Sword of Convallaria Guide Wiki
NonoWill Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

NonoWill Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

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Sword of Convallaria | NonoWill Best Build and Skill Tree Guide - GameWith

Build and skill tree guide for NonoWill in Sword of Convallaria (SoC). See the best gear (weapon/trinket/tarot), skin, tier, and review here!

Table of Contents

NonoWill Tier & Basic Info

RarityLegendary iconLegendary
RoleSeeker iconSeeker
FactionVltar iconVltar
Aggression iconAggression
Sword of Convallaria iconSword of Convallaria

Movement Stats

MoveStandHigh JumpLow Jump

NonoWill Tier

List of All Characters

Review & How to Get

Review- Has a highly effective damage UP debuff
- Trait which reduces AoE attacks by 99%
- Has an escape skill that returns the character to the starting position
- Has Aggression Faction aura
How to Get- Obtain from Gacha (Summon)

User Score

NonoWill Pros and Strength

Strongest Damage Amplifier

At Rank 3, NonoWill can unlock [Enchanting Shadow], an ability that applies Dodge to NonoWill, and Vulnerable III to enemies around her. NonoWill is the only character in the game that can apply this level of this debuff in an AoE, making her invaluable against bosses and durable enemies alike.

Aggression Leader Aura

At Rank 7, NonoWill can unlock her aura that buffs Aggression characters' ATK and DEF by 10% and 20% respectively. Additionally, this aura also increaes Aggression skill damage by 10%. Notable characters from the Aggression tree are Auguste, Rawiyah (Alter), and Tristan, who are three of the hardest hitting characters in the game.

Future proof unit

At the time of writing, Rawiyah (Alter) and Tristran are unreleased on Global servers. However, once these characters are released, NonoWill becomes one of the best supports for these top-tier characters.

Best Build - Skill, Gear, and Tarot

Single Attack Build For Bosses

Basic AttackReaction
Dispelling StrikeDispelling StrikeNRG RecoveryNRG Recovery
Enchanting ShadowEnchanting ShadowCelestial SongCelestial SongAggressionAggression
Newborn BladeNewborn BladeDisaster BottleDisaster BottleCourse of FortuneCourse of Fortune

AoE Based Build For multiple Opponents

Basic AttackReaction
Triple SlashTriple SlashNRG RecoveryNRG Recovery
Enchanting ShadowEnchanting ShadowThousand BladesThousand BladesPhantom DancePhantom Dance
Roaring FlintRoaring FlintDream of The MagicianDream of The Magician

NonoWill Skill Unlock Priorities

Recommended Skill Set

Celestial SongCelestial SongRK11Shapeless Lupine BladeShapeless Lupine Blade
Dispelling StrikeDispelling StrikeRK9Triple SlashTriple Slash
Defense (Magical)Defense (Magical)RK5NRG RecoveryNRG Recovery
Enchanting ShadowEnchanting ShadowRK3Phantom DancePhantom Dance
Infected DaggerInfected DaggerRK1ManeuverManeuver

NonoWill Trait & Skills

NonoWill Trait

Max Effect
Mysterious Siren icon[Mysterious Siren]
NonoWill possesses Jump and she gains +15% bonus attack. She also gains Veil at the start of the round. Effect CD: 1 turn.
See Effects for 4 Stars or Less
Stars UnlockedEffect
4 star iconNonoWill possesses Jump and she gains +12% bonus attack. She also gains Veil at the start of the round. Effect CD: 2 turns.
3 star iconNonoWill possesses Jump and she gains +10% bonus attack. She also gains Veil at the start of the round. Effect CD: 2 turns.
2 star iconNonoWill possesses Jump and she gains +8% bonus attack. She also gains Veil at the start of the round. Effect CD: 3 turns.
1 star iconNonoWill possesses Jump and she gains +6% bonus attack. She also gains Veil at the start of the round. Effect CD: 3 turns.

NonoWill Base Skill

Dual Blade StrikeDual Blade StrikeRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 50% physical DMG 2 times.
Thousand BladesThousand BladesRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 0
(Physical DMG) NonoWill performs 3 consecutive attacks against all enemies within 2 tiles around herself, each dealing 30% DMG.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK1

Infected DaggerInfected DaggerRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 3
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 70% DMG and inflicts 3 stacks of [Infection].
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) After initiating an Active Attack, the character can move again. The distance depends on the remaining Movement.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK3

Enchanting ShadowEnchanting ShadowRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 3
(Support) [Instant]. NonoWill gains [Dodge] and inflicts [Vulnerable III], which lasts for 2 turns on all enemies within 2 tiles around herself.
Phantom DancePhantom DanceRange
[Skill] Cost: 0 CD: 3
(Support) [Instant]. NonoWill gains [△ Move II] in this turn. If she is within any enemy's [Threat Range] at the end of the turn, return to the location where she was at the start of the turn.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK5

Defense (Magical)Defense (Magical)-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When hit by an active Magical Attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 15%.
NRG RecoveryNRG Recovery-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When hit by an active attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 8%. Upon receiving an active attack, additionally recovers 1 NRG.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK7

[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) After attacking, inflicts 1 stack of [Infection] on the target. When actively using [class skill] to hit targets with 5 or more stacks of [Infection], inflicts [Sleep] after attacking. The effect lasts for 1 turn.
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Leader's Aura) For all "Aggression" allies in battle, increases ATK by 10%, DEF by 20%, and [skill] DMG by 10%.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK9

Dispelling StrikeDispelling StrikeRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 50% physical DMG 2 times and dispels 2 [buffs] on the target.
Triple SlashTriple SlashRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Single-target attack. NonoWill performs 3 consecutive attacks, each dealing 35% Physical DMG.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK11

Celestial SongCelestial SongRange
[Skill] Cost: 4 CD: 3
(Support) NonoWill gains the [Celestial Song] Aura. Effect: Grants all allies within 5 tiles [Regeneration II] and [Immune to Attribute Debuff] and inflicts [✗ Active Skills] on all enemies within 3 tiles. The aura lasts for 2 turns and cannot be dispelled or immunized.
Shapeless Lupine BladeShapeless Lupine BladeRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 4
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 150% DMG. When the target is [Injured], increases Crit and Crit DMG by an additional 15% and ignores [Assisting Cover].

Weapons That NonoWill Can Equip

List of Weapons

Newborn BladeNewborn BladeVoid StabVoid StabBeheading MacheteBeheading Machete
Ever-Burning BladeEver-Burning BladeSenator Swift SwordSenator Swift SwordGuardian's WillGuardian's Will
Cornucopia DaggerCornucopia DaggerNocturnal GlowNocturnal GlowPrecision-forged DaggerPrecision-forged Dagger
Dueling DaggerDueling DaggerCeremonial KnifeCeremonial KnifeSharp SwordSharp Sword
Glittering SwordGlittering SwordIron SwordIron Sword

NonoWill Voice Actor & Profile

NonoWill Voice Actor (CV)

VAJapanese VA: Ueda Reina
Chinese VA: Sòng Yuányuán

NonoWill Profile

NonoWill Ascended

▲ Unlock Ascended Skin when character reaches Star Level 5.

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