Fortnite: Tips & Guide
Use A Volcano Vent, Zipline & Vehicle In Same Match (Week 5)

Fortnite | Use A Volcano Vent, Zipline & Vehicle In Same Match (Week 5)

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Fortnite | Use A Volcano Vent, Zipline & Vehicle In Same Match (Week 5) - GameWith
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Get tips on how to complete the "Use A Volcano Vent, Zipline & Vehicle In The Same Match" challenge from Fortnite's Season 8 Week 5 Challenges! This guide includes locations on where to find Volcano Vents, Ziplines and Vehicles!!

Use A Volcano Vent, Zipline & Vehicle In Same Match (Week 5)

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Table of Contents

Use A Volcano, Zipline & Vehicle In The Same Match

Use A Volcano, Zipline & Vehicle - Summary

Use A Volcano, Zipline & Vehicle - Summary
DetailsUse A Volcano Vent, Zipline & Vehicle In The Same Match
Released OnSeason 8 Week 5
Reward10 Battle Stars

A Jack-of-All-Trades! This challenge will require you to use each of the three items in the map in a single match! Dying without completing this challenge will cause you to lose your progress and start over!

Volcano Vents, Ziplines & Vehicle Locations

How To Use Volcano Vents & Locations

North of the Volcano close up

To use a Volcano Vent, all you will need to do is pass through it. As soon as you come in contact with the Volcano Vent, you will be launched up in the air.

In the Middle of the River of Lava

In the Middle of the River of Lava map

You can find this Volcanic Vent in the middle of the river of lava south of the Volcano. It's next to a white cargo storage.

North bank of the Lava River

North bank of the Lava River map

A bit to the left of the large pool of lava is another vent! You can find it on the north bank of the river.

Middle of the Lava River Southeast of the Volcano

Middle of the Lava River Southeast of the Volcano map

Almost to the end of the river is a small land surrounded by the lava. There is a lone Volcanic Vent there.

Near the Electric Grid South of the Volcano

Near the Electric Grid South of the Volcano map

This vent can be found south of the volcano near the Electric Grid situated there. It stands out against the grass!

At the Largest Island in the River of Lava

At the Largest Island in the River of Lava map

Head to the largest mass of land in the middle of the lava river. There's a vent there that you can use for the challenge!

North of the Volcano

North of the Volcano map

In the grassy area north of the volcano is another volcanic vent. This is a few steps from the volcano itself.

Near the Campsite North of the Volcano

Near the Campsite North of the Volcano map

There's a campsite north of the volcano with a Volcanic Vent right in its vicinity! You can find it next to the campfire.

How To Use The Zipline


To use the Zipline, simply approach it and look at the rope. You will be prompted to interact with the Zipline. Once you interact with it, you will instantly get on board and ride it!

Check Out How To Use Ziplines Here!

Zipline Locations

Season 8 Zip Line Locations

The image above displays all of the Ziplines located in Season 8 of Fortnite Battle Royale. Use this as a reference when completing this challenge.

How To Use Vehicles

How To Use Vehicles

In order for you to use vehicles, you simply need to approach them. You will be prompted to interact with it once you are close enough. After interacting with it, you will instantly enter the vehicle and start driving it.

Baller Locations

Baller Locations

The above image displays the locations where you will be able to find the Baller vehicle. Use this as a reference when looking for Vehicles to use during this challenge.

Check Out The Baller Here!

Driftboard Locations

Driftboard Locations

The above image displays the locations where you will be able to find Driftboards in the game. Use this as a reference when looking for Vehicles to use during this challenge.

Check Out The Driftboard Here!

Quadcrasher Locations

Quadcrasher Locations

The above image displays the locations where you will be able to find Quadcrashers in the game. Use this as a reference when looking for Vehicles to use during this challenge.

Check Out The Quadcrasher Here!

Use A Volcano Vent, Zipline & Vehicle Tips

Prioritize Survival

Prioritize Survival

This challenge may be difficult for some players as it resets your progress back to zero when you are eliminated. Aim to survive while hunting for these items in order for you to complete this challenge!

Check Out Survival Guide & Tips Here!

Aim For Objectives Close By

One way to finish this challenge easier is to look for a Volcanic Vent, Vehicle, and Zipline that are close together. This way, you will be able to complete the challenge much faster!

Fortnite Season 8 Weekly Challenge Articles

Check Out Season 8 Challenge & Rewards!

Featured Weekly Challenges

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Fortnite Strategy Team

Fortnite Strategy Team

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