Check out this Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) main story walkthrough and guide for Mission 5 - The Devil Sword Sparda. This includes gameplay and battle tips, mission tricks and techniques, & more.

Mission Progression & Walkthrough
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Mission 5 - Walkthrough
Mission 5 - Walkthrough Chart
1 | Proceed forward until a fight starts |
2 | Destroy the blood clot to unblock the path |
3 | Proceed forward to unblocked path to trigger a cutscene |
4 | Go to the far side of the room and jump up using the wooden pallets |
5 | Destroy the clot while evading the claw monster |
6 | Jump down and then jump up towards the steel containers. A fight will start once you reach the top |
7 | Proceed forwards and jump down. Head towards the right and destroy the clot |
8 | A fight will start as soon as you destroy the clot |
9 | After the fight ends, path will be unblocked. Head first to the small path to the right to get a Blue Orb fragment |
10 | Proceed through the unblocked path |
11 | Climb up the wooden pallets and steel containers |
12 | Proceeding forward will trigger a claw monster to appear near the Red Orb tree |
13 | Proceed forward and jump down to trigger a cutscene and fight the Empusa Queen |
14 | Proceed forward to the unblocked path and fight the claw monster |
15 | Jump up to a small corner of the room to collect the Purple Fragment |
16 | Proceed forward and destroy the blood clot along the way to unblock the path down |
17 | Jump down to the sewers and proceed forwards until a fight is triggered |
18 | When the sewer path branches off, proceed to the right to collect a Gold Orb. Left path takes the mission forward |
19 | Proceed forward until you reach the surface. Collect the orbs and call Nico for upgrades |
20 | Proceed forward to trigger a cutscene and a boss fight with Elder Geryon Knight |
Mission 5 Tips & Tricks
1. You Will Play As V In This Level

You will be playing as V in this mission. Make sure to learn his moves and familiarize yourself with his combat style.
Check Out V Gameplay Guide & Tips Here9: The Blue Orb Fragment Is Hidden In A Narrow Path

After unblocking the path, instead of going straight through the path, take a quick detour first at the path to the right near a container van. Head straight, and the fragment will be at the end.
Check Out All Blue Orb Fragment Locations!13. Avoid The Empusa Queen's Swinging Arms

Simply dodge its swinging arms and attack after while it recovers.
15. Purple Fragment Is Hidden In Corner Above

Use your familiars to glide you to the spot where the Purple Orb can be found.
Check Out All Purple Orb Fragment Locations!18. Gold Orb Is In A Corner To The Left

You can find the Gold Orb near some steel bars.
Check Out All Gold Orb Locations Here!Elder Geryon Knight Boss Tips & Strategy
Check Out Boss Fight Guide Here!Beware Of Its Lunge Attack

When he starts to raise his lance to his side, prepare for an incoming lunge attack.
Dodge To The Side For Its Projectile Attack

His projectile attacks are quite fast, so be sure to dodge to the side when flames surround his arms as he raises it.
The Horse Will Start Glowing For A Barrage of Attacks

He will pull up his horse and will start glowing. After the charge, he will emit a shockwave and starts a series of attacks.
He Strikes The Ground For Close Range Shock Attack

He can also strike the ground with his lance for a short range shock attack. Stay away when he points his lance downwards.
He Can Teleport To Your Side

When you damage him enough, he starts to teleport all over the area, and can sometimes appear near you for a close range attack so prepare to dodge as he jumps through a portal.