Borderlands 3: Walkthrough & Strategy Guide
Taking Flight - Story Mission Walkthrough

Taking Flight - Story Mission Walkthrough | Borderlands 3

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Read this Borderlands 3 story mission walkthrough guide of Taking Flight. Including mission tips, boss fight battles, and more!!!

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Story Progression & Walkthrough

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Taking Flight Walkthrough

Taking Flight Walkthrough Map

Pandora - The Droughts Map

Taking Flight Walkthrough Map

Taking Flight Walkthrough Chart

1Give the Vault Map to Lilith. She will attempt to do something with the map
2Once she hands back the map to you, take it, and bring it to the Eridian Dig Site
3Meet up with Tannis once you arrive at the Dig Site
4While Tannis examines the map, loot and defend her against incoming attacks
5After defeating all enemies, allow Tannis to examine the map
6Head to the ship in the Raider's Drydock
7Drive the Biofuel Rig & collect some Biofuel
8Obtain the astronav chip from a Cult Outpost
9Drive the Biofuel rig back to Ellie and refuel the ship
10Return to the Raider's Drydock
11A cutscene will trigger
12After the cutscene, take the elevator to the catwalks and defeat all enemies
13After defeating all enemies, jump down and kill all enemies attacking Lilith
14Revive Lilith and return to the ship to complete the mission

2. Head To The Eridian Dig Site

Eridian Dig Site Location

Eridian Dig Site Location

The Eridian Dig Site is located beyond a narrow path in the Droughts. It's a short drive from Lilith's base camp. Look for a small fenced up path with yellow danger signs.

4. Defending Tannis

Circle Around Structures To Break Line of Sight

Circle Around Structures To Break Line Of Sight

Several enemies will start shooting at you during the fight. It is best to make yourself a hard target and break the enemy's line of sight by circling around structures to simultaneously break line-of-sight and flank them!

Use Environmental Objects To Deal Damage

Use Environmental Objects To Deal Damage

There will be items in the area that you can shoot to deal massive elemental splash damage. Some of these can electrocute or freeze enemies in place, allowing you to dispatch them easily.

6. Head To Raider's Drydock

Raider's Drydock Location

Raiders Drydock Location

The Raider's Drydock is a short walk from the Eridian Dig Site. It will be near a Catch-a-Ride station so you can use that as a landmark.

7. Collecting Biofuel

Run Over Biological Life To Collect Biofuel

Run Over Biological Life To Collect Biofuel

To collect Biofuel, you will need to run over living things. These include Psychos, Skags, Varkids, and more! Once you run them over, Biofuel will immediately be added to the Rig's collection.

8. Obtain Astronav Chip

Cult Outpost Location

Cult Outpost Location

The Astronav Chip is found in a small Cult Outpost in the Droughts. It will be near the Pit of Fools, a Rakk and Skag nest.

COV Attack Battle Tips

Recommended Level

Keep An Eye Out For Ammo Chests

Keep An Eye Out For Ammo Chests

You will be burning through a lot of your ammos since you will be engaging several enemies. Be on the lookout for ammo boxes as you can replenish your stock when you start to run low!

Be Careful Of Badass Enemies

Be Careful Of Badass Enemies

Badass enemies will also be present during the fight. Make sure to keep your ammos stocked as they can absorb huge amounts of damage! In addition, try to avoid their damage as much as you can since they deal high amounts of damage.

Use Action Skills To Help You Out

Use Action Skills To Help You Out

Your Vault Hunter's action skills will help you deal with enemies during fights. Each Action Skill will allow you to deal massive amounts of damage, summon allies to assist you, protect you, or even allow you to focus on tricky targets.

Break Line of Sight Using Structures

Break Line of Sight Using Structures

Enemies will have a harder time hitting you if you utilize cover to break their line of sight. You can use these structures to reload, heal up, or even flank unsuspecting enemies!

Watch Out For Enemy Grenades

Watch Out For Enemy Grenades

Enemies will be able to throw grenades at you when you are hunkering down behind cover. If you see a grenade icon suddenly appear, move away from that location immediately! These grenades are able to shred through your shield & health!

Story Progression & Walkthrough

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BL3 Strategy Team

BL3 Strategy Team

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