGet The Best Weapons & Clothing
Search For Rare Weapons

There are some extremely powerful weapons and armor pieces that can only be obtained from Side Jobs and Gigs! You can make them even more powerful by upgrading them as well!
Do All Side Jobs & Gigs
You've Still Got A Lot To Do

▲Icons in yellow represent uncleared side jobs. There are loads of these to do!
Even if you're done with the main job, you're not really done with the game. There are a near countless number of Side Jobs and Gigs you can do all across Night City. It's possible that some of them have other Side Jobs as prerequisites too! Can you really say you've completed Cyberpunk 2077 if you haven't cleared every single Side Job?
Check Out A List Of Side Jobs HereGet All Vehicles
Do All Car-Related Jobs
Car Dealers will occasionally call you up, offering you cars to purchase! Though it may cost an inordinate amount of Eurodollars, it still might be worth it to try to buy every single vehicle available in the game! Start saving up now - you're going to need it!
Check Out A List Of All Vehicles Here