Check out this Borderlands 3 guide and list of all crew challenges. Includes collectible information with map locations, & where to find objectives!!!
Table of Contents
What Are Crew Challenges?
Hidden Collectibles In Every Borderlands 3 Map

Crew Challenges are hidden collectibles that can be found in every Borderlands 3 map. When found or completed, they award players with experience points, cash, or Eridium. You can find the list under "Crew Challenges" when checking your map.
All Location Maps - Planets & ZonesThere Are Several Crew Challenges Per Map
This article provides information on locations regarding each type of Crew Challenge. If you wish to complete Crew Challenges per map or area, check out the map and locations found in the list below!
All Crew Challenges List
Typhon Logs

Follow the decades-old journey of the First Vault Hunter by collecting all Typhon Journals. Once you've found all 3 in an area, Tannis will be able pinpoint the location of the secret Typhon Dead Drop cache and unlock it for you.
Check Out the Typhon Logs & Dead Drops Locations HereTyphon Dead Drop
Locate the 3 Typhon Journals found in each area to find Typhon's Dead Drop cache, a chest full of high rarity items for yours to keep.
Dead Claptrap

Salvage parts from decommissioned Claptrap units found around the galaxy to help Claptrap build a friend. You can check up on his progression by visiting Clap Trap's room on the Sanctuary!
Check Out the All Dead Claptrap Location HereLegendary Hunt

Defeat unique and exotic beasts around the galaxy for Sir Hammerlock! Each target has a chance to drop unique legendary loot, but be wary, these hunts are no easy prey!
Check Out the All Legendary Hunts List HereCrimson Radio

Help Moxxi recruit for the Crimson Alliance by sabotaging the Children of the Vault's Broadcast Towers. Your platforming skills will be put to test while you try to figure out a way to parkour your way above each radio tower.
Check Out the Crimson Radio Locations HereHijack Target

Find rare parts and equipments for your ride and scan them at your nearest Catch-A-Ride stations to unlock unique parts! Look out for unmanned blue marked vehicles hidden and stationed at the most obscure of places.
Check the Hijack Target Locations HereTarget of Opportunity

Track down and kill assassination targets for Zer0 on Atlas's Most Wanted. Each target is vastly more unique and powerful than the regular grunts and mobs, so be sure to come prepared!
Check Out the Target of Oppotunity Challenges Here