Check out this Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) main story walkthrough and guide for Mission 18 - Awakening. This includes gameplay and battle tips, mission tricks & techniques, and more.

Mission Progression & Walkthrough
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Mission 18 - Walkthrough
Mission 18 - Walkthrough Chart
1 | Proceed forward as soon as you start the mission until you trigger a cutscene |
2 | Move forward to trigger a cutscene again |
3 | Fight Griffon |
4 | Fight minor enemies after Griffon runs away |
5 | Move forward until you reach a spiked structure. Enter it to proceed forward |
6 | Continue straight until you encounter Shadow |
7 | Fight Shadow until he runs. Proceed forward and fight lesser demons along the way |
8 | Climb the ledge up and fight both Griffon and Shadow |
9 | Fight them until they run |
10 | Proceed forward until you reach another spiked structure to proceed forward |
11 | Use the Item Shop as needed before you proceed |
12 | Move forward until a custscene is triggered to fight all of V's familiars |
Mission 18 Tips & Tricks
3. Griffon Uses His Standard Attacks

Griffon uses the same attacks as he does when you control him, so they're very predictable. Simply dodge his projectile attacks. Rush him and he will go down fast.
7. Shadow Uses His Standard Attacks

Like Griffon, he uses his standard moveset against you. Watch out for his quick attacks.
7. Climb Ledges On Left To Find Area With Blue Orb Fragment

When you're running after Shadow, climb up the ledges on the left and defeat the 3 Empusas you encounter to reveal the Blue Orb Fragment.
Check Out All Blue Orb Fragment Locations!8. Fight Both Griffon & Shadow

You will be fighting both Griffon and Shadow in this sequence, and can be challenging when teaming up. Focus on Shadow as he moves and attacks faster.
Nightmare Boss Tips & Strategy
You'll Fight Against All of V's Familiars

V's pets will team up to fight you but prioritize Nightmare as he can revive Shadow and Griffon if they're down.
Nightmare Can Teleport

Though slow, Nightmare can quickly teleport from one point to another. Take this into consideration when approaching him.
Nightmare's Attacks Are Slow

His attacks are slow and heavy, so they're predictable. Dodge away when he swings his arms.
Watch Out For His Charged Beam

Nightmare can charge up a strong beam attack. Watch out when he crouches down, and his eye flashes. Evade to the sides and flank him as he's vulnerable when he's firing.
Mission Progression & Walkthrough
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