Find out the location of the Secret Banner from Season 8 Week 6 Fortnite "Discovery" Challenge in this guide! This includes its location, the clues, & more!!

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Week 6 Secret Banner Location
Map Location

The Secret Banner can be found in the northern part of the map. It is near the black building with a pirate flag on the left side of Lazy Lagoon.
Bird's Eye View

There will be a patch of sand that funnels into grassy terrain. This is where you should go.
Close Up

Look for the black building with a Jolly Roger flag. South of that building is where the Banner will spawn.
Secret Banner Location Overview

Challenge Requirements | Complete 6 sets of Weekly Challenges |
Players who complete 6 sets of Weekly Challenges will receive a loading screen that will hint towards the location of the Secret Banner.
Check Out Season 8 Battle Pass ChallengesKeyring Holds The Clue

If you look at the Key's Ring in the loading screen, you will see four sets of coordinates. F3, F2, E3, and E2. By checking your map. There will be a point where all of these coordinates intersect. This is where the Banner is located.
Secret Banner Is Near Lazy Lagoon

Once you are at Lazy Lagoon, look for the building with a jolly roger flag. There will be a space where sand turns into grassy terrain. This is where the Banner will appear.
Season 8 Secret Battle Star / Battle Star Locations

Earn Battle Stars and exlusive Banners from completing Weekly challenges! Each week, a Secret Battle Star or Banner is revealed through a loadout screen that players can unlock!
Check Out All Secret Battle Star & Battle Stars!