Check this Borderlands 3 guide about treasure chests and their color differences. Including what kind of loot you can get, which chest to open, & more!!!
Table of Contents
Which Treasure Chest To Open
Sanctuary's Golden Chest Opens With Golden Keys

In Sanctuary, there is a Golden Chest that can only be opened with Golden Keys. This chest contains high rarity loot that are still random drops. Drops also scale to the current level of your Vault Hunter.
Check Out How To Get Golden Keys!Red Chests Hold Weapons & Shields

Red Chests in Borderlands 3 house weapons and shields. These are a MUST OPEN and are highly recommended to be searched for & looted when playing the game.
Green Chests Have Ammo & Health

Green Chests normally have ammo, health syringes, and grenades in them. You can find a lot of these around you especially when you're in a mission area. Make sure to open these up during a fight to reload or refill your health.
Green Loot Boxes Can Have Cash

Going around the game, you may encounter several loot boxes of different forms.These can be mailboxes, safes, lockers, cardboard boxes, and even portable toilets. These can hold money, ammo, and health syringes.
White Chest With Red Cross Has Health

When you encounter a white chest with a red cross and blue stripes, this chest contains health refills. If you're running low on health, these are lifesavers and should be a priority to open when in the middle of the fight.
About Chests In Borderlands 3
Provides Useful Weapons & Shields For Vault Hunters

Opening treasure chests is one of the main ways Vault Hunters can get good weapons, shields, class mods, artifacts & grenades in Borderlands 3. Whenever you spot a treasure chest, open them up and test your luck!
Can Replenish Health & Ammo In Thick Of Battle

Green chests that hold health syringes and ammo are always welcome & super useful when in the middle of the shootout. You'll sustain yourself in the fight longer, allowing you to finish off your enemies.