Borderlands 3: Walkthrough & Strategy Guide
Amara - Skills Tree & Guide

Amara - Skills Tree & Guide | Borderlands 3

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Learn all you need to know about Amara the Siren's skill tree in Borderlands 3! Featuring all Action Skills, Augments, notable Skills from each tree, all skill list & more, & more!!!

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Amara - Siren Character Class Overview

Amara - Siren Character Class Overview

Gifted with mystical powers as one of the 6 sirens of the galaxy, Amara is able to summon ethereal fists to slam enemies or throw an astral projection of herself at will.

Check Out the Amara Best Builds Guide Here

Element Focused Skills

Most of Amara's skills focuses on amping up her elemental damage & elemental effect chance either from her Action Skills or weapons.

Crowd Control & Multi Target Abilities

With skills that can easily attack multiple enemies at a time, Amara's especially effective when it comes to crowd control. Her Phasegrasp & Deliverance skills are notable for these.

Check out skills guide Here!

Melee Themed Siren

Amara has multiple skills that put particular attention to her melee damage. She even has a skill that boosts her damage the closer she is to an enemy.

Fist of the Elements - Skill Tree & Action Skills

Fist of the Elements - Skill Tree & Action Skills

Notable Skills in Fist of the Elements Tree


The Tempest skill is a requirement for any player running an elemental build for Amara. Tempest increases her overall elemental damage, especially for her Shock damage.


A skill focused on survivability, Sustainment will apply Life Steal to Amara, giving her health equivalent to a percentage of the elemental damage she is making.


Another elemental focused skill, Anima increases the Amara's elemental status damage and prolongs it at the same time.


PhasegraspPhasegraspAmara summons a giant first that burst from the ground and locks the target in place for a few seconds.

Whenever a Grasped target is killed, a new fist seeks out and Grasps a new target.
Skill Duration: 7 seconds
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Grasp Immune Damage: 28

Immobilizes Enemies

The main feature of the Phasegrasp is the ability to hold down in place an enemy, giving players an easier target. This is great for taking down mobile enemies or preventing enemies from attacking you.

The Eternal Fist

The Eternal FistThe Eternal FistAmara summons a giant first that burst from the ground and locks the target in place for a few seconds.

Whenever a Grasped target is killed, a new fist seeks out and Grasps a new target.
Skill Duration: 7 seconds
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Grasp Immune Damage: 28

Utilize with a Longer Skill Duration

Make the best out of this skill by also investing points in skills that extend the duration of your Action Skill. The longer your Action Skill is, the more likely The Eternal Fist can grasp on to targets.

Ties That Bind

Ties That BindTies that BindAmara summons a giant first that burst from the ground and locks the target in place for a few seconds.

Enemies near the Grasped target is linked, and any damage dealt to a linked target is shared between all other linked target.
Skill Duration: 7 seconds
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Grasp Immune Damage: 28

Especially Powerful in Multiplayer

With more than 2 people attacking linked targets, the damage across all linked targets will be greatly multiplied. Although this is still effective in single player, it becomes increasingly more valuable when playing in groups.

Fist Over Matter

Fist Over MatterFist Over MatterAmara summons a giant first that burst from the ground and locks the target in place for a few seconds.

After Grasping the targeted enemy, large fists appear and constantly smash the area, dealing damage to nearby enemies
Skill Duration: 7 seconds
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Grasp Immune Damage: 28

Works Great with Allure Action Skill Effect

The Allure Action Skill Effect will pull in enemies to where the Fist Over Matter is and placing them in the damage radius of the giant fists.

Mystical Assault - Skill Tree & Action Skills

Mystical Assault - Skill Tree & Action Skills

Notable Skills in Mystical Assault Tree

Do Harm

The Do Harm tree will grant a stack of Rush for every enemy that Amara has killed. Every stack of Rush will be consumed when Amara uses her Action Skill, granting an increase in damage.


Although in the Mystical Assault Tree, Ascendant affects all Action Skill Augments across each Skill Tree. This increases all of their stats, no matter which one is active.


Avatar will allow players to use Amara's Action Skill once again even while its in cooldown. To put it simply, you'll be able to use your Action Skill twice within a single cooldwon.


PhasecastPhasecastAmara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path.
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Damage: 92

Use Against Enemies Grouped Together

The Phasecast Action Skill can hit multiple targets. Take advantage of this by using it against enemies lined up or are in a tight spot to do maximum damage.


