Check out this guide to learn all about the new bosses in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2. This includes where to find Midas, Skye, Meowscles, TNTina, Brutus boss locations, mythic weapons, keycards, vaults, & more!!
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Check Out The 12.00 Season 2 Patch Notes HereMeowscles Location - The Yacht

Reward | MEOWSCLES' Peow Peow Rifle The Yacht Keycard |
Where to Find Meowsicles

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TNTina Location - The Rig

Reward | TNTINA's Ka-Boom Bow The Rig Keycard |
Where to Find TNTina

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Brutus Location - The Grotto

Reward | BRUTUS's Minigun The Grotto Keycard |
Where to Find Brutus

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Midas Location - The Agency

Reward | MIDAS' Drum Gun The Agency Keycard |
Where to Find Midas

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Skye Location - The Shark

Reward | SKYE's Assault Rifle SKYE's Grappler The Shark Keycard |
Where to Find Skye

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What are Bosses?
New NPCs Added in Chapter 2 Season 2

Bosses are new NPCs that were added along with Henchmen in Chapter 2 Season 2. They are hostile NPCs that carry with them unique and powerful loot that you can get by defeating them!
Check Out Where to Find Henchmen HereDrops Mythic Weapons & Keycards

When Bosses are defeated, they drop their own version of Mythic Weapons and the keycard for the Vault in their location. This is a guaranteed drop.
Keycards Open Doors to Vault

They Keycards you get from the Bosses is the only way you can open the Vaults found within the new location. Each keycard opens a specific Vault.
Can Only be Found in Specific Areas
Bosses will only spawn in specific areas. They do not roam around or stray from their locations. They also do no switch locations with other Bosses.
Only Spawns Once in Every Game
Each Boss will only spawn once in the game. If they're defeated, there won't be another chance for you to face them unless you start a new match.
Bosses Based on Battle Pass Skins
The different bosses are based on the Battle Pass Skins of Chapter 2 Season 2. They follow either the Shadow or the Ghost version of the Skin.