Easy to get ammo and can chain combo very quickly thanks to magazine size. Prioritize Damage upgrades .
① Proceed while killing sleeping enemies ② 3 Lycans will come out so don't enter the room. Kill them outside ③ Kill the Large Lycan before going in the room to deal with 2 bow Lycans ④ Turn right & deal with the Lycan ⑤ Shoot the Lycan's legs to cripple it, then break the blue orb ⑥ Finish off the limping Lycan and head back to the room ⑦ Defeat the charging Lycans ⑧ Go up the right path & fight Lycans ⑨ Defeat Soldats & Moroaica with explosive barrels ⑩ Go into the right room & defeat 2 Moroaica & 1 Soldat. Then pop the yellow orb ⑪ 2 more Lycans will appear. Dispatch them & move another room ⑫ Beat the 2 Large Lycans and move further into the room ⑬ Break the yellow orb & fight off 3 Moroaica (1 will come from behind) ⑭ Exit the room and kill sleeping Moroaica. Head toward your starting room ⑮ 2 Lycans will appear on the path back ⑯ Moroaica will pop from the right so be ready to deal with them ⑰ After defeating Moroaica, dash full speed to the right to break blue orb ⑱ Lycans will appear so turn back & deal with it ⑲ Move further back ⑳ Enter the room, head right & turn back. A soldat will appear ㉑ Soldat pops next to blue orb. Eliminate it ㉒ Next to the blue orb, 1 Lycan will appear from top while another pops from the side ㉓ After breaking blue orb, take out the Lycans ㉔ Move forward, the left. Defeat A Lycan then pop Yellow Orb ㉕ Make a U-turn. Ignore sleeping enemies & enter the room ㉖ Pop the left Lycan & turn toward Moroaica ㉗ A witch will come running, take her & Moroaica out ㉘ A Soldat will come join the party so take it out as well ㉙ Exit the room & kill the sleeping Moroaica 1 at a time ㉚ \Beat the 2 Witches that comes charging ㉛ Return to the room & kill the sleeping Moroaica at the right ㉜ Dispatch the lycan that appears leftward of the room entrance㉝ Enter the room & break blue orb ㉞ Kill Moroaica sleeping next to the blue orb ㉟ Exit the room & head up stairs ㊱ Dispatch the 4 Lycans that will appear (2 on the stairs, 2 in the hallway) ㊲ Enter the room & turn left. Use a pipe bomb & deal with an armored Soldat ㊳ Turn right & walk to the corner. Kill the sleeping Moroaica in the center ㊴ Avoid the fan by dashing to the sides ㊵ Kill Moroaica coming from the sides & destroy the fan ㊶ Return to where the fan came from & break blue orb. Kill sleeping Moroaica ㊷ Head up the stairs to your right ㊸ Defeat enemies as you proceed and enter the goal
① Defeat 6 enemies at the gates ② Kill Lycans in your path & 6 bow Lycans ③ Push on killing 3 more bow Lycans④ Go down stairs & take a right. Kill 6 Soldats ⑤ Push forward. 2 Soldat & 1 Moroaica will appear ⑥ After going down stairs, an Armored Soldat will appear. Use Pipe Bomb or leg shots to take it out fast ⑦ Head down stairs & turn right. Dispatch the Moroaica & go straight ⑧ Break yellow orb, kill Soldat through the fence ⑨ Backtrack a little & head to the room with blue orb ⑩ Break blue orb, defeat Moroaica swarms & head up stairs ⑪ Kill all enemies in the room & break yellow orb (Moroaica will appear behind you so take them out too) ⑫ Go into the forge room & keep heading left. Ignore all enemies here for now ⑬ Use Pipe bomb or a Mine on the Armored Soldat here ⑭ Go to another room & deal with all 45 enemies⑮ Go back into the forge & kill remaining enemies⑯ Head toward the goal. Eliminate all stragglers & finish