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Layla Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

Layla Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

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Sword of Convallaria | Layla Best Build and Skill Tree Guide - GameWith

Build and skill tree guide for Layla in Sword of Convallaria (SoC). See the best gear (weapon/trinket/tarot), skin, tier, and review here!

Table of Contents

Layla Tier & Basic Info

RarityLegendary iconLegendary
RoleDefender iconDefender
FactionNight Crimson iconNight Crimson
Iria iconIria
Discipline iconDiscipline

Movement Stats

MoveStandHigh JumpLow Jump

Layla Tier

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Review & How to Get

Review- Excellent Area Control with Assisting Cover and Alert
- Can reposition multiple allies simultaneously
- Team-wide durability increase
- Attacks and applies Vulnerable II in a wide area
How to Get- Obtain from Gacha (Summon)

User Score

Layla Pros and Strength

Wide Range Attacks

Layla's trait allows her to [Preempt] enemy attacks from all directions. After using [Cloud Slash], this effect switches to Alert and allows Layla to control a large area with attacks up to 7 times (depends on ★s) per turn.

AoE Damage Build

Sword of Convallaria (SoC) - Hunter

The damage of Layla's Alert attacks are low, so if you want to utilize her as an AoE damage dealer, increase the number of Alert triggers and her off-turn damage. Equip her with a Hunter's Intuition Trinket, [Destruction of the Tower] Tarot, [Encounter Stance] passive, her Leader's Aura, and buffs from other allies.

Defend Your Allies

By combining the effects of 【Shared Tribulation】 and 【Shelter from the Storm】, Layla can reposition nearby allies and grant them protective buffs. Timely use of this potent combination essentially allows Layla to protect her entire team from large damage by herself.

Resistant to Ranged Attacks

Layla's trait passively increases her M.Def, while the effects of 【Shared Tribulation】 grants [Block Enhancement II], which further increases her resistance to ranged attacks. Compared to other Defenders, Layla is particularly effective in stages where there are plenty of enemies that utilize both magical and physical ranged attacks.

Night Crimson Leader's Aura

Night Crimson Leader

At RK 7, Layla can choose to unlock her Leader's Aura, which effectively strengthens two of the best attackers in the game: SP Rawiyah, and Tristan. If you ever plan on using either of these two characters, consider pairing them with Layla to further amplify their damage.

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Requires a Healer/Support

The Alert effect from 【Cloud Slash】 only lasts 1 turn after casting, meaning you will need to prepare 3 NRG every time you want to use it. Additionally, Layla's [Assisting Cover] forces Layla to take the damage in place of her ally. Without a means of self-sustain or NRG recovery (until 5★), Layla becomes unable to sustain her protection without the help of a healer.

Recommended Allies

Layla's Recommended Allies

Consider pairing Layla with someone like Taair, who increases SPD, Heals, and recovers NRG, which are all relevant stats for Layla's kit. Otherwise, a regular healer like Inanna, Samantha, or even Angel will allow Layla to participate in sustained combat.

Best Build - Skill, Gear, and Tarot

Alert Build

Basic AttackReaction
Sword CaneSword CaneQuell the TidesQuell the Tides
Cloud SlashCloud SlashNight CrimsonNight CrimsonEncounter StanceEncounter Stance
Newborn BladeNewborn BladeHunter's IntuitionHunter's IntuitionDestruction of The TowerDestruction of The Tower

This build focuses on utilizing Layla as an offensive off-turn damage dealer. Bring allies that will allow Layla to use 【Cloud Slash】 consistently by supplying her with NRG and offensive buffs.

Assisting Cover Build

Basic AttackReaction
Sword CaneSword CaneFront DefenseFront Defense
Shelter from the StormShelter from the StormShared TribulationShared TribulationCo-DefenseCo-Defense
Guardian's WillGuardian's WillSword of Convallaria (SoC) - Shield of JusticeShield of JusticeSilence of The HermitSilence of The Hermit

This is a build that focuses on using [Assisting Cover] as a team-wide defensive strategy. The equipment and skill selection makes Layla very survivable, and will shine much better if paired with a potent healer character.

Layla Skill Unlock Priorities

Recommended Skill Set

Battlefield TravelBattlefield TravelRK11Encounter StanceEncounter Stance
Dispelling StrikeDispelling StrikeRK9Sword CaneSword Cane
Night CrimsonNight CrimsonRK7Cloud SlashCloud Slash
Quell the TidesQuell the TidesRK5Front DefenseFront Defense
Shared TribulationShared TribulationRK3Shelter from the StormShelter from the Storm
Co-DefenseCo-DefenseRK1Police LassoPolice Lasso

If you are planning on using Layla's Assisting Cover build, take both skills at RK3. Otherwise, you can pick the skill that you prefer. Once you hit RK7, prioritize taking [Cloud Slash], and then return for the [Night Crimson] Leader's Aura once you have the Castalia to spare.

