Check out this Devil May Cry 5 (DMC5) boss fight guide and walkthrough versus King Cerberus. Learn about its battle moves, gameplay and combat tips, and more!

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King Cerberus - Moves & Abilities
Charging Bite

King Cerberus will quickly lunge and bite you. Watch out as this move is quite fast. Dodge to the side to evade.
Flaming Claw Attack

King Cerberus will pull back his arm and swing its claw for a wide flaming attack. Jump upwards to evade.
Electric Explosion Attack

King Cerberus will start to glow purple and explode after a few seconds. Dodge away to avoid damage. This will also signify a change in the element he's using.
Claw Swing Down

He will quickly swing his arm up and slam it down for a quick attack. Dodge to the sides to evade.
Ice Explosion Attack

Similar to his electric explosion, King Cerberus will start to glow white, and explode with ice damage after a few seconds. This also signifies a change in his element. Dodge away to avoid damage.
Falling Ice Attack

King Cerberus will roar and call upon huge shards of ice on top of you. Dodge sideways to evade however, be careful as the ground will not be level as there will be walls of ice on the ground.
Fire Explosion Attack

He will cycle his element again to his fire form. He will start to glow red hot and explode after a few seconds.
King Cerberus Boss Fight Tips
King Cerberus' Heads Change Elemental Attacks

Each one of Cerberus' heads has an element it uses and changes to during the fight. He can go from fire, lightning, and ice depending on which head is in control.
Attack with Swordmaster and Devil Sword Dante

Use the Swordmaster stance with Devil Sword Dante to deal more damage with your melee attacks. The Swordmaster style allows you to summon swords as you attack, which maximizes your melee damage.
Use Dante's Sin Devil Trigger Form To Deal More Damage

Sin Devil Trigger form can cause massive amounts of damage up close to King Cerberus so make sure to fill up your SDT gauge during the fight.
Attack The Heads To Stun Him

Always aim for his heads to maximize your damage. After dealing enough damage, you will stun him, giving you free hits.
Check Out Mission 16 After Beating The Boss