Read this Fortnite guide and list about Fornitemares challenges, the list of challenges, rewards, cube monster locations & more!!

Fortnitemares Challenges
Fortnitemares Challenge List
- Fortnitemares Challenges Part 1
- Fortnitemares Challenges Part 2
- Fortnitemares Challenges Part 3
- Fortnitemares Challenges Part 4
Fortnitemares Overview
Fortnitemares Challenge Overview
Free Set Of Challenges To Complete In Fortnitemares

Start | End |
October 24, 2018 | November 4, 2018 |
From the v6.20 patch update, the Fortnitemares event will have a set of free challenges that players can complete to get XP & cosmetic rewards.
Complete Challenges To Get Dark Engine Glider

Once you complete the final set of Fornitemares challenges, you'll receive the dark & spooky Dark Engine Glider!
First Set of Challenges

Challenge Details | Rewards |
Destroy 200 Cube Monsters | 500 XP |
Deal 5,000 damage with Assault Rifles or Pistols to Cube Monsters | 500 XP |
Visit a Corrupted Area in 7 Different Matches | 500 XP |
Dance in front of 5 different Gargoyles | 500 XP |
Reward - Fiery Emoticon

You'll receive the fiery green Uncommon Emoticon - Fiery after completing Part 1 of the Fortnitemares challenges.
Visit Corrupted Areas In 7 Different Matches

You need to visit all the Corrupted Areas in the Battle Royale island to complete this challenge. Remember that you need to do this in different matches or it won't count.
Check Out Visit Corrupted Areas GuideCorrupted Areas Map & Location

You can find 7 Corrupted Areas in the island. Make sure to visit them while armed as many players will most likely be in the area as well.
Dance In Front Of Gargoyles

You need to dance in front of 5 different Gargoyles to complete this challenge. Gargoyles are a little hard to spot as they blend with the background so keep your eyes peeled.
Check Out Dance In Front Of GargoylesGargoyles Map & Locations

There are some confirmed locations in the island - Retail Row, West of Lazy Links, Haunted Hills, Tomato Temple, Viking Village, and North of Flush Factory.
Destroy 200 Cube Monsters

You need to destroy 200 Cube Monsters to complete this challenge. Equip a Fiend Hunter Crossbow, which deals x4 damage to fiends, for quick & easy eliminations of the monsters.
Check Out Fiend Hunter Crossbow Stats!5K Damage with Assault Rifles or Pistols To Cube Monsters

Aim for headshots when using Assault Rifles & Pistols to eliminate Cube Monsters. It deals more damage so can get rid of them faster.
Assault Rifles & Pistols Pages
Check Out Cube Monsters Here Together!Other Fortnitemares Challenges
2nd Set of Challenges

Challenge Details | Rewards |
Destroy 150 Cube Fiends | 500 XP |
Deal 5,000 damage with Shotguns or SMGs to Cube Monsters | 500 XP |
Eliminate 3 opponents at Corrupted Areas | 500 XP |
Destroy a Ghost Decoration in 7 different Named Locations | 500 XP |
Reward - Deadfire Spray

You'll receive the Uncommon Spray - Deadfire after completing Part 2 of the Fortnitemares challenges.
Destroy 7 Ghost Decorations

You need to destroy 7 ghost decorations in Named Locations to complete this challenge. You can find them hanging outside of houses or stores or sometimes even inside them!
Check Out The Locations Of Ghost!Destroy 150 Cube Fiends

Cube Fiends are smaller & thinner Cube Monsters. They have lesser health and can easily be defeated via the Fiend Hunter Crossbow.
Check Out Cube Monsters Here!Eliminate 3 Opponents at Corrupted Areas

You need to eliminate 3 opponents in Corrupted Areas to complete this challenge. There are 7 Corrupted Areas in the map so it's best to gear up first before heading to one with the intent to kill.
Check Out Corrupted Areas GuideDeal 5K Damage with Shotguns or SMGs To Cube Monsters
Shotguns & SMGs deal more damage at close-range. Go for the Cube Fiends first as they have less health than Brutes and are easier to kill.
Shotguns & SMG Pages
Check Out Cube Monsters Here Together!Other Fortnitemares Challenges
3rd Set of Challenges

