Here is a complete list of all Fortnite Umbrella Victory Glider Skins! Check out information on all the available umbrellas, & how to unlock them!!

Table of Contents
Umbrella Skins Released
Seasonal Umbrellas can only be obtained on the season they were featured in and will be unavailable once the season ends!!
What is an Umbrella?
A Special Kind of Glider

Umbrellas are Glider skins that can only be obtained by winning a Victory Royale in Solo, Duo, and/or Squad Modes.
Check Out Tips and Tricks to WinNo Gameplay Advantage
Umbrellas are cosmetic items like any other Glider skins. It does not provide any gameplay advantages whatsoever.
How to Get an Umbrella?
Umbrellas are a Symbol of Victory

Winning once in Solos, Duos, or Squads will immediately unlock The Victory Umbrella in your locker. Winning in Duos and Squads will give all team members Umbrellas.
Check Out Techniques to be a ProYou Get To Keep Your Umbrellas
Once unlocked, you can use your Umbrellas as much as you want! There is no danger of losing them once you obtain them!
How To Get "The Umbrella"

The Umbrella will be rewarded to you on your first Victory Royale in either Solos, Duos, or Squads.
How To Get Seasonal Umbrellas
Seasonal Umbrellas unlock when you win a match during that specific season. You cannot unlock Umbrellas from previous seasons.
How To Get The Snowflake Umbrella

You can unlock the Snowflake Umbrella when you get a Victory Royale during the second season of Fortnite.
How To Get The Paper Parasol Umbrella

You can unlock the Paper Parasol Umbrella when you get a Victory Royale during the third season of Fortnite.
How To Get The Wet Paint Umbrella

You can unlock the Wet Paint Umbrella when you get a Victory Royale during the fourth season of Fortnite.
How To Get The Beach Umbrella

You can unlock the Beach Umbrella when you get a Victory Royale during the fifth season of Fortnite.
How To Get The Webrella

You can unlock the Webrella when you get a Victory Royale during the sixth season of Fortnite.
How To Get The Snowfall Umbrella

You can unlock the Snowfall when you get a Victory Royale during the seventh season of Fortnite.
How To Get The Palm Leaf Umbrella

You can unlock the Palm Leaf when you get a Victory Royale during the eighth season of Fortnite.
How To Get The Holographic Umbrella

You can unlock the Holographic Umbrella when you get a Victory Royale during the ninth season of Fortnite.
How To Get X Umbrella

You can unlock the X Umbrella when you get a Victory Royale during the tenth season of Fortnite.
How To Get Downpour Umbrella

You can unlock the Downpour Umbrella when you get a Victory Royale during the Chapter 2 Season 1 of Fortnite.
How To Get Classified Umbrella

You can unlock the Classified Umbrella when you get a Victory Royale during the Chapter 2 Season 2 of Fortnite.
How to Get the One Shot Umbrella

The One Shot umbrella is a special umbrella that can only be unlocked by winning in the Fortnite x John Wick LTM - Wick's Bounty.
Check Out the Wick's Bounty Challenge ListHow To Get Other Umbrellas
How To Unlock The Founder's Umbrella

The Founder's Umbrella is not unlockable in any Season. To get the Founder's Umbrella, you must have bought Fortnite's "Founder's Pack" and won a game to unlock the Founder's Umbrella. The Founder's Pack is not available anymore for purchase.
How to Equip Umbrellas

Umbrellas can be selected in the Glider slot in the Locker. Simply select it and you're all set to show the world your hard-earned victory!
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