DeliveranceDeliveranceAmara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path.

Whenever Amara's Astral Projection damages an enemy, it releases homing Elemental Projectiles that trigger her Action Skill Elemental Effect on enemies
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Damage: 92
Elemental Projectiles: 3 per enemy hit

The More Enemies Hit, the More Projectiles

With this skill, aim to hit as many enemies as possible. This can easily be done by using Singularity grenades that pulls enemies to a single spot.


ReverberationReverberationAmara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path.

Astral Projection deals increased damage for every enemy hit.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Damage: 88
Damage Bonus: +50% per enemy hit

Combo with Singularity Grenades

Singularity Grenades are able to pull together enemies within its reach. When they're in the same place, it will make it easier to hit multiple targets and increase your damage!


TangavaTangavaAmara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself. When it hits a target, it explodes damaging all nearby enemies.
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Damage: 91

Strong Against Bosses with Mooks

Aim your Astral Projection to a singular target that you want to damage the most. Bosses with mooks hanging around will be damaged more highly with this Action Skill

Brawl - Skill Tree & Action Skills

Brawl - Skill Tree & Action Skills

Notable Skills in Brawl Tree


Whenever Amara damages an enemy with her Action Skill, she will gain a stack of Samsara. Each stack of Samsara increases Gun Damage and Health Regeneration.

Guardian Angel

With Guardian Angel, Amara will immediately get out of Fight for Your Life even without killing an enemy. It will also regenerate her health and create an elemental nova around her.


Blitz changes Amara's melee into a charging melee strike. If she hits kills an enemy with Blitz, it's cooldown will reset immediately.


PhaseslamPhaseslamAmara leaps into the air and Slams the ground, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and knocking them up.
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Damage: 98

Great for Closing Distances

Phaseslam can easily close the distance between Amara and her target. Additionally, it can damage multiple enemies at a time, making it deadly against grouped up enemies.


FractureFractureAmara summons aline of fists that erupt from the ground, dealing damage to enemies in front of Amara
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Damage: 88

Use to Deter Charging Enemies

Fracture can easily prevent melee enemies from heading straight for Amera. Damage them with the Action Skill then finish them off your weapons.


DownfallDownfallAmara leaps into the air and shoots an Elemental Beam below her briefly, followed by a Slam
Cooldown: 47 seconds
Damage: 95
Beam Damage: 14/second

Focus on Single Targets

Make the best out of this skill by focusing on a single target at a time. This best used for bosses and other higher difficulty enemies instead of wasting it on mooks.

Amara - All Siren Skill List & Effects

All Fist of the Elements Skills & Effect

Phase Grasp

Phase GraspPhase GraspSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Skill Duration: 7 seconds
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Grasp Immune Damage: 28

Amara summons a giant fist that bursts from the ground and locks the targeted enemy in place for a few seconds.

Some enemies are immune to being Grasped and instantly take damage instead.


AnimaAnima iconSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Action Skill Status Effect Damage: +8% / +16% / +24% / +32% / +40%
Status Effect Damage: +4% / +8% / +12% / +16% / +20%
Status Effect Duration: +20% / +40% / +60% / +80% / +100%

Amara's Status Effects deal increased damage over time and have increased duration. Her Action Skill Status Effect deals further increased damage.

Steady Hands

Steady Hands iconSteady HandsSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Handling: +14% / +24% / +32% /
Accuracy: +13% / +24% / +31%

Amara gains increased Weapon Handling and Accuracy.


Infusion iconInfusionSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Converted Damage: +8% / +16% / +24% / +32% / +40%

Convert a portion of damage dealt by Amara's weapons into her Action Skill Element.


Tempest iconSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Shock Damage: +4.0% / +8.0% / +12.0% / +16.0% / +20.0%
Elemental Damage: +6.0% / +12.0% / +18.0% / +24.0% / +30.0%

Amara deals increased Elemental Damage. Shock damage is further increased.

Illuminated Fist

Illuminated Fist iconIlluminated FistSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Melee Damage: +75.0%

Amara gains increased Melee Damage and her Melee Damage is converted to her Action Skill Element.


Wildfire iconWildfireSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Spread Chance: +8% / +16% / +24% / +32% / +40%

Whenever Amara applies a Status Effect to an enemy, it has a chance to spread to a nearby enemy.


