Read this Borderlands 3 guide to learn more about how to get the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite Exclusive Redistributor SMG! This includes where to farm, drops, stats & more!!!
Table of Contents
Redistributor - Legendary / Unique Weapon Stats & Traits

BRAND | Hyperion |
ITEM SCORE | 566 | LVL REQ. | 50 |
DAMAGE | 335 | ||
ACCURACY | 75% | ||
HANDLING | 67% | ||
RELOAD TIME | 3.1s | ||
FIRE RATE | 9.55/s | ||
Magazine Size | 49 |
- Man's reach exceeds his imagination. - +10% Critical hit damage - +25% weapon shield capacity - 2.2x weapon zoom - Slows enemies - Every 7th shot is Amped. Amped shots chain to nearby enemies. |
*Shown stats are excerpted from the variation confirmed in-game!!!
7th Shots are Amped & Chains
Shooting with the Redistributor, you will notice spikes in damage. That's because every 7th shot of the weapon will have its damage amped and chained to enemies. A single magazine will have 3 amped shots.
Can Come with Elemental Types

The Redistributor can come in any of the elemental types. Although which one you'll get is random, depending on the spawn.
Check Out Elemental Damage & Types HereExclusive to the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite Event

The Redistributor is an exclusive Legendary weapon that can only be acquired from the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite Event.
Check Out the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite HereHow To Get Redistributor
Play the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite Event

Since the Redistributor is exclusive to the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite, the simplest way of getting it is to keep playing the Takedown. Regular and badass enemies will have a chance of dropping it.
Higher Chance of Legendaries from Wotan the Invincible

Wotan the Invincible is the raid boss of the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite. As a raid boss, there's a higher chance of getting a legendary from it, including the Redistributor!
Check Out How to Beat Wotan the Invincible