Check out this Borderlands 3 space ship guide & features on your headquarters - Sanctuary 3. Including info & locations of the Golden Chest, fast travel points, rooms, shops, and more!!!
Check Out Beginner's Guide & Tips!Sanctuary 3 Deck A - Upper Level Shops & Features
The Bridge

The Bridge is where you'll find Lilith hanging out and giving orders to the Crimson Raiders. You can also use the Hyperspace Terminal here to gain access or warp to Pandora, Promethea, and the other planets.
The Infirmary

In the Infirmary, you'll spot Patricia Tannis, the crew's resident Artifact connoisseur. You can also refill your health in her area or purchase items from Dr. Zed's Meds vendos.
Hammerlock's Trophy Room

You can also find Hammerlock's Trophy Room in the Upper Level of Sanctuary 3. His Trophy Room will grow its collection each time you complete a Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt mission.
Sanctuary 3 Deck B - Mid Level Shops & Features
The Golden Chest

The Golden Chest in Borderlands 3 can be found in the middle level of Sanctuary 3. To open this chest, you'll be needing Golden Keys that you can get from SHIFT Codes and Borderlands-related social media accounts in real life.
Check Out How To Get Golden Keys!Crew Quarters

The Crew Quarters takes up a lot of space in Deck B and showcases the personality of your Vault Hunter. In this area you can find a Fast Travel station, Quick-Change station, a Lost Loot machine, and even your Player Bank vault.
Player Vault Is Shared Between Your Vault Hunters

The Player Bank Vault has changed and is now shared between all your Vault Hunters. This means all your characters have access to the same vault and can pick from the loot you've stored in it. This is great when you've picked up an item that another character will benefit from.
Hang Gear & Decor To Personalize Room

You can show off all the decorations and legendary gear you've acquired in your adventures by showcasing them around your quarters. These can be hung around your room and can be changed as long as you have space.
Marcus Munitions

In the same level as the Crew Quarters, you can also find Marcus Munitions. He can outfit you with weapons, shields, grenade mods and more. You can also purchase SDUs to upgrade backpack, bank, and Lost Loot Machine inventory sizes.
Moxxxi's Nightclub

Moxxxi's nightclub can be found in the middle level as well. Here you can test your luck by using her slot machines for a variety of rewards.
Sanctuary 3 Deck C - Lower Level Shops & Features
Ellie's Cargo Bay

In the lower levels of Sanctuary 3, you'll find Ellie and her Cargo Bay. Here Ellie will showcase the various vehicle parts that you've collected in your misadventures in Borderlands 3.
Crazy Earl

Crazy Earl can also be found in the lower level of Sanctuary 3. You can purchase skins & heads and Echo themes when you talk to him. He also has a vending machine outside his door. He only accepts Eridium so make sure to have some on you.
Claptrap's Closet

Claptrap has made his home inside a small space in the Cargo Bay. He'll have a side mission or two for you when you come over and visit.
About Sanctuary 3 Space Ship
Base Of Operations In Borderlands 3

Sanctuary 3 is the base of operations of the Crimson Raiders in Borderlands 3. It is also your main mode of transportation, getting you to different planets as you progress through the story.
Check Out Main Story Missions Here!