Soulfire iconSoulfireSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Converts to Incendiary Damage

Converts Amara's Action Skill to Incendiary Damage.

Fire wants to be free.

The Eternal Fist

The Eternal Fist iconThe Eternal FistSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Bonus Targets: Up to +4
20 seconds
Grasp Immune Damage: 28

Amara summons a giant fist that bursts from the ground and locks the targeted enemy in place for a few seconds.

Whenever the Grasped enemy is killed, a new fist seeks out and Grasps a new target.


Dread iconDreadSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Gun Damage: +15%
Duration: 8 seconds

Amara's Gun Damage is increased for a few seconds after an enemy is Grasped.

Whenever any player kills a Grasped enemy, their current weapon is instantly reloaded.


Allure iconAllureSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Action Skill Damage: -20%
Duration: 2.5 seconds

Amara’s Action Skill creates a singularity that pulls in enemies.

Don't everybody get up at once.


Indiscriminate iconIndiscriminateSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Ricochet Chance: 10% / 20% / 30%
Ricochet Damage: -50%
Action Skill Ricochet Chance: 20% / 40% / 60%
Action Skill Ricochet Damage: -25%

Amara's bullets that damage enemies have a chance to ricochet and deal decreased damage to other nearby enemies. Ricochet Chance and Damage are increased if the target is currently affected by Phasegrasp or Stillness of Mind.

Deep Well

Deep Well iconDeep WellSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Magazine Size: +20%

Amara gains increased Magazine Size with elemental weapons.


Catharsis iconCatharsisSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Damage: 4 / 8 /13
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Whenever Amara triggers an elemental effect on an enemy, when that enemy dies that enemy explodes, dealing her attuned element damage along with any other element that is currently inflicted upon that enemy. This skill has a short cooldown.

Ties That Bind

Ties That Bind iconTies That BindSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Link Damage: 35% of damage dealt
Cooldown: 18 seconds
Grasp Immune Damage: 34

Amara summons a giant fist that bursts from the ground and locks the targeted enemy in place for a few seconds.

Enemies near the Grasped target are linked, and any damage dealt to a linked target is shared between all other linked targets.

Fist Over Matter

Fist Over Matter iconFist Over MatterSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Damage: 35
Grasp Immune Damage: 39

Amara summons a giant fist that bursts from the ground and locks the targeted enemy in place for a few seconds.

After Grasping the targeted enemy, large fists appear and constantly smash the area, dealing damage to nearby enemies.


Sustainment iconSustainmentSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Life Steal: 4% / 8% / 12% / 16% / 20% of damage dealt

Amara gains Life Steal whenever she deals Elemental Damage with her weapon.


Conflux iconConfluxSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Extra Effect Chance: 7% / 14% / 21% / 28% / 35%

Whenever Amara applies a Status Effect to an enemy, she gains a chance to randomly Electrocute, Ignite, or Melt that enemy.

Forceful Expression

Forceful Expression iconForceful ExpressionSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Bonus Elemental Damage: 18.0% of Damage Dealt

Amara's guns deal Bonus Elemental Damage, based on her Action Skill Element.

All Mystical Assault Skills & Effect


PhasecastPhasecastSkill Type:
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Damage: 92

Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path.

Do Harm

Do HarmDo HarmSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Max Rush Stacks: 10
Action Skill Damage: +0.9% / 1.8% / 2.7% / 3.6% / 4.5% per stack consumed
Max Duration: 20 seconds

Killing an enemy grants Amara a stack of Rush. Activating her Action Skill consumes all Rush stacks.
For every stack of Rush consumed, Amara's Action Skill Damage is temporarily increased.

Fast Hand(s)

FAST HAND(S)Fast Hand(s)Skill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Reload Speed:+7% / +14% / +19%
Weapon Swap Speed: +16% / +28% / +36%
Mode Switch Speed: +16% / +28% / +36%

Amara's Reload Speed,Weapon Swap Speed, and Mode Switch Speed are improved.

Violent Tapestry

violent tapestryViolent TapestrySkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Max Rush Stacks: 10
Effect Chance: +0.6% / 1.2% / 1.8% / 2.4% / 3.0% per stack consumed
Max Duration: 20 seconds

Applying a Status Effect grants Amara a stack of Rush. Activating her action skill consumes all Rush stacks.

