Sword of Convallaria Guide Wiki
Maitha Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

Maitha Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

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Sword of Convallaria | Maitha Best Build and Skill Tree Guide - GameWith

Build and skill tree guide for Maitha in Sword of Convallaria (SoC). See the best gear (weapon/trinket/tarot), skin, tier, and review here!

Table of Contents

Maitha Tier & Basic Info

RarityLegendary iconLegendary
RoleDefender iconDefender
FactionIria iconIria
Sword of Convallaria iconSword of Convallaria

Movement Stats

MoveStandHigh JumpLow Jump

Maitha Tier

List of All Characters

Review & How to Get

Review- Powerful skill that heals and protects allies
- Has knockback to move enemies
- Defender excellent at supporting allies
- Has Sword of Convallaria Faction aura
How to Get- Tutorial Gacha
- Voyage Momento (Phase 2)
- Obtain from Gacha (Summon)

User Score

Maitha Pros and Strength

Excellent Early - Mid Support

Sword of Convallaria Maitha 1 Image

Maitha's strength lies in her ability to take physical attacks for her allies with RK 3 Skill [Come On, Everybody!]. Furthermore, this skill heals allies, as well as buffs them with ATK I and P.DEF I.

Healing is a bonus

[Come On, Everybody!] is primarily used to grant allies buffs. You will still want a dedicated healer like Innana, Samantha, or Angel included in your lineup for healing.

It is Important to Increase Defense

Sword of Convallaria Maitha Defense Image

Due to Maitha's kit, she will often take the brunt of damage instead of your other characters. Therefore, it becomes imperative that you increase your Defense with Rank 1 Skill [Co-Defense], Rank 11 Skill [Invulnerable], and equipment. Increasing Maitha's durability will increase the durability of the entire party.

Beware of Breakers and M.ATKs

Maitha is strong against physical attacks, but you need to be cautious as she will take severe damage from M.ATK and Breaker enemies.

Alternative Knock Back Build

In high-level content like the Tower of Conqeust or the Tower of Adversity, Maitha will no longer be an effective tank due to her lack of strong defensive buffs. Instead, you could opt to spend Castallia to unlock R3 [Maitha's Charge] and R11 [Maitha's Combo]. In combination with [Leg Slam], these skills allow Maitha to have three different knock back skills, which lets you push high-level enemies off cliffs or into deep water.

Best Build - Skill, Gear, and Tarot

Defensive Based Build

Basic AttackReaction
Armor-Piercing StrikeArmor-Piercing StrikeEndurance ActivationEndurance Activation
Come On, Everybody!Come On, Everybody!Co-DefenseCo-DefenseInvulnerableInvulnerable
Dueling DaggerDueling DaggerMystery GuardianMystery GuardianSilence of The HermitSilence of The Hermit

Maitha Skill Unlock Priorities

Recommended Skill Set

MaithaMaitha's ComboRK11InvulnerableInvulnerable
Armor-Piercing StrikeArmor-Piercing StrikeRK9Powerful AttackPowerful Attack
Battle Flag of ConvallariaBattle Flag of ConvallariaRK7BandageBandage
Endurance ActivationEndurance ActivationRK5Block CounterBlock Counter
Come On, Everybody!Come On, Everybody!RK3MaithaMaitha's Charge

Maitha Trait & Skills

Maitha Trait

Max Effect
Shield of Convallaria icon[Shield of Convallaria]
Maitha possesses Block, and her DMG taken is decreased by 20%. At the end of the turn, she heals the 2 allies with the lowest HP percentage in battle, restoring 20% of their lost HP.
See Effects for 4 Stars or Less
Stars UnlockedEffect
4 star iconMaitha possesses Block, and her DMG taken is decreased by 15%. At the end of the turn, she heals the 2 allies with the lowest HP percentage in battle, restoring 20% of their lost HP.
3 star iconMaitha possesses Block, and her DMG taken is decreased by 15%. At the end of the turn, she heals the ally with the lowest HP percentage in battle, restoring 20% of their lost HP.
2 star iconMaitha possesses Block, and her DMG taken is decreased by 12%. At the end of the turn, she heals the ally with the lowest HP percentage in battle, restoring 20% of their lost HP.
1 star iconMaitha possesses Block, and her DMG taken is decreased by 8%. At the end of the turn, she heals the ally with the lowest HP percentage in battle, restoring 20% of their lost HP.

Maitha Base Skill

[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% Physical DMG.
Leg SlamLeg SlamRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 2
(Physical DMG) Deals 120% DMG, knocks the target back by 2 tiles, and inflicts [▽ Move I] for 1 turn.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK1

[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) Takes [physical attacks] for all other allies within a 2-tile radius of the character. When triggered, DEF is increased by 20%. Can be activated up to 1 time per round.
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) For each ally within a 2-tile radius of the character, DEF increases by 10%, up to 40%.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK3

Come On, Everybody!Come On, Everybody!Range
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 0
(Support) Maitha restores 20% HP and grants [△ ATK I] and [△ P.DEF] to all allies within a 3-tile radius. She takes [physical attacks] from the enemy for allies within a 2-tile radius for 2 turns.
Maitha's ChargeMaitha's ChargeRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 5
(Physical DMG) Maitha charges at 1 enemy within a cross-shaped range around her, dealing 130% DMG and knocking the target back by 2 tiles.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK5

Endurance ActivationEndurance Activation-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When receiving healing, gains [DMG Reduction II] for 2 turns.
Block CounterBlock Counter-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When receiving a melee attack from [front or side], there is a 100% chance to trigger [Block]. This leads to a [Strike Back] with [basic attack], dealing 70% physical DMG to the attacker. This effect can be activated 1 time per round.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK7

Battle Flag of ConvallariaBattle Flag of Convallaria-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Leader's Aura) For all "Sword of Convallaria" allies in battle, increases ATK by 10% and DEF by 20%.
[Skill] Cost: 0 CD: 3
(Healing) [Instant] Single-target healing. Heals 30% HP.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK9

Armor-Piercing StrikeArmor-Piercing StrikeRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and inflicts [ ▽ P.DEF I] and [▽ M.DEF I] on the target, lasting for 2 turns.
Powerful AttackPowerful AttackRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 110% Physical DMG.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK11

Maitha's ComboMaitha's ComboRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 4
(Physical DMG) Maitha deals 20% DMG 1 time, 50% DMG 3 times, and she knocks the target back by 2 tiles.
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 5
(Support) Gains [DMG Reduction IV], [Mind's Eye], and [Immunity to Disrupt] for 3 turns.

Weapons That Maitha Can Equip

List of Weapons

Newborn BladeNewborn BladeVoid StabVoid StabBeheading MacheteBeheading Machete
Ever-Burning BladeEver-Burning BladeSenator Swift SwordSenator Swift SwordGuardian's WillGuardian's Will
Cornucopia DaggerCornucopia DaggerNocturnal GlowNocturnal GlowPrecision-forged DaggerPrecision-forged Dagger
Dueling DaggerDueling DaggerCeremonial KnifeCeremonial KnifeSharp SwordSharp Sword
Glittering SwordGlittering SwordIron SwordIron Sword

Maitha Voice Actor & Profile

Maitha Voice Actor (CV)

VAJapanese VA: Suzushiro Sayumi
Chinese VA:

Maitha Profile

Maitha Ascended

▲ Unlock Ascended Skin when character reaches Star Level 5.

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GameWith SoC Strategy Team

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