Challenge Details | Rewards |
Destroy 25 Cube Brutes | 500 XP |
Deal 2,000 damage with Explosive Weapons to Cube Monsters | 500 XP |
Search 7 chests in Corrupted Areas | 500 XP |
Stage 1: Visit Wailing Woods (150 XP) Stage 2: Visit Fatal Fields (150 XP) Stage 3: Visit Haunted Hills (200 XP) | 500 XP |
Reward - Virulent Flames Contrail

You'll receive the Rare Contrail - Virulent Flames after completing Part 3 of the Fortnitemares challenges.
Destroy 25 Cube Brutes

Cube Brutes are the chunkier Cube Monster. They have higher health & can deal more damage. Equip the Fiend Hunter Crossbow & aim for headshots to eliminate them.
Check Out Cube Monsters Here!Search 7 Chests In Corrupted Areas

You can loot chests in Corrupted Areas but they can be found out in the open. This can be dangerous so descend fast, loot the chest, and hightail it out of there.
Check Out Corrupted Areas GuideVisit Named Locations
For this challenge you need to visit three different areas on the Battle Royale island. These may only be done in different matches as each stage is cleared at the end of a match!
Stage 1: Visit Wailing Woods

Wailing Woods is located at the northeast of the map.
Stage 2: Visit Fatal Fields

Fatal Fields is located at the southern part of the center of the map.
Stage 3: Visit Haunted Hills

Haunted Hills is located at the northwestern part of the map.
Deal 2K Damage with Explosive Weapons To Cube Monsters
Explosive weapons have a detonation time but can be thrown from a distance. Keep yourself safe by using these weapons some distance away from the Cube Fragment & Cube Monsters.
Explosive Weapons
Check Out Cube Monsters Here Together!Other Fortnitemares Challenges
4th Set of Challenges

Challenge Details | Rewards |
Destroy 10 Elite Cube Monsters | 500 XP |
Deal 2,500 damage to Cube Fragments | 500 XP |
Deal 1,000 damage to Cube Monsters in a single match | 500 XP |
Visit 4 different Corrupted Areas in a single match | 500 XP |
Destroy 3 Cube Fragments | 500 XP |
Complete 14 Fortnitemares challenges | 500 XP |
Reward - Dark Engine Glider

You'll receive the Epic Glider - Dark Engine after completing Part 4 of the Fortnitemares challenges.
Destroy 10 Elite Cube Monsters

Elite Cube Monsters are colored differently from other Cube Monsters and give more Shield when eliminated. It's still best to hunt them down using the Fiend Hunter Crossbow.
Check Out Fiend Hunter Crossbow Guide!Destroy 3 & Deal 2,500 Damage To Cube Fragments

Cube Fragments can be found all over the island. Any weapon that does damage can be used against these glowing purple structures so just keep shooting at them.
Check Out All Weapon List!Visit 4 Corrupted Areas In 1 Match

There are 7 Corrupted Areas to choose to visit within the island. To get to them faster, grab an ATK or a Quadcrasher for that ultimate boost in speed.
Check Out Quadcrasher Guide!Complete 14 Fortnitemares Challenges
There are a total of 17 Fortnitemares challenges aside from this one. Eliminating Cube Monsters & doing damage using different weapons are the easier & faster methods in completing Fortnitemares challenges.
Season 6 Week 5 Challenges

New challenges await you in Fortnite's Season 6 Week 5! Jump through flaming hoops, zoom past radar signs, eliminate opponents and more!
Check Out Season 6 Week 5 Challenges!What Is Fortnitemares?
Limited Time Event Battling Cube Monsters

Fortnitemares is a limited time event wherein players have to battle Cube Monsters as well as other players in the Battle Royale island!
Check Out The Fortnitemares Event Guide!Exclusive Weapon - Fiend Hunter Crossbow

The Fiend Hunter Crossbow is a Fortnitemares exclusive weapon. You can find it on the floor, chests, and Vending Machines. It comes in Epic variant, with unlimited ammo & a 7 arrow magazine size.
Check Out Fiend Hunter Crossbow Stats!