For every stack of Rush consumed, Amara's Status Effect Chance is temporarily increased.


alacrityAlacritySkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Reload Speed: +0.4% / +0.8% / +1.2% / +1.6% / +2.0% per stack
Reload Speed: +0.6% / +1.2% / +1.8% / +2.3% / +2.9% after action skill use
Max Duration: 8 seconds

Amara gains increased Reload Speed for every stack of Rush. After consuming Rush stacks, this bonus is increased for a few seconds.


TranscendTranscendSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Accuracy:+17% / +29% / +38%
Critical Hit Damage: +9% / +18% / +27%
Duration: 12 seconds

Amara gains increased Accuracy and Critical Hit Damage for a few seconds after activating her Action Skill.


RestlessRestlessSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Cooldown Rate: +5% / +10% / +15% / +20% / +25%

Amara gains increased Action Skill Cooldown Rate.

Soul Sap

Soul SapSoul SapSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Life Steal: 30% of Skill damage dealt

A portion of all damage dealt by Amara's Action Skill is returned to her or a nearby ally as health.


DeliverenceDeliverenceSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Damage: 86
Elemental Projectiles: 3 per enemy hit

Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path.

Whenever Amara’s Astral Projection damages an enemy or object, it releases homing Elemental Projectiles that trigger her Action Skill Elemental Effect on enemies.


AscendantAscendantSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Soul Sap Lifesteal:+20%
Allure Radius: +100%
Glamour Duration:+50%
Stillness of Mind: Breaks 0.75 seconds after being damaged
Revelation Damage: +25%

All Action Skill Augments gain increased effects.

Stillness Of Mind

Stillness Of MindStillness Of MindSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Max Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: +15%
Damage: -25%

Enemies damaged by Amara's Action Skill become phaselocked until they are damaged or the duration ends. However, Action Skill Cooldown is increased.

If Amara targets an enemy with Phasegrasp, enemies near the Grasped target are phaselocked.


ReverberationReverberationSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Damage Bonus: +50% per enemy hit
Damage: 88

Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path.

Astral Projection deals increased damage for every enemy it hits.

From Rest

From RestFrom RestSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Fire Rate: +4% / +8% / +12%
Duration: +21% / +34% / +44%

Amara gains improved Fire Rate and Charge Time.

Laid Bare

Laid BareLaid BareSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Damage Increase: +8.3% / +16.7% / +25.0%
Charge Time: 8 seconds

Enemies take increased damage from all sources for a few seconds after being damaged by Amara's Action Skill.


WrathWrathSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Gun Damage: +6.7% / +13.3% / +20.0%
Gun Damage: +6.7% / +13.3% / +20.0% after action skill use
Duration: 8 seconds

Amara gains increased Gun Damage. This effect is increased after she activates her action skill for a few seconds.


RemnantRemnantSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Remnant Damage: 9 / 18 /26

When Amara kills an enemy with a Gun or Action Skill, she creates a homing projectile that seeks out a new enemy dealing her Action Skill Elemental Damage.

Any Overkill Damage is added to the projectile's damage.


AwakeningAwakeningSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Rush Stack Effectiveness: +10% / +20% / +30%

Amara's Rush stacks gain increased effectiveness.


TandavaTandavaSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Damage: 91

Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself. When it hits a target, it explodes, damaging all nearby enemies.


AvatarAvatarSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Bonus Rush Stacks: +10

Amara's Action Skill can be activated while it's cooling down. This skill may only be used once per completed cooldown.

Additionally, increases Amara's Max Rush Stacks.

Additionally, if Action Skill kills an enemy, it refunds half of her Rush stacks.

All Brawl Skills & Effect


Phaseslam iconPhaseslamSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Damage: 98

Amara leaps into the air and Slams the ground, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and knocking them up.

Root to Rise

Root to Rise iconRoot to RiseSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Max Health: +8% / +16% / +24% / +32% / +40%

Amara gains increased Max Health.

Personal Space

Personal Space iconPersonal SpaceSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Bonus Damage: up to 12.0% / 24.0% / 36.0%of damage dealt

Amara's weapon shots deal Bonus Damage based on the distance to her target. The closer the target, the greater the bonus.


Clarity iconClaritySkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Health Regeneration: up to +1.00% / +2.00% / +3.00% / +4.00% / +5.00% missing Health / sec
Duration: 5 seconds

Amara constantly regenerates health. The lower her health, the more powerful the regeneration.

