Check out this Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) main story walkthrough and guide for Mission 8 - Demon King. This includes gameplay and battle tips, mission tricks and techniques, and more.

Mission Progression & Walkthrough
All Mission Guide & Walkthrough ListMission 8 - Walkthrough
Mission 8 - Walkthrough Chart
1 | Follow the path from the starting point |
2 | Defeat enemies that spawn along the way |
3 | At the end of the path, you will find an elevator-like contraption, ride the platform to get to the next area |
4 | Continue following the path while defeating enemies that spawn |
5 | Enter the Bloodstream |
6 | Defeat enemies in the next area |
7 | Follow the path ahead while killing enemies |
8 | You will end up in a clearing. Defeat the enemies to progress |
9 | Follow the newly-opened area, and get back up to the path |
10 | You will get to a new clearing. Defeat the Baphomet & Raptors |
11 | Head to, and enter the second Bloodstream to get to the next area |
12 | Follow the path and defeat more enemies that spawn |
13 | You will get to another clearing just like in Step 8. Defeat the enemies to get the next Bloodstream |
14 | Continue along the path while killing enemies that spawn |
15 | Get on another platform going up the lava elevator to get to the next area |
16 | Head to the last Bloodstream, and enter it to get to the last area |
17 | Use the phone to call Nico |
18 | Head up the path next to Nico's Van, and kill enemies |
19 | You will eventually get to the doorway to Urizen |
20 | Fight Urizen |
Mission 8 Tips & Tricks
1~19. Getting To Urizen - Tips
Combat Heavy Mission
When travelling to Urizen you will encounter several types of enemies. Make sure to stock up on items and Devil Breakers for the long road ahead.
2~6, 18. Defeating Empusas - Tips
Not That Hard To Defeat

Empusas are not that difficult when it comes to combat. You can chain combos with them easily, and they don't attack much nor hit very hard. When they do attack, you can easily sidestep away, and continue your combo after.
Watch Out For The Empusa Queen Spawn
Sometimes, an Empusa Queen will spawn. These enemies can take more hits, and their attacks pack quite a punch. Your best bet is to counter them right after they attack since there is a window where they pause after they lunge at you.
2, 10, 14. Defeating Raptors - Tips
Constantly Be On The Move Against Raptors

Raptors are fast creatures that do not normally have slow wind ups to their attacks. Make sure to keep an eye on Raptors that are crawling dangerously close to you, or getting ready to jump to avoid there pounces!
8. Defeating Hell Cainas - Tips
Be Ready To Dodge Attacks They Telegraph

Hell Cainas, although slow, will sometimes attack as a group. When you're focusing on one of these enemies, make sure to keep an eye on your surroundings. Some Hell Cainas may be winding up their attack on your blind side!
Check Controls and Character Movesets Here!Use Your Devil Breakers To Single Out Enemies

There may be times when you find yourself in a pinch due to the groups of enemies rushing you. You can use your Devil Breakers to clear out these waves. Charging up Devil Breakers can even clear out groups of enemies.
Check All Devil List & Guide Here!10, 14. Defeating Baphomets - Tips
Fight Baphomets One-On-One

Baphomets may spawn with other groups of enemies. Since they are elusive little creatures, it would be hard to focus your attacks on them for the time being. Eliminate the other easy to kill enemies until only you and the Baphomet are standing.
Watch Out For Baphomet Ice Projectiles

Baphomets mainly use ranged attacks when fighting. They telegraph these attacks by summoning 5 ice crystals, and then sending them towards you. As soon as they summon these crytals, be ready to dodge.
11. Heading To The Next Area - Tips
Statue Can Be Found Here

Once you get to the next area, make sure to visit the Statue to customize your loadout. Here, you can buy more Devil Breakers and items if you are running low on equipment.
12~13. Defeating Scudo & Proto Angelos - Tips
Focus On Killing Scudo Angelos First

Scudo Angelos are the lesser enemy between the two. They are much weaker, and can be taken down quickly. Use your grapple to pull them in close, and break their shields. This will help you get through their defenses.
Attack Proto Angelos Cautiously

Proto Angelos have big swords that have a wide range. Attacking them from a distance using Devil Breakers will keep them staggered. This gives you enough time to get in close and get your attacks in.
15. While Going Up The Platform - Tips
Secret Mission Available
While heading up the platform, take a look at where the lava is facing to find a series of objects that you can grapple to. If done successfully, you will then land on a platform where a secret mission is waiting to be completed.
Check Out The All Secret Mission List15, 18. Gold Orb Locations
Gold Orb At The Top Of The Second Lava Elevator

When riding the platform on the second lava elevator, do not immediately get off. Wait for the platform to reach its highest point, then jump upwards. You will collect a Gold Orb there.
Check Out Gold Orb Locations HereGold Orb Right Before The Boss Fight
Before getting to Urizen, there will be a ledge on the left. Use the tree branch, and Gerbera to get up to the ledge, and follow the path. A Gold Orb will be waiting for you at its end.
12,16. Blue Orb Fragment Locations
Blue Orb Fragment After The Divinity Statue

Past the divinity statue, there will be a path that will make you jump down. Across it is a ledge where a Blue Orb Fragment resides. Use the Air Hike technique, and the Gerbera Devil Breaker to get to it.
Check Out Blue Orb Fragment Locations HereBlue Orb Fragment At The Fourth Bloodstream

Before entering the fourth Bloodstream head behind it to find a tentacle enemy. Destroy it, and a Blue Orb Fragment will appear in front of the Bloodstream.
Urizen Boss Tips & Strategy
Attack The Red Rift Near Urizen

Urizen will summon a red rift next to him that he will mainly use to to attack you. Focus your attacks on this object to trigger a cutscene.
You Are Not Supposed To Defeat Urizen

After the cutscene, Urizen will stand up from his throne, and continue the fight. You are not supposed to win in this fight. Once you lose, you will trigger another cutscene, and end the mission.