Check out what you can do when things get too difficult in Devil May Cry 5! Learn what you can do to get stronger against strong and difficult enemies in higher difficulties!

Table of Contents
Get To Know The Characters First
Different Characters Have Different Playstyles

In Devil May Cry 5, you will have the choice to select which character to use during missions. If you are having trouble clearing a particularly difficult mission, consider switching to a different character.
Check Out The Playable Characters HereDante

Switch Up Your Weapons In Combat
Dante has the option to switch between several weapons on-the-fly while fighting enemies. You can change your weapon depending on the enemy to gain an advantage during fights!
Use Different Styles For The Situation
Along with weapons, Dante can transition between four styles that can assist him in combat or exploring. These styles are Trickster, Gunslinger, Royal Guard, and Swordmaster.
Make Use Of The Devil Trigger
Dante can transform into his Devil Form by expending his DT Gauge. When he is in this form, he can recover health, and has increased damage output. Use this for especially tough fights!
Check Out The Dante Style Change Guide HereNero

Devil Breakers Can Do Different Attacks
Nero's Devil Breakers are Nero-exculsive items. Each specific Devil Breaker will allow you to do different attacks depending on which is equipped. However, these can break if you are attacked while they are in use, or when you break away.
Increase Damage Output With Exceed
The Exceed System will increase the attack power of the Red Queen weapon. Use it in combination with EX-act move which fills up the EX Gauge to unleash devastating moves on your foes!
Activate Devil Trigger In Dicey Situations
Like Dante, Nero also has a Devil form which recovers his health over time and increases his attack power! Use it to sustain yourself in battle!

Summon Familiars In Battle
V relies on his familiars: Shadow, Griffon, and Nightmare to fight against enemies. Shadow mainly for close-quarter situations, Griffon for long-range enemies, and Nightmare for tough enemies and bosses!
You Must Kill The Enemies Yourself
Your familiars are powerful allies that can decimate an enemy's life bar. However, they do not have the capabilities to kill enemies. Therefore, you must be the one to strike the killing blow.
Improve Character & Abilities
Improve Abilities In The Shop

You will be able to improve your abilities and skills by purchasing them in Nico's shop! This can be found under the Customization option in the menu. Alternatively, you can also access the shop via Divinity Statues during missions.
Check Out What You Can Buy From The Shop HereCollect Blue & Purple Orb Fragments

By collecting both Blue and Purple Orb Fragments in the game, you will be able to increase your maximum vitality and Devil Trigger gauge. This will allow you to take more hits, and use more DT moves in battle!
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Adjust Settings To Play Better
Turn On Auto-Assist For Easy Combos

You can turn on auto-assist from options in the main menu. This will help you easily execute several different combos when fighting enemies. However you should take note that if this is turned on, your stylish rank will go down.
Orient The Camera Towards The Objective

At any point in the mission, if you start to feel lost as to where you should be going to next, you can click on the LStick to orient the camera in the general direction of the objective.
Only Continue As A Last Resort

If you die during a mission, you can opt to use a continue to fully restore your health. You can either use a Red or Gold Orb to continue with the mission.