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Rawiyah Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

Rawiyah Best Build and Skill Tree Guide

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Sword of Convallaria | Rawiyah Best Build and Skill Tree Guide - GameWith

Build and skill tree guide for Rawiyah in Sword of Convallaria (SoC). See the best gear (weapon/trinket/tarot), skin, tier, and review here!

Table of Contents

Rawiyah Tier & Basic Info

RarityLegendary iconLegendary
RoleBreaker iconBreaker
FactionSword of Convallaria iconSword of Convallaria
Iria iconIria
Alacrity iconAlacrity

Movement Stats

MoveStandHigh JumpLow Jump

Rawiyah Tier

List of All Characters

Review & How to Get

Review- Chance to heal at the start of the turn or during Strike Back
- Powerful Basic Attack with knockback
- High damage with continuous activating skills
- Has Sword of Convallaria Faction aura
How to Get- Voyage Momento (Phase 5, 7, 11)
- Obtain from Gacha (Summon)

User Score

Rawiyah Pros and Strength

Durable Breaker

While not comparable to dedicated Defenders and tanks, Rawiyah's Trait and RK 3 [Another Pint!] makes Rawiyah comparatively more durable than the other Breaker characters. This makes Rawiyah excel at focusing on level bosses or hunting down objectives despite the presence of multiple enemies. With the addition of [Gale Breach], Rawiyah can close the gap and attack key targets without getting outright killed for being out of position.

Reliable Knock Back

Rawiyah immediately has access to [Gash] and at RK 3, she can unlock [Screw off!]. With Gash being one of the few normal attacks that apply a knock back effect, Rawiyah can reliably knock enemies around, even when she is restricted from using Skills. Players can even take Rawiyah's pushing prowess one step further by positioning her in such a way that the enemy is between her and the hazard. This way, once the enemy attacks Rawiyah, they will be kicked towards the hazard.

Single Target Attacker

While Rawiyah has a number of skills that have AoE effects, she shines most as a single target burst unit. [Gale Breach] once used, becomes [Tropical Storm], a devastating single target attack that deals more damage the more debuffs the target is affected by.

Top-tier DPS for Weapon Trials

You won't see any 2-4 turn clears like you will with Auguste, but as a Free-to-Play character, Rawiyah will likely be the only option that some players have. For players who don't already have Auguste, a well-built Rawiyah can comfortably take the role of main DPS for Weapon Trials II & III.

Best Build - Skill, Gear, and Tarot

Recommended Build

Basic AttackReaction
GashGashScrew off!Screw off!
Gale BreachGale BreachAnother PintAnother PintSword of ConvallariaSword of Convallaria
Feast AxeFeast AxeEvergreen PendentEvergreen PendentVerdict of JusticeVerdict of Justice

Rawiyah Skill Unlock Priorities

Recommended Skill Set

Gale Spin AttackGale Spin AttackRK11Legacy of ComradesLegacy of Comrades
Fatal AttackFatal AttackRK9Dispelling StrikeDispelling Strike
Mania SmashMania SmashRK7Sword of ConvallariaSword of Convallaria
Screw off!Screw off!RK5GuardianGuardian's Heart
Piercing BashPiercing BashRK3Another PintAnother Pint

Rawiyah Trait & Skills

Rawiyah Trait

Max Effect
Bottom[Bottom's Up]
Increases Rawiyah's DMG by 25%. At the start of the turn or during a strike back, there is a 80% chance to recover 40% of her lost HP and gain Tipsy. This effect can be triggered up to 2 times per round.
See Effects for 4 Stars or Less
Stars UnlockedEffect
4 star iconIncreases Rawiyah's DMG by 25%. At the start of the turn or during a strike back, there is a 70% chance to recover 40% of her lost HP and gain Tipsy. This effect can be triggered up to 1 time per round.
3 star iconIncreases Rawiyah's DMG by 16%. At the start of the turn or during a strike back, there is a 70% chance to recover 40% of her lost HP and gain Tipsy. This effect can be triggered up to 1 time per round.
2 star iconIncreases Rawiyah's DMG by 12%. At the start of the turn or during a strike back, there is a 60% chance to recover 30% of her lost HP and gain Tipsy. This effect can be triggered up to 1 time per round.
1 star iconIncreases Rawiyah's DMG by 8%. At the start of the turn or during a strike back, there is a 50% chance to recover 30% of her lost HP and gain Tipsy. This can activate up to 1 time per round.

