Check out this guide on the Void in Devil May Cry 5! Find out what things you can do in the Void, features, options, and more to experiment with combos, and get better in Devil May Cry 5 (DMC5)!

Table of Contents
What Is The Void?
Customizable Training Room

The Void is a special area in Devil May Cry 5 that you can access via the menus. Here you will be able to experiment with your moves, combos, and loadouts to become better at playing the game!
Check Out Controls And Movesets HereTweak Options To Tailor Your Practice Session
There are several options that you can customize regarding the Void. These options include enemy actions, Devil Breaker loadouts, and more!
Configurable Options In The Void
Player Settings

Recover Reload Charge
Turning this setting to "ON" will prevent your equipped Devil Breakers from getting destroyed when you take damage while they are in use (with exception to Break Away). Turning this "OFF" negates the effect.
Unlimited Devil Breakers
This setting will allow you to have an unlimited amount of Devil Breakers that you can equip. This will be helpful when the experimenting with the different Devil Breakers, and incorporating them into your combos.
This section will let you choose your loadout before heading into the Void. You will be able to take with you a maximum of 4 items which you can then use to practice your moves.
Check Out The All Weapons List HereEnemy Settings

Enemy Action
The enemy action will allow you to choose the enemy's behavior while inside the Void. You can set it to stand still for practicing your moves, while setting it to attack will give you a moving sparring partner!
Enemy Damage
This setting when turned "OFF" will not damage your enemy, allowing you to practice your combos for a prolonged period of time. When this setting is "ON", it will display the damage done to enemies.
Enemy Selection
This option will allow you to choose which enemies will spawn inside the Void. You can set harder enemies to spawn to practice fighting tougher opponents, and think of new strategies to utilize in battle!