Check out this Cyberdeck List guide for Cyberpunk 2077. Find out cyberdeck locations, cyberdeck RAM, RAM Capacity, upgrades, how to get cyberdecks, and more.
Table Of Contents
What Are Cyberdecks?
Cyberware Which Allows You To Hack

Cyberdecks are a form of Cyberware which gives you the ability to perform certain quickhacks. You can gain the ability to do this by installing (equipping) a Cyberdeck.
Quickhacks Use Up RAM
In order to perform quickhacks on enemies, you'll need to use up RAM from your Cyberdeck. The amount of RAM available to you will depend on the cyberware you have equipped, your perks, as well as your level. Expended RAM will be restored to you once you leave combat!
How To Upgrade RAM
It's possible to increase your total RAM by getting Intelligence Perks, equipping Cyberware with different effects, and using high rarity Cyberdecks.
Customize Effects With Mods

It's possible to use mods to give additional effects to your Cyberdecks. You can add as many mods as your Cyberdeck has slots, so feel free to try out various combinations.
How To Get Cyberdecks
Cyberdeck List
Name | Effect / How To Get |
Militech Paraline | Base Ram:2 Buffer Size:4 Slots:2 【Effect】 - 【How To Get】 Default |
Biodyne Mk.2 | Base Ram:9 Buffer Size:6 Slots:4 【Effect】 TBC 【How To Get】 Purchase at Ripperdoc in Watson: Northside (15000) |
Seocho Electronics Mk.1 | Base Ram:4 Buffer Size:5 Slots:3 【Effect】 TBC 【How To Get】 Purchase at Ripperdoc in Watson: Northside Ripperdoc (7500) |
Stephenson Tech Mk.2 | Base Ram:6 Buffer Size:7 Slots:4 【Effect】 Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning. Quickhack cooldown reduced by 30%. Increases combat quickhack duration by 30%. 【How To Get】 Purchase at Ripperdoc in Watson: North western Kabuki market (15000) |
Biotech Σ Mk.2 | Base Ram:7 Buffer Size:6 Slots:4 【Effect】 TBC 【How To Get】 Purchase at Ripperdoc in Watson: North western Kabuki market (15000) |
Raven Microcyber Mk.4 | Base Ram:10 Buffer Size:8 Slots:6 【Effect】 Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning. Increases the time it takes for an enemy netrunner to hack you by 100%. Increases quickhack spread distance by 50%. Increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 5 unit(s) per 50 sec. 【How To Get】 Purchase at Ripperdoc in Watson: North western Kabuki market (35000) |
Biotech Σ Mk.1 | Base Ram:5 Buffer Size:5 Slots:3 【Effect】 Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning. Increases cyberdeck RAM recovery rate by 6 unit(s) per 60 sec. Increases damage dealt by quickhacks by 10%. 【How To Get】 Ripperdoc in Rancho Coronado |
Tetratronic Mk.1 | Base Ram:4 Buffer Size:5 Slots:3 【Effect】 Allows you to perform quickhacks on targets and devices while scanning. Increases damage dealt by quickhacks by 10%. 【How To Get】 Ripperdoc in Rancho Coronado |
Zetatech Sandevistan Mk.2 | Base Ram:TBC Buffer Size:TBC Slots:TBC 【Effect】 Slows time by 50% for 12 sec. Cooldown 30 sec. Activated by holding L1 R1. Increases Crit Chance by 15% when Sandevistan is active. Empty Cyberware Mod Slot. 【How To Get】 TBC |