Rawiyah Base Skill

[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Single-target attack. Deals 85% physical DMG and knocks the target back by 2 tiles.
Gale BreachGale BreachRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 3
(Physical DMG) [Instant] Rawiyah charges at 1 enemy within a cross-shaped range around her, dealing 30% DMG. Afterward, the skill switches to [Tropical Cyclone] for 2 turns. When she has [Tipsy], she inflicts [✗ Reaction Skills] on the target after the attack. This effect lasts for 2 turns.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK1

[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) For each ally within a 2-tile radius of the character, ATK increases by 5%, up to 15%.
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) Gains immunity to the effect of [Injured] and [Dying].

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK3

Piercing BashPiercing BashRange
[Skill] Cost: 0 CD: 3
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 130% DMG. Before attacking, the character gains [Armor Piercing].
Another PintAnother PintRange
[Skill] Cost: 1 CD: 3
(Healing) [Instant]. Rawiyah recovers 60% of lost HP and gains [Tipsy] for 2 turns.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK5

Screw off!Screw off!-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) When Rawiyah is hit by an active attack, she performs a [Strike Back], dealing 70% physical DMG to the enemy. When she has [Tipsy], she knocks the enemy back by 2 tiles. This effect can be triggered up to 1 time per round.
Guardian's HeartGuardian's Heart-
[Reaction] Cost: - CD: -
(Reaction) Takes [P.ATK] for all other allies within 1 tile of the character and performs a [Strike Back] on the attacker, dealing 70% physical DMG and knocking them back by 1 tile. This effect can be triggered up to 1 time per round.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK7

Mania SmashMania SmashRange
[Skill] Cost: 3 CD: 0
(Physical DMG) Single-target attack. Deals 120% DMG. After attacking, gains 40% [Life Steal].
Sword of ConvallariaSword of Convallaria-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Leader's Aura) For all "Sword of Convallaria" allies in battle, increases ATK by 10%, DEF by 20%, and DMG dealt by 8%, and decreases their DMG taken by 8%.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK9

Fatal AttackFatal AttackRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and increases Crit by 15%.
Dispelling StrikeDispelling StrikeRange
[Basic Attack] Cost: - CD: -
(Basic Attack) Deals 50% physical DMG 2 times and dispels 2 [buffs] on the target.

Skills That Can Be Learned at RK11

Gale Spin AttackGale Spin AttackRange
[Skill] Cost: 4 CD: 0
(Physical DMG) Rawiyah deals 50% [AoE DMG] too all enemies within a 2-tile radius around her. After dealing DMG, inflicts [▽ P.DEF II] on the target for 2 turns. Subsequent attacks deal additional 50% [AoE DMG].
Legacy of ComradesLegacy of Comrades-
[Skill] Cost: - CD: -
(Passive) When an ally in battle is defeated, recovers 30% HP for the character, and the character gains [△ ATK II], [△ P.DEF II], and [△ M.DEF II] for 3 turns.

Weapons That Rawiyah Can Equip

List of Weapons

Brutal AxeBrutal AxeHollow AxeHollow AxeDenial HammerDenial Hammer
Feast AxeFeast AxeTuning HammerTuning HammerCornucopia AxeCornucopia Axe
Gale SwordGale SwordFormidable AxeFormidable AxeAntimagic AxeAntimagic Axe
Balanced Heavy AxeBalanced Heavy AxeBattle-Hardened AxeBattle-Hardened AxeHeavy Iron AxeHeavy Iron Axe
Iron AxeIron Axe

Rawiyah Voice Actor & Profile

Rawiyah Voice Actor (CV)

VAJapanese VA: Koshimizu Ami
Chinese VA: Lin Su

Rawiyah Profile

Rawiyah Ascended

▲ Unlock Ascended Skin when character reaches Star Level 5.

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GameWith SoC Strategy Team

GameWith SoC Strategy Team

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Anonymous 1

can you also add the tarot details (stat) for rawiyah too, thx

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