Check out this Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5) main story walkthrough and guide for Mission 8 - United Front. This includes gameplay and battle tips, mission tricks and techniques, and more.

Mission Progression & Walkthrough
All Mission Guide & Walkthrough ListMission 7 - Walkthrough
Mission 7 - Walkthrough Chart
This mission can be played as either Nero or V. The story doesn't change no matter which character you choose.
1 | Move forward through the tunnel until you trigger a cutscene |
2 | After the cutscene, continue onward - defeating the enemies that spawn |
3 | Go through the tunnel until you start a short cutscene - defeat the enemies to open up your path |
4 | Continue through the exit door & turn right - destroy the demon blood clot to unblock the path by the train |
5 | Go into the newly opened path until you reach the train platform |
6 | Defeat the enemies to open the path through the train |
7 | Head forward through the opening & destroy the demon blood clot to unblock your path |
8 | Go into the next train platform area - defeating enemies to open the area up |
9 | When the fight is over, go up the escalators |
10 | Once you reach the top, destroy the demon spawners & enemies in your path |
11 | Go up until you exit the train station |
12 | Move down towards the theater until you initiate a cutscene & encounter the boss demons |
13 | Destroy Proto Angelo & Scudo Andgelos to trigger a cutscene that will finish the mission |
Mission 7 Tips & Tricks
3., 5., 10. Destroy Demon Spawners First

In this mission, focus fire on the demon spawners you find in the middle of the field. It create demons every few seconds so it's best to destroy them first to whittle down enemy numbers.
4, 5. Find Orbs In Train Platform Area
Gold Orb On Top Of The Stairs

After getting to the Fire Exit area with spiraling stairs, head to the top floor where the stairs end. A Gold Orb will be waiting for you. Keep in mind that you will only be able to reach this area when playing as Nero.
Check Out All Gold Orb Locations!Gold Orb On Left Side Of Train Tracks

On the other side of the demon spawner, to the left of the escalator, you'll find a Gold Orb. Pick it up to add this to your inventory. Take note that you will only be able to reach this Gold Orb as V.
5, 8. White Orb Locations
Find White Orb On Top Of Train

If your DT gauge is lacking, make sure to grab the White Orb in this area. It can be found on top of one of the broken trains in the platform.
White Orb Is On Right Escalator

You can find a White Orb to the right escalator in the platform area. Grab it to replenish your Devil Trigger (DT) gauge.
9. Purple Mushrooms Send Out Paralyzing Orbs

While going up the escalators, you'll encounter enemies and purple mushroom that send out electric orbs that can paralyze you. If possible, run past them or destroy them if they are interfering in your fights.
Proto Angelo Boss Tips & Strategy
Destroy Scudo Angelos First

Proto Angelo will have several Scudo Angelos as support in this fight. Defeat them first to crowd control so that you won't get overpowered.
Focus Fire On Proto Angelo When Enemy Number Is Down

Once you only have a few Scudo Angelos left in the field, you can easily focus your firepower on Proto Angelo. Summon Nightmare to deal big damage to this boss.
Lock Onto Enemy To See Its Life Bar

When you're locked onto the enemy, you can see a green ring - this represents its life bar. You'll defeat Proto Angelo when the green ring is diminished.