Learn all mask locations for the Hall of the Four in Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8 / RE8). Where are the masks of sorrow, joy, pleasure, and rage? Find out here!!!
All Puzzles & Solutions ListMask Puzzle - All Mask Locations
List Of Masks
Tap or click the masks to see their locations!!!
Place The Masks On The Statues To Progress

The four masks shown above are required to clear Dimitrescu Castle. You'll need to explore the castle, solving puzzles to obtain all four. Once you've gotten them, place them on the 4 statues in the Hall of the Four.
2. Castle Dimitrescu Walkthrough & Map GuideMask Locations - Mask of Sorrow
Found In B2

1 | Make your way into the Castle |
2 | Explore the castle while solving puzzles (Hall of Ablution puzzle) |
3 | Head into the basement and avoid Dimitrescu |
4 | Get the Mask of Sorrow |
The Mask of Sorrow can be found in the depths of the castle. You'll have to have the Courtyard Key to get this mask. Head to the Hall of Ablution and do the Puzzle there. Doing so will unlock a path to the basement.
Run Away From Dimitrescu

Once you're in the basement, you'll have to carefully run away from Dimitrescu. This area is a bit tight, but if you maneuver carefully you'll be able to get away and into the room with the Mask of Sorrow.
Mask Locations - Mask of Joy
Found On 2F In Hall Of Joy

1 | Use the Iron Insignia Key on the 2F |
2 | Fight the 3rd daughter |
3 | Get the mask from the Hall of Joy |
This mask can be obtained after taking down one of Dimitrescu's 3 daughters. You'll need the Iron Insignia Key to access this fight in the first place.
Mask Locations - Mask of Pleasure
Found On 2F

1 | Use Dimitrescu's Key in the Hall of Pleasure on the 2nd floor. |
2 | Examine the statue to get the mask |
The main requirement for this mask is Dimitrescu's key, which you should have obtained in the basement while getting the Mask of Sorrow. Once you have this key, you can access the Hall of Pleasure.
How To Leave After Getting The Mask
1 | Get the Mounted Animal Skull from above the fireplace in the room you fought the daughter. |
2 | Examine it (in the item screen) to remove the nail and get an Animal Skull. |
3 | Place the Animal Skull on the statue where the Mask of Pleasure was. |
After obtaining the Mask of Pleasure, you'll be temporarily unable to leave the room. To circumvent this, follow the steps listed above!

↑ Place the skull onto the statue.
Mask Locations - Mask of Rage
Found On The Roof

1 | Ring the 5 bells in the Atelier to open the door |
2 | Climb up onto the roof |
3 | Follow the path on the roof all the way up |
The Mask of Rage can be found all the way on the top of the Castle. To get here you'll have to do the 5 Bell Puzzle. After this, simply follow the path up the roof to the mask. You'll have to use a zipline to reach it.