Check out this guide on how to get the Nuketown Easter Egg in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (COD Cold War)! Get to know how to do it, the time limit, & mannequin locations!!!
Table of Contents
Nuketown Easter Egg - How To Get
Behead All Mannequins

To trigger the Nuketown '84 Easter Egg, you need to shoot the heads of all mannequins in the area. It may sound easy, but you need to do this within 2 minutes. Also, note that this may be difficult to pull off in a real match, so it is highly advisable that you do this with friends.
26 Mannequins In Total

In Nuketown '84, there is a total number of 26 mannequins. We mostly found that each side of the map spawns roughly 13 mannequins, and all of them are within the confines of the map. Again, if you wish to see the easter egg, you need to behead all of them within the time limit!
Mannequin Locations Are Random

The mannequin locations are random and they change whenever you start a match. Take note of this and plan your route if you plan on seeing this easter egg! Also, it is way easier to do this with a friend as you can scour both sides of the map easily!
Effects Of The Easter Egg
2 Retro Visuals

▲ If done correctly, your screen will go static to transition to a new visual style!!!
Once you remove the head of the last mannequin within the time limit, the Nuketown's visuals will change. There are 2 possible styles that you can get from this: a retro blue neon style or an 80's green aesthetic. The visual change is random and can be either of the 2. You may have to do this at least twice to see both!
Blue Retro

Green Aesthetic

Change Lasts For The Whole Match
Once you trigger the easter egg, the visuals stay until the end of the match. The visuals also do not revert back even if you die.
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