Layla Trait & Skills

Layla Trait

Max Effect
Iris Vanguard icon[Iris Vanguard]
Increases M.DEF by 25%. Preempt can deal 60% physical DMG. The trigger range changes to within 3 tiles of the character and can be triggered up to 6 times per round. At the start of the turn, gains 1 NRG. Gains Block, can also block magical attacks. Performs Preempt on enemies in front or side within 2 tiles of the character before they actively attack. At the end of the turn, if the character is within an enemy's threat range, gains Iris Vanguard, lasting until the start of the next turn.
See Effects for 4 Stars or Less
Stars UnlockedEffect
4 star iconIncreases M.DEF by 25%. Preempt can deal 60% physical DMG. The trigger range changes to within 3 tiles of the character and can be triggered up to 6 times per round. Gains Block, can also block magical attacks. Performs Preempt on enemies in front or side within 2 tiles of the character before they actively attack. At the end of the turn, if the character is within an enemy's threat range, gains Iris Vanguard, lasting until the start of the next turn.
3 star iconIncreases M.DEF by 15%. Preempt can deal 40% physical DMG. The trigger range changes to within 3 tiles of the character and can be triggered up to 4 times per round. Gains Block, can also block magical attacks. Performs Preempt on enemies in front or side within 2 tiles of the character before they actively attack. At the end of the turn, if the character is within an enemy's threat range, gains Iris Vanguard, lasting until the start of the next turn.
2 star iconIncreases M.DEF by 15%. Preempt can deal 40% physical DMG and can be triggered up to 4 times per round. Gains Block, can also block magical attacks. Performs Preempt on enemies in front or side within 2 tiles of the character before they actively attack. At the end of the turn, if the character is within an enemy's threat range, gains Iris Vanguard, lasting until the start of the next turn.
1 star iconIncreases M.DEF by 15%. Preempt can deal 40% physical DMG and can be triggered up to 2 times per round. Gains Block, can also block magical attacks. Performs Preempt on enemies in front or side within 2 tiles of the character before they actively attack. At the end of the turn, if the character is within an enemy's threat range, gains Iris Vanguard, lasting until the start of the next turn.

Layla Base Skill

[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% Physical DMG.
Brutal BlowBrutal BlowRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 0
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 130% DMG. Before attacking, the character gains [△ P.DEF II] and [△ M.DEF II] for 2 turns.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK1

[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) For each ally within a 2-tile radius of the character, DEF increases by 10%, up to 40%.
Police LassoPolice LassoRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 3回
(Support) [Instant] Inflicts [Restraint], [▽ ATK II], and [✗ Assist] on the target for 2 turns. Additionally inflicts [Stunned] for 2 turns on targets with [Restraint]. Can be used 3 times.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK3

Shared TribulationShared TribulationRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 3
(Support) [Instant] Teleports other allies within 4 tiles of the character to the character's side. The character gains [Assisting Cover], [Block Enhancement II], and [Comrades] for 2 turns.
Shelter from the StormShelter from the StormRange
[Skill] Cost: 0 CD: 3
(Support) Grants [DMG Reduction IV] to the character and [△ P.DEF II], [△ M.DEF II], and [Piercing DMG Reduction III] to all allies within 3 tiles of the character for 2 turns.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK5

Quell the TidesQuell the Tides-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When attacked by a ranged attack from [front or side] enemies, if the attacker's SPD is lower than the character's, dodges all their attacks. Can be triggered up to 1 time per round. When dodging, deals 60% physical DMG to 1 random target within a 3x4 area in the attacker's direction.
Front DefenseFront Defense-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack from the [front], the DMG taken is decreased by 30%.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK7

Night CrimsonNight Crimson-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Leader's Aura) For all "Night Crimson" allies in battle, increases ATK by 10%, DEF by 20%, and DMG by 12%.
Cloud SlashCloud SlashRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 0
(Physical DMG) Deals 3 hits of 25% physical DMG to all enemies within a 2-tile radius of the character, inflicting [Vulnerable II] after dealing DMG, lasting for 2 turns. After attacking, gains [Iris Vanguard] and [Slashed Clean] for 1 turn.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK9

Dispelling StrikeDispelling StrikeRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 50% physical DMG 2 times and dispels 2 [buffs] on the target.
Sword CaneSword CaneRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Single-target attack. Deals 75% Physical DMG. Before attacking, if the target has 3 or more [debuffs], pursues after the attack, dealing 35% physical DMG 2 times.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK11

Battlefield TravelBattlefield Travel-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) Reduces DMG taken by 15%, immune to [Scorch] and skill interruption effects. At the end of the turn, clears enemy [traps] and special tile effects within 2 tiles around the character.
Encounter StanceEncounter Stance-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) 40% of the character's M.DEF is added to P.ATK, HP is increased by 10% at the start of the battle.

Weapons That Layla Can Equip

List of Weapons

Newborn BladeNewborn BladeVoid StabVoid StabBeheading MacheteBeheading Machete
Ever-Burning BladeEver-Burning BladeSenator Swift SwordSenator Swift SwordGuardian's WillGuardian's Will
Cornucopia DaggerCornucopia DaggerNocturnal GlowNocturnal GlowPrecision-forged DaggerPrecision-forged Dagger
Dueling DaggerDueling DaggerCeremonial KnifeCeremonial KnifeSharp SwordSharp Sword
Glittering SwordGlittering SwordIron SwordIron Sword

Layla Voice Actor & Profile

Layla Voice Actor (CV)

VAJapanese VA: Endo Aya
Chinese VA: Mu Fei

Layla Profile

Layla Ascended

▲ Unlock Ascended Skin when character reaches Star Level 5.

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