After using an Action Skill, this bonus is doubled for a few seconds.

Arms Deal

Arms Deal iconSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Splash Damage: +4% / +8% / +12% / +16% / +20%
Splash Damage Reduction: +12% / +21% / +28% / +35% / +40%

Amara deals increased Splash Damage, and takes reduced Splash Damage.


Samsara iconSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Gun Damage: +1.7% / +3.3% +5.0% per enemy damaged
Health Regeneration: +1.7% / +3.3% / +5.0% of Max Health / sec. per stack
Max Samsara Stacks: 5
Duration: 20 seconds

Whenever Amara deals damage to an enemy with her Action Skill, she adds a stack of Samsara. For every stack of Samsara, Amara gains increased Gun Damage and Health Regeneration for a few seconds. Stacks decay after a few seconds.

Helping Hand(s)

Helping Hand(s) iconHelping Hand(s)Skill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Damage Reduction: +12.0% / +21.0% / +28.0% / +35.0% / +40.0%
Duration: 15 seconds

For a few seconds after using her Action Skill, Amara's arms remain active and grant her Damage Reduction.

Blight Tiger

Blight Tiger iconBlight TigerSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Converts to Corrosive Damage

Converts Amara's Action Skill to Corrosive Damage.


Fracture iconFractureSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Damage: 88

Amara summons a line of fists that erupt from the ground, dealing damage to enemies in front of Amara.


Mindfulness iconMindfulnessSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Shield Regeneration Delay: -9.0% / -17.0% / +1.2% / -23.0%
Movement Speed: +1.4% / +2.8% / +4.2%
Max Mindfulness Stacks: 25
Duration: 5 seconds

Whenever Amara takes damage, she gains a stack of Mindfulness. For every stack of Mindfulness, Amara gains improved Shield Regeneration Delay and Movement Speed. Stacks decay after a few seconds.

Find your Center

Find your Center iconFind your CenterSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Melee Damage: +100%
Duration: 20 seconds
Melee Range: +75%

Amara gains increased Melee Damage.

Additionally, for a few seconds after using her Action Skill, Amara gains increased Melee Range.


Vigor iconVigorSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.3)
Team Movement Speed: +3.3% / +6.7% / +10.0%
Duration: 8 seconds

Kill Skill. Killing an enemy with Amara's Action Skill grants all allies increased Movement Speed for a few seconds.


Revelation iconRevelationSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Action Skill Damage: -15%
Nova Damage: 18

Amara’s Action Skill now creates a Nova when it damages enemies, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.


Downfall iconDownfallSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Cooldown: 47 seconds
Damage: 95
Beam Damage: 14 / second

Amara leaps into the air and shoots an Elemental Beam below her briefly, followed by a Slam.

One With Nature

One With Nature iconOne With NatureSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Max Health: +5.0% / +10.0% / +15.0% / +20.0% / +25.0%
Elemental Damage Reduction: +12.0% / +21.0% / +28.0% / +35.0% / +40.0%
Max Duration: 8 seconds

Amara gains increased Max Health and Elemental Damage Resistance to her Action Skill Element.

Do Unto Others

Do Unto Others iconDo Unto OthersSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Whenever an enemy damages Amara, she automatically throws an energy orb back at them, dealing Action Skill Elemental Damage. This skill has a short cooldown.

Jab Cross

Jab Cross iconJab CrossSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.5)
Gun Damage: +3% / +6% / +9% / +12% / +15%
Action Skill Damage: +15% / +30% / +45% / +60% / +75%
Duration: 10 seconds

Whenever Amara deals melee damage to an enemy, she gains increased Action Skill Damage and increased Gun Damage for a few seconds.


Glamour iconGlamourSkill Type:
Action Skill
(Must be equipped to use)
Confuse Duration: 8 seconds
Cooldown: +20%

Enemies damaged by Amara's action skill become confused and temporarily attack their allies. However, Action Skill Cooldown is increased.

If Amara targets an enemy with Phasegrasp, enemies near the Grasped target are confused as well.


Blitz iconBlitzSkill Type:
Passive Ability (Max Lv.1)
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Melee Damage: +100%

Melee Override. Press V while aiming at an enemy to make Amara dash a short distance forward and perform a special melee strike, dealing Elemental Melee Damage.

If a Blitz melee attack kills an enemy, Blitz’s cooldown is immediately reset.

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