Check out this Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) main story walkthrough and guide for the Prologue mission. This includes gameplay and battle tips, mission tricks and techniques, & more.

Mission Progression & Walkthrough
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Prologue Mission - Walkthrough
Prologue Mission - Walkthrough Chart
1 | Head straight towards the ledge until a tutorial prompt pops up. |
2 | Jump over the ledges and continue straight until a cutscene plays. |
3 | Defeat the enemies until the path is unlocked. |
4 | Continue straight through the path until another cutscene plays. |
5 | Defeat the Green Empusas until a cutscene is triggered. |
6 | Head straight towards the path and defeat the Empusas along the way. |
7 | Continue going straight until the boss fight is triggered. |
8 | Boss fight will end up with Nero losing. However, beating Urizen will unlock a secret ending |
Prologue Mission Tips & Tricks
3. Mix Up Moves For Higher Stylish Points

This will be your first opportunity to try out stringing combos together. When fighting enemies, keep your moves varied to get as much Stylish Points as you can to get more Red Orbs.
Check Out How To Get S Rank Tips Here!5. Use Air Combos & Ranged Weapons

Green Empusas as flying demons, so you'll need to attack them using air combos, or with ranged attacks.
8. Boss Fight Will Always Lead to Defeat

Don't attempt to beat the boss at this stage as this will always lead to Nero's defeat when you first encounter him. Simply have your health drained to zero to progress the story. However, if you manage to beat Urizen here, you will unlock a secret ending!
Urizen Boss Tips & Strategy (Optional)
This section is completely optional, however, beating Urizen in the prologue will unlock a secret ending.
Check Out How To Unlock The Secret Ending Here!Fight Him With Devil Trigger Acquired

If you clear the game at least once on either Human or Devil Hunter mode, Nero's Devil Bringer form will be unlocked, making this encounter much easier as it heals over time, and improves damage.
Use Fully Upgraded Blue Rose

Use Nero's gun Blue Rose in order to attack from a safe distance and while evading Urizen's ranged projectiles. In order to increase the damage of Blue Rose, you must learn the skills Color Up 2 & 3 and Charge Shots 1 - 3.
Check Out Nero Gameplay Guide - Ability & Weapon Tips Here!Evade His Projectiles While Shooting

His red, blue, and white projectiles will not hit you if you keep on moving left and right. While avoiding these shots, attack with your Blue Rose. Evade specially the blue sphere projectile, as it can slow you down and lead to a deadly combo.
Use Devil Breaker Move "Break Away" To Avoid Damage

When slowed down by the blue sphere projectile, you can use Break Away (press and hold L1) to avoid damage. Time using this move before you get hit by the red projectile follow up.
Focus Fire On The Crystal

When attacking Urizen, a red crystal will shield him from damage. Shatter the crystal in order to temporarily deal damage to Urizen.
Attack Urizen After Destroying the Crystal

After the crystal shatters, particles of light will appear, and you can damage Urizen after a few seconds. Use Nero's Devil Bringer form only when the particles of light have completely disappeared, signifying that Urizen is vulnerable.
Urizen Will Be More Aggressive Later On

Urizen will change his attack pattern later on and throw in even more projectiles and laser attacks making it harder for you to attack.
Check Out Urizen Boss Fight Guide: Moves & Tips Here!Mission Progression & Walkthrough
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