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Tristan Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

Tristan Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

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Sword of Convallaria | Tristan Best Build and Skill Tree Guide - GameWith

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  • Use our Tristan builds to do A LOT of damage!

Build and skill tree guide for Tristan in Sword of Convallaria (SoC). See the best gear (weapon/trinket/tarot), skin, tier, and review here!

Table of Contents

Tristan Tier & Basic Info

RarityLegendary iconLegendary
RoleDestroyer iconDestroyer
FactionNight Crimson iconNight Crimson
Aggression iconAggression
The Union iconThe Union

Movement Stats

MoveStandHigh JumpLow Jump

Tristan Tier

List of All Characters

Review & How to Get

Review- Enters Berserk State Once Per Battle
How to Get- Obtain from Gacha (Summon)

User Score

Tristan Pros and Strength

Deal Immense Damage While Berserk

Tristan can go berserk at any time by triggering her [Crimson Fury] skill at the cost of reduced HP. While under the effects of the Berserk State, Tristan deals the most amount of damage amongst all characters.

Berserk State Details

Berserk State Details
1[Crimson Fury] Consumes 90% of current HP when activated, deals 50% damage to enemies within 2 squares, and enters Berserk State for 2 to 4 turns. (Changes depending on ★ level)
2Act Again after transitioning to Berserk State, the CD of all skills is reset and NRG is fully recovered. You can only transition to Berserk State once per battle.
3During Berserk State, Tristan is immune to Injured/Dying effects, as well as Disruption debuffs and Piercing DMG.
4Increases damage dealt by +25% and reduces Healing Received by -80%. Furthermore, depending on the number of ★s, increases crit rate and crit damage by 0-20%.
5Gains Unlimited Resolve and cannot be defeated for 1-2 turns, depending on Tristan's ★s.
6At 5★, gains the additional effects of CD-2 turns for non-instant skills and -1 NRG cost.

Max Damage Skill Rotation

[Fervent Headbutt]: 70% [Crimson Fury]: 50% Transition to Berserk State (CD Reset & Act Again) [Fervent Headbutt]: 70% [Furious Pursuit]: 180%

Total multipliers for 1 turn is 370% (including Berserk's 250% when in state) and can deal extremely high damage without support from allies.

Unkillable for a Certain Number of Turns

Sword of Convallaria - Unlimited Resolve

Once Tristan enters the Berserk State, she gains [Unlimited Resolve]. Similar to Alexei, this effect completely prevents Tristan from dying for 1-2 turns (dependent on ★s).

Use Matching Gear and Passive Skills

Because entering the Berserk State consumes 90% of Tristan's HP, you can reliably trigger the second passive effect of Brutal Axe and ignore a percentage of the target's DEF. Additionally, entering the Berserk State activates all of the effects of the [Blazing Blood] passive skill.

Make sure to leverage Tristan's ability to lower her HP by equipping matching gear and passive skills.

Negates Shields When Attacking

Tristan's [Crimson Fury] trait allows her to dispel shields from her target in addition to dealing increased damage. Do note that there exists shields that cannot be removed, so be sure to differentiate between the two types of shields before positioning Tristan aggressively.

Make Preparations for Berserk Window

While Tristan deals immense amounts of damage while in her Berserk State, she is not particularly outstanding in her normal state. Prepare the battlefield by applying buffs/debuffs to other characters while adjusting their positions to allow Tristan to fully utilize her Berserk window.

Best Build - Skill, Gear, and Tarot

Standalone Build

Basic AttackReaction
Fatal AttackFatal AttackStreet StyleStreet Style
Furious PursuitFurious PursuitFervent LungeFervent LungeBlazing BloodBlazing Blood
Brutal AxeBrutal AxeOrigin HourglassOrigin HourglassHeirophantHeirophant's Laws

This build focuses on utilizing Tristan as a standalone attacker. Once you've entered Berserk State, use [Fervent Headbutt] and [Furious Pursuit] to deal massive damage. Gear included in the build specialize in dealing as much single-target damage as possible.

AoE Build

Basic AttackReaction
Fatal AttackFatal AttackStreet StyleStreet Style
One-Punch BurialOne-Punch BurialControlled DemolitionControlled DemolitionBlazing BloodBlazing Blood
Brutal AxeBrutal AxeOrigin HourglassOrigin HourglassDream of The MagicianDream of The Magician

This build emphasizes Tristan's AoE damage capabilities. Once you've entered Berserk State, use [One-Punch Burial] and [Controlled Demolition] to cause massive damage. By reducing the CD with 5-star traits and support from other characters, it is also possible to use [One-Punch Burial] again on a group of enemies already affected by Vulnerable II.

Adjust Skills Appropriately

If allies can inflict Vulnerable, or if you want to focus on consistent damage and agility over Piercing DMG, replace [Controlled Demolition] with [Explosive Luxite-Dust] or [Fervent Lunge].

Tristan Skill Unlock Priorities

Recommended Skill Set

FamilyFamilyRK11Destructive StormDestructive Storm
Sealing AttackSealing AttackRK9Fatal AttackFatal Attack
One-Punch BurialOne-Punch BurialRK7Controlled DemolitionControlled Demolition
Street StyleStreet StyleRK5Defense (Ranged Attack)Defense (Ranged Attack)
Fervent LungeFervent LungeRK3Blazing BloodBlazing Blood
Furious PursuitFurious PursuitRK1Knockback PursuitKnockback Pursuit

At RK3 take both Fervent Lunge and Blazing Blood. At RK7, One-Punch Burial is the preference between the two, but Controlled Demolition also has some use cases, so unlock Controlled Demolition when you can.

Tristan Trait & Skills

Tristan Trait

Max Effect
Crimson Fury icon[Crimson Fury]
After casting Crimson Fury, triggers Unlimited Resolve, lasting until the start of the next 2 turns. Berserk State lasts for 4 turns, during which Crit and Crit DMG are increased by 20%, and non-Instant skills' CD is reduced by 2 turns, NRG cost is reduced by 1. Before attacking, if the target has Shield, the character's DMG is increased by 30% and dispels 6 shields from the target. When dealing AoE DMG, the physical DMG dealt is considered magical DMG. At the start of the battle, the character additionally processes Crimson Fury. When used, enters Berserk State. Can only be used up to 1 time per battle.
See Effects for 4 Stars or Less
Stars UnlockedEffect
4 star iconAfter casting Crimson Fury, triggers Unlimited Resolve, lasting until the start of the next 2 turns. Berserk State lasts for 3 turns, during which Crit and Crit DMG are increased by 20%. Before attacking, if the target has Shield, the character's DMG is increased by 30% and dispels 6 shields from the target. When dealing AoE DMG, the physical DMG dealt is considered magical DMG. At the start of the battle, the character additionally processes Crimson Fury. When used, enters Berserk State. Can only be used up to 1 time per battle.
3 star iconAfter casting Crimson Fury, triggers Unlimited Resolve, lasting until the start of the next turn. Berserk State lasts for 3 turns, during which Crit and Crit DMG are increased by 10%. Before attacking, if the target has Shield, the character's DMG is increased by 30% and dispels 6 shields from the target. When dealing AoE DMG, the physical DMG dealt is considered magical DMG. At the start of the battle, the character additionally processes Crimson Fury. When used, enters Berserk State. Can only be used up to 1 time per battle.
2 star iconAfter casting Crimson Fury, triggers Unlimited Resolve, lasting until the start of the next turn. Berserk State lasts for 2 turns, during which Crit and Crit DMG are increased by 10%. Before attacking, if the target has Shield, the character's DMG is increased by 30% and dispels 6 shields from the target. When dealing AoE DMG, the physical DMG dealt is considered magical DMG. At the start of the battle, the character additionally processes Crimson Fury. When used, enters Berserk State. Can only be used up to 1 time per battle.
1 star iconAfter casting Crimson Fury, triggers Unlimited Resolve, lasting until the start of the next turn. Berserk State lasts for 2 turns. Before attacking, if the target has Shield, the character's DMG is increased by 30% and dispels 6 shields from the target. When dealing AoE DMG, the physical DMG dealt is considered magical DMG. At the start of the battle, the character additionally processes Crimson Fury. When used, enters Berserk State. Can only be used up to 1 time per battle.

Tristan Base Skill

[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% Physical DMG.
Explosive Luxite-DustExplosive Luxite-DustRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 0
(Physical DMG) Deals 85% DMG to all enemies within 2 tiles of the target and inflicts 1 random [Level 2 Attribute Debuff], lasting for 2 turns.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK1

Furious PursuitFurious PursuitRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 0
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 120% DMG. If the target isn't defeated, performs [Pursuit] at the cost of 20% of current HP and deals an additional 60% DMG.
Knockback PursuitKnockback PursuitRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 0
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 70% DMG. After attacking, performs [Pursuit], dealing 70% DMG and knocking the target back by 2 tiles.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK3

Fervent LungeFervent LungeRange
[Skill] Cost: 0 CD: 3
(Support) [Instant] [Charges] to a location within a 1-tile radius and gains [△DMG II] for 1 turn. After use, the skill switches to [Fervent Headbutt] for 2 turns.
Blazing BloodBlazing Blood-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) When [Healthy], adds 15% of the character's M.ATK to P.ATK. When [Injured], adds 25% of the character's M.ATK to P.ATK. When possessing [Berserk State], the effect is doubled.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK5

Street StyleStreet Style-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) Melee DMG taken decreases by 20%. When being [Preempted] or [Strike Back], performs [Block] and additionally reduces DMG taken by 50%. After being struck back, pursues, dealing 70% Physical DMG. This effect can be triggered up to 1 time per round.
Defense (Ranged Attack)Defense (Ranged Attack)-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When hit by a ranged attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 25%.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK7

One-Punch BurialOne-Punch BurialRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 2
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 20% DMG, knocking the target back by 1 tile. Then deals 110% [Fire] [AoE DMG] to enemies within 2 tiles of the target range. If not in [Berserk State], the character teleports to the side of the closest ally within 4 tiles after attacking.
Controlled DemolitionControlled DemolitionRange
[Skill] Cost: 2 CD: 3
(Debuff) [Instant] Inflicts [Controlled Demolition] on the target.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK9

Sealing AttackSealing AttackRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and inflicts [✗ Passive Skills] on [Injured] targets before attacking, lasting for 2 turns.
Fatal AttackFatal AttackRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and increases Crit by 15%.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK11

[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) When [Healthy], performs [Assisting Cover] for other allies within 2 tiles of the character. When [Dying], causes other allies within 2 tiles of the character to [assisting cover] for the character. After either effect is triggered, all other allies within 3 tiles of the character gain [△ATK II] and [DMG Reduction II] for 2 turns, can be activated up to 1 time per round.
Destructive StormDestructive StormRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 2
(Physical DMG) Deals 50% [AoE DMG] to all enemies within a 4-tile radius around the character and inflicts 2 random [Level 2 Attribute Debuffs] for 2 turns.

Weapons That Tristan Can Equip

List of Weapons

Brutal AxeBrutal AxeHollow AxeHollow AxeDenial HammerDenial Hammer
Feast AxeFeast AxeTuning HammerTuning HammerCornucopia AxeCornucopia Axe
Gale SwordGale SwordFormidable AxeFormidable AxeAntimagic AxeAntimagic Axe
Balanced Heavy AxeBalanced Heavy AxeBattle-Hardened AxeBattle-Hardened AxeHeavy Iron AxeHeavy Iron Axe
Iron AxeIron Axe

Tristan Voice Actor & Profile

Tristan Voice Actor (CV)

VAJapanese VA: Seto Asami
Chinese VA: Chen Tingting

Tristan Profile

Tristan Ascended

▲ Unlock Ascended Skin when character reaches Star Level 5.

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