This guide focuses on the health & shield basics in Fortnite. Learn to protect yourself out there!!

Table of Contents
Health and Shield Keep You Alive

The green bar represents your health, while the blue bar represents your shield. These two bars indicate how much damage you can take before being knocked out or eliminated.
Health Keeps You in the Game
When the value of your health bar reaches 0, you get knocked out or eliminated. Your health also takes damage over time when you are caught in the storm, so be careful!
Items That Restore Health
These items when used will restore a portion of your character's health. Also included are the amount of time needed to apply each item, the amount of health they restore, and their restrictions.

Bandages heal for 15 points of health. It takes 4 seconds to use this item, but you cannot use anymore bandages when you reach 75 health. You can have a maximum of 15 Bandages in one slot.

It takes 10 seconds to use this item, but it can heal you back up to 100 health. You can have a maximum of 3 Medkits in one slot.
Foraged Items / Consumables

Foraged items or consumables found around the map provide health when consumed. Bananas, Peppers, and Coconuts have different properties, but they'll each give a set amount of health.
Check Out the Foraged Items HereShield Protects Your Health
When you get hit, your shield will take damage first before your health bar. It allows you to take more damage before being knocked down or eliminated. However, your shield will not protect you from the storm or from fall damage!
Items That Restore Shield
These items when used will restore a portion of your character's shield. Also included are the amount of time needed to apply each item, the amount of shield they restore, and their restrictions.
Small Shield Potion

Small shield potions restore 25 points of your shield. It takes 2 seconds to apply, but you cannot use small shield potions once your shield reaches 50 points. You can have a maximum of 10 Small Shield Potions in one slot.
Shield Potion

Shield Potions restore 50 points of your shield. It takes 5 seconds to apply, and can restore your shield back up to 100 points. You can have a maximum of 2 Shield Potions in one slot.
Items That Restore Both
In the game, there are items that restore both your shield and your health.
Slurp Juice

Consuming a Slurp Juice will heal you 75 health over 150 seconds. If your health is full, it will restore your shield the same way. You can have a maximum of 2 Slurp Juices in one slot.

Similar to the Slurp Juice, the Coconut provides shield when its is consumed with full health. 5 points of shield will be added over a short period of time.
Chug Jug

The Chug Jug fully restores your shield and health to 100 points, but takes 15 seconds to fully consume. You cannot do anything else while consuming the Chug Jug, so make sure you're alone.. You can only have 1 Chug Jug in a slot.
What To Do When You Get Damaged

Have you recently taken damage? Is the fight still on-going? Efficiently heal and shield up with these tips!
Fight or Run

Finish the fight as soon as you can. If you believe that you can not take out the enemy, get away from the area and make sure the enemy won't follow you!
Find or Build Some Cover

Some of your items take time to heal you up, and you will not be able to do anything else while consuming some of these items. So find or build a place that breaks a potential enemy's line of sight!
Check Out Building Basics!Heal and Shield Up

Now that you are well-covered, use this time to heal yourself and restore your shields.
Use Smaller Items First
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Use smaller items first due to lower cast time, so you have HP and shield in case enemies break down your cover before you can fully heal.