Check out this Devil May Cry 5 (DMC5) guide on how to unlock the true ending, as well as the secret ending! The game has a hidden secret ending, so read on to know its unlock conditions, & tips on how to beat the required boss Prologue Urizen!

True Ending
Secret Ending
How To Unlock The Secret Ending
What Is The True Ending

The true ending is the continuation of the ending that plays as the credits roll when you beat the game. When viewing at the gallery, it is the 4th and 5th movie that is unlocked in the series of cutscenes titled "ending".
True Ending Unlock Requirements
1 | Complete Mission 20 |
2 | Kill as many demons in the battle as Dante as the credits roll |
Credits Scene Fight Tips
Kill Enemies Using Dante's Sin Devil Trigger
Enemies in this credits scene are weak and easy to defeat, so turn into Dante's Sin Devil Trigger form to defeat them all at once. Vergil will also fight, and you will need to defeat enemies faster than Vergil.
Check Out Dante Gameplay Guide - Ability & Weapon Tips Here!You can unlock the trophy "A New Job"
After unlocking the true ending and clearing the game, you will obtain the trophy "A New Job".
Check Out Trophy Unlock List Here!True Ending Unlock Rewards
The Story That Takes Place After The Game
The true ending shows a series of cutscenes depicting the story that happens after Dante and Vergil went to the demon world.
Beating The Game Once Unlocks Rewards

Once you beat the game for the first time, you will unlock the following modes, items and other rewards!
- New Difficulty Mode: Son of Sparda
- Costume Color: V EX Color
- New Taunt: Recovery Provocation
- Ability to use both Devil Trigger & Devil Bringer for Nero
- Dante's Blades: Rebellion, Devil Sword Sparda & Devil Sword Dante
- Photos for Enemy Reports
- Costume Changes are now reflected on Title Screen
How To Unlock The Secret Ending
Beat Urizen In The Prologue Level

Urizen in the Prologue level is quite powerful when you fight him, and will lead to the story progressing forward when you lose. However, he can actually be beaten Nero, leading to the story's abrupt end.
Prologue - Story Mission WalkthroughBeat Urizen At Any Difficulty Level
You can unlock the secret ending regardless of what difficulty level you fight him in, so even if you beat him at Human mode, you will still get the ending.
You Will Earn The Trophy "We'll I'll Be Damned"
Beating Urizen will also unlock the achievement "We'll I'll Be Damned". If you are aiming to collect the trophies, defeating him in the prologue is required.
How To Beat Prologue Urizen
Focus Fire On The Crystal
When attacking Urizen, a red crystal will shield him from damage. Shatter the crystal in order to temporarily deal damage to Urizen.
Use Blue Rose To Attack From A Distance
Use Nero's gun Blue Rose in order to attack from a safe distance and while evading Urizen's ranged projectiles.
Upgrade Color Up
In order to increase the damage of Blue Rose, you must learn the skills Color Up 2 & 3 and Charge Shots 1 - 3. Although it's possible to win without these skills, it might take a longer time to beat Urizen without them.
Check Out Nero Gameplay Guide - Ability & Weapon Tips Here!Keep Moving Left and Right
His red, blue, and white projectiles will not hit you if you keep on moving left and right. While avoiding these shots, attack with your Blue Rose.
Jump To Avoid The Sweeping Laser

Urizen has a sweeping laser attack that moves from horizontally. Evade this by jumping and performing combos to keep you in air.
Attack Urizen After Destroying the Crystal

After the crystal shatters, particles of light will appear, and you can damage Urizen after a few seconds. Use Nero's Devil Bringer form only when the particles of light have completely disappeared, signifying that Urizen is vulnerable.
Repeat Damage Cycle On Urizen
You have a limited window to damage Urizen so make the most out of your attack opportunity. You will need to repeat the crystal destruction damage cycle for about 2-3 times.
Check Out Urizen Boss Fight Guide: Moves & Tips Here!It Is Recommended To Beat Him After Clearing The Game
If you clear the game at least once on either Human or Devil Hunter mode, Nero's Devil Bringer form will be unlocked, making this encounter much easier.
Check Out What To Do After Beating The Game and Unlocks Here!Try Beating Him in Heaven or Hell Mode
In Heaven or Hell, both you and enemies die in one hit. This way, Urizen can be beaten in one hit after shattering the crystal once. However, this mode is much more difficult.
Check Out Differences Between Difficulty Levels Here!Secret Ending Unlock Rewards
Unlock The Secret Ending Cutscene
Since you've beaten Urizen at the start, the events of the entire story of DMC 5 will never have taken place at all, resulting to an instant ending.
Unlock A Hidden Ending Photo
A photo of all major characters will be viewed